system requirements

hey Letters , you said that guy with a 2500 and 9800 128 will do fine on HL2. I have DDR500 ram, 2600+ barton, and 9800 pro 128. If I can run it at 1024x768, do you think that would include FSAA or AF? Sorry I'm kinda insecure with all this new tech coming out like the x800 and nvidia 6800 that kills the 9800 pro and the amd64fx owns my 2600 and i don't have the beloved 1 gig of ram. I'm really getting kinda down(not really) b/c I begged my parents to upgrade at Xmas and I did. But I guess you have to be rich to play the game "it's meant to be played." :x
I have:

P4 @ 1.80 GHZ
256 MB RAM
Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB

If i dont upgrade the RAm to 768 MB, what setting will i be able to play hl2 on? if i upgrade it to 768, what setting?512MB?
Cybernoid said:
ATI's website says that a 300 W supply is needed. The platinum version needs 350. On the other hand, I read about an ATI promo event where they ran the X800 on a 250 W PSU. I guess it depends on your CPU and other devices.

Well that just totally pwns the new nvidia right there...
kidrock450 said:
Amd 64 fx-53 with Hyper-Transport.

x800xt on pre-order from newegg.

8gb of DDR registered RAM.

Dual 148GB Western Digital Raptor 10,000 RPM

Creative GigaWork- 7.1 700-Watt Speakers (my surround sound!)
Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro High Definition 7.1 Surround Sound Card.

Come the end of the summer I am thinking about getting another x800xt and a Grand Canyon monitor display.

Dr. Freeman said:
im kinda worried about how the game will run on my comp.. :|


Athlon XP 2500+
512mb PC3200 DDR ram @ 400mhz
9600 Pro 128.

i am guessing the game will run on low settings.. medium settings at best :hmph: :x :|

but i guess thats the way it goes... i won't be able to upgrade til X-mas for sure.. oh well ;(

Youll probably bee an average of 30-40 fps on full settings.
what's the lowest graphics card that can handle hl2 on med settings, do you guys suppose?
Will I be able to run the game on my computer?

My System:
p4 3.2c ghz
p4p800 deluxe mobo
1GB dual channel corsair memory
ati 9800pro 128mb
160GB Samsung SATA drive
Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS
WinXP Professional etc...

So how will my rig fare guys :D
^Depends on your graphics card.

Athlonxp 2600+
512ddr ram
geforcefx 5200 < AHH

Im just gonna wait till the next gen of graphics cards come out then upgrade. At the moment its doing the job though :)
This is my computer:

p4 2.4ghz
1024mbs ram
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128mbs

Can i run the graphics on high?
ive been thinking, if i want to upgrade my gfx card, i need a new cpu, if i need a new cpu, a need a new mobo, so then i need a new HD and new RAM
G-Freeman said:
^Depends on your graphics card.

Athlonxp 2600+
512ddr ram
geforcefx 5200 < AHH

Im just gonna wait till the next gen of graphics cards come out then upgrade. At the moment its doing the job though :)
lol :dozey: I updated it with my graphics card. So how is my system looking? :naughty:
Wow.. I'm getting sick of these people with their uber-high end machines asking if Half-Life 2 will run on their systems. Seriously, 1 gigabyte of memory and an ATi Radeon 9800 Pro will run almost any game coming out for the next year or two. My computer doesn't even come close to yours and I'm positive that it will run Half-Life 2 well:

Pentium 4 2.66 GHz
512 mb PC-2700 RAM
GeForce 4 Ti4200 w/ AGP 8x

Please stop making useless posts if your computer will run Half-Life 2 well, especially if yours is souped up to unheard of levels (GMeister), I'm sure it will. You're just making me feel bad for not having such a great computer as yours :p
jsc1286 said:
Wow.. I'm getting sick of these people with their uber-high end machines asking if Half-Life 2 will run on their systems. Seriously, 1 gigabyte of memory and an ATi Radeon 9800 Pro will run almost any game coming out for the next year or two. My computer doesn't even come close to yours and I'm positive that it will run Half-Life 2 well:

Pentium 4 2.66 GHz
512 mb PC-2700 RAM
GeForce 4 Ti4200 w/ AGP 8x

Please stop making useless posts if your computer will run Half-Life 2 well, especially if yours is souped up to unheard of levels (GMeister), I'm sure it will. You're just making me feel bad for not having such a great computer as yours :p
I was being a smartass and trying to make the same point you were. I couldn't resist throwing in my high end system in there for torture.
Good, I shall now shake your hand GMeister and crawl back into my hole to flame another unsuspecting person at a later time.
Hey a fast one here!!! :bounce:

P4 2,8GHZ Geforce4600TI 512DDR

Im not good at computers, but i was wondering if i can run hl2 smooth? no flames plz
makes me want a mega computer too!!!!!
my computers not even close:

Pentium 4 @1.80GHZ
256 MB RAM
Geforce4MX 64 MB
upgrading to 768 MB RAM, and Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB

i am sure it will run well also.

jsc1286 said:
Wow.. I'm getting sick of these people with their uber-high end machines asking if Half-Life 2 will run on their systems.

