talk about the iron sight for rifles

May 12, 2004
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I'm a rifleman, I use a lot kar with iron sight for aiming ennemies at long range. However, There are couple things I really don't like about it. First, it zoom too slowly. Second, while zooming, u move as slow as u're holding a bazooka, that's kinda rediculous. Third, the iron sight blocks ur view on half of the screen, and the skin looks so bad.

COD 2 demo has the best iron sight i have seen so far, it doesn't block much ur view, the skin and model just look better than the one in dod source (in my opinion). It would be great if someone can convert or make the cod2 rifle models to replace the one in dod source, especially for the iron sight.
Iron sights suck. I want my goddamned bayonet back.
I like the ironsights, but they are a (slow and therefore very dangerous) option in DoD. I know they are trying to avoid cs style sniping and super-aim, but come-on. by the time the iron sights are up your target can sprint 20 yards. I could see maybe raising them to take a bit of time to refocus your eyes, but not that long, and why is there a delay in coming out of sighting? do you have to peel your face off the butt of the rifle? The speed they set it at is for balance but the process cuts off periferral vision far too greatly in between using the sights and not using them.

And does anyone know why they removed melee attacks using the rifles? is it purely to discourage advancing on the enemy at all as a rifleman? I think they are trying to force you to use the "given standard" class for a task too hard.

I play it lots...

Is there a certain server you're all playing on?
btw, it's Idonotbelonghere :P

I thought I wouldn't post much because I didn't like internet forums, so I put that as my name...but I should have just used my game name, KillerbeaN :(
I didn't know there was such thing as a forum worth posting in until
Defpotec22 said:
have you seen brothers in arms IS? BiA > CoD

damn right...the iron sights in dods look like a freaking plastic toy held up to the face....his eyes are focuses on the foreground and the back of the sight. that's an impossibility.

it's like having super laser weapons in a ww2's beyond physics and logic
213 said:
it's like having super laser weapons in a ww2's beyond physics and logic
You have obviously never played RTCW :rolleyes:

lol jk :P
Idonotbelonghere said:


No. But as they don't have iron sights for all weapons and still have haircrosses the end result is not as good as it could have been.

Iron sights for all weapons and no haircross would be great for this game, you should have a large cone when not looking through the sights obviously.