Taking a Sabbatical


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Just a heads up that I'm off the site for a year. So haters rejoice and enjoy your :dozey: free period. Anyone else who wants to keep in touch and isn't already in my steam friends list: -


Though be aware if I don't recognise your Steam name I probably won't accept.


In short, basically the .net has become a major distraction from getting other things done in my personal time. I've a large pile of half read/unread books, half started/unstarted games as well as a few personal projects that I'd like to get on top of (like going from 0 to 10 in using Flash for example) and it seems to me that cutting out one of my prime internet vices for a year would go a hell of a long way towards allowing me to clear some of that personal backlog (all those half hours here and there soon add up).

You'll still find me posting on www.rockpapershotgun.com occasionally, but my RPS habit is a lot more manageable as it's more a news site than a community site.

Why a year?

I've been pondering it for a while since listening to the latest podcast at


and the tale of a guy who gave up video games for a year (insanity I know) and it got me thinking about what I could give up to concentrate on other things, and after a bit of deliberation the .Net came up as the obvious answer.

So anyway here's hoping Valve announce Episode 3 and Portal 2 (and maybe CS 2) for later in the year. Here's hope you all enjoy your gaming and please go easy on new members (people are way too snarky to them).

Ok Pi take me to jail

* Jumps in limo

*deletes book mark

* Picks up M.John Harrisions Viriconium and gets back to finding out what's happening to Tegeus-Cromis
I wish I had the balls to leave this site, but it'd be like losing a good friend/family member.

I love all of you. Good luck Kadayi.
We'll see you when you get back and someone will keep your seat warm.

Good Luck.
lmao you are getting off of a game discussion site to finish playing your games.

The **** haha. Why not just stop coming here?
A year?

You'll never last. Even I was only able to make it half a year!

Have fun trying though, take care.
My short attention span prevents me from spending an inordinate amount of time on anything I shouldn't. Even things like writing forum p
good luck, but you should also ban this site from all your browsers just to be sure
No one leaves this site. Those who join are trapped forever. Those who claim they have "left" have simply perished into agony, living on the streets and snorting cocain through their dickholes.

True story.
I think I left for a couple years and just came back and started posting again like nothing ever happened. :D
I've never sat here and thought, "I am on this site too much..." because I usually get bored after 10 minutes when I've seen all the posts I care about. Then I come back in a few hours and something new is posted!

People who have to ban themselves from something on the internet need a bit more self control imo.
People who have to ban themselves from something on the internet need a bit more self control imo.
Yeah, but that's the problem. They don't have the self control to give themselves more self control.
Hey man, have a good year! I'll maybe see you in one of the RPS threads. Possibly debating piracy/ratings, possibly not.
Wish you well Kadayi. Your intelligent posting will be missed.

Merry Christmas.
Sabbatical, sounds like a Jewish thing. Of course I'm thinking sabbath.
Shut your ass up, noob.

No wait, shut your mouth and open your ass up.

No wait, open your mouth and keep your ass open.

Willeh and Pitz will be here momentarily, and I shall be the director.
I am in my room and it's not rape if your willing.

Someone get the gag balls, we got a feisty one, but he shouldn't be too hard to crack..

In the crack.
Anyways, good luck Kadayi with whatever it is you are doing.
Merry Christmas, and we'll see you back on here in December of 2010, I assume.
Later bro.

I could never do something like this. I'd get myself banned, delete my bookmarks, and I'd still find myself lurking the forums while logged out. Happened every time I tried to take a break or got banned.
Me too. That time I left in a huff I could only keep myself away for maybe a month before I was lurking. And the other time I tried to disappear, I settled for staying logged out for a while. This site will never die.
Shit, I forgot - I left another time before as well. I remember I had 9,999 posts and wanted it to stay. I checked in occasionally to see I had some messages asking about me, and eventually I came back.

EH, I'll probably leave more times and come back. I just get bored and then start to rely on this place for amusement. So it sucks when nothing's happening.
I've never sat here and thought, "I am on this site too much..." because I usually get bored after 10 minutes when I've seen all the posts I care about. Then I come back in a few hours and something new is posted!

People who have to ban themselves from something on the internet need a bit more self control imo.

Seriously, these threads give me the lols.