Tablet Trouble


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
My tablet seems to be going abit funny, im not sure if its playing up or somthing. Basicly i got a Wacom, the end of the pen that is ment to be a rubber isnt working as a rubber and is just drawing down what ever brush i have selected. And also the pressureness of it dosnt seem to be working, it dosnt matter how light/hard i press its always coming out with the same darkness and thincknes.

im using PS btw, thanx for any help
hmm, sounds like you might have set the eraser to something other than erase in the control panel and also changed the pressure settings.

Though also try restarting PS or rebooting the machine.. Also make sure you've enough power for it (I've got my scanner, webcam/camera, dongles powered separately while the wacom gets its power from the PC)
Well, i think the back is set to eraser, i may have changed some of the settings by mistake but i dont know how to change it back. It has been working fine so i dont think its the power. Perhaps i have clicked on somthing in photo shop that has made it go abit funny :(

Ahhh not to worry, seems to have fixed its self up. May as well delete this thread.