I agree. And I know damn c0cking well that my recently upgraded Asus a7n8x, xp3200+, Radeon 9800pro badboy will run it just fine. With bells on. :cheese:
Darkknighttt said:
makes me want a mega computer too!!!!!
my computers not even close:


I'm telling you you're not sure and you're right at being so.
That Pentium will be a big friggin' bottleneck for the Radeon...and so you still won't be able to enjoy nice frame rates on max detail...
when valve say max detail, all that contains is more detailed sprites better textures and all fancy HDR lighting, if you guys run it without the higher settings it will still look nice, and play well, valve are very clever and have designed this game for the multitude of modern PC's.

so I can imagine if your computer isnt mega wicked, it wont be much of a problem atall performance optimised . ;) we'll all beable to enjoy it , some people just seem to think they have to fork out to radeon for an X800 because it'll run it flawlessly (and it will, just 1 problem .. leaves a big dent in the old wallet :LOL: ), but from what ive heard a radeon 9600 128meg will run it flawlessly at high settings. :p

and to give people who arnt clear a better understanding, I bought a Radeon 9600XT 256mb for £135, about £160 dollars but im sure its cheaper than that in America. something like $120 probably. :D the 9600xt will most definately fly it , even with HDR enabled probably,, as for resolution and AA / AF.. well,.. thats limited (1024 by 768 would probably be as far as id stretch it, dont need much more than that anyway. hurts your eyes :) ). but only fussy people care about that :p, as for proccesor 2 to 2.8 gig is wonderful
Sapphire radeon 9200 Atlantis (256mb)

Here are my specs.....
Pentium 4 3.0 (Prescotte)
512 DDR Ram
Sapphire radeon 9200 Atlantis (256mb)

.. I was just wondering..... would my graphics card be able to support graphic details at max without considering the technologies not supported by this card.
Could i have an average of 30 FPS?

1 other question..... does anyone know if the Radeon x800 will be bundled with HL2 by any supplier?
clarky003 said:
when valve say max detail, all that contains is more detailed sprites better textures and all fancy HDR lighting, if you guys run it without the higher settings it will still look nice, and play well, valve are very clever and have designed this game for the multitude of modern PC's.

Bingo and yet people still wonder if their PC's will run Hl2
r4ge said:
Here are my specs.....
Pentium 4 3.0 (Prescotte)
512 DDR Ram
Sapphire radeon 9200 Atlantis (256mb)

.. I was just wondering..... would my graphics card be able to support graphic details at max without considering the technologies not supported by this card.
Could i have an average of 30 FPS?

1 other question..... does anyone know if the Radeon x800 will be bundled with HL2 by any supplier?

not max detail but it would still look pretty sweet im sure, and if its playability your after, you should beable to get some good setting levels still and run it faster than 30 FPS, closer to 40 perhaps.. depending on resolution but the proccessor should really help. ;), you'll just have to fiddle with settings, but no doubt the installation will give you the recommended settings. :D

as for the other question, I dont have a clue, but im sure a bundle will most likely be released , it makes sense anyway.
"Bingo and yet people still wonder if their PC's will run Hl2" - Kyo

Im not wondering if my pc will run Hl2... im worried that it will not be able to run it at maxed graphic details. I have no doubts..... my PC will handle perfectly HL2... i am very concerned about details though..
well Id say seeing valves comments,, anything above 2 gig, 1 gig of RAM. and a 9600 pro 128mb will handle the maxed out stuff fairly well, when it comes to setting the game option details. with resolution at your standard 1024 by 768. but it all depends on your configuration, some 2 gigs can run like 2.6 gig's and vice versa, just because of their set up, and often how clean and well organised the hard drives are. that can make a hudge difference
Pentium4 2.0 GHZ
Geforce 3

How should that run it at medium or what? I want to know, in case for some reason my 9800 upgrade doesnt work out.


Pentium4 2.0 GHZ
Sapphire ATI 9800 Pro

I know that the 9800 will run it, but do you hardware buffs think it will be able to go at highest settings, etc?
Will mine run hl2? I may have to run it on low details
Pentium 59 4,000,000ghz
ATI RADEON 1000000 overclocked to 3,000,000ghz
1024terabytes of ram
100000000rpm hard drive
Ahem, so funny ... do you mean 'The GREAT Nation of TEXAS perhaps?'

The answer would be no, anyway, as it plainly doesn't exist :p
willyd said:
Will mine run hl2? I may have to run it on low details
Pentium 59 4,000,000ghz
ATI RADEON 1000000 overclocked to 3,000,000ghz
1024terabytes of ram
100000000rpm hard drive

There's not so much people asking if it will run as they are if people think it'll be able to go on hgih, medium, or low settings.

See: My Geforce question and my 9800 bottleneck question
Will mine run hl2? I may have to run it on low details
Pentium 59 4,000,000ghz
ATI RADEON 1000000 overclocked to 3,000,000ghz
1024terabytes of ram
100000000rpm hard drive
I think you can pull off 60 FPS with low details at around 800x600 if you're lucky.
willyd said:
Will mine run hl2? I may have to run it on low details
Pentium 59 4,000,000ghz
ATI RADEON 1000000 overclocked to 3,000,000ghz
1024terabytes of ram
100000000rpm hard drive

You could play 1000 games at the same time on this computer. You can minimize them all and go on the internet with no lag and the games will have 2000 FPS and 0 LAG

Darkknighttt said:
You could play 1000 games at the same time on this computer. You can minimize them all and go on the internet with no lag and the games will have 2000 FPS and 0 LAG


No your very wrong as lag is over the internet. and its using a new hi speed 14.4kbps dial-up modem