Target sued...

I can certainly understand what they're going for, but it also seems slightly over the top that business would have to change their website to accomidate everyone.

According to the W3C every organization has to do this small to large enterprises (whether or not they do this is questionable). But Target should of made this a priority, afterall they are a primary place for commerce, and it is harder to slip undetected.

But it seems too much sueing them over this.

The Conservative Party website had a similar problem, but instead of being sued, they were given a complaint. I believe they have rectified the problem now.
It is true that every organization has to do this. But Target should of made this a priority, afterall they are a primary place for commerce, and it is harder to slip undetected.


I mean, come on. I highly doubt there was a meeting between the bigwigs at Target where they all sat around some giant marble table in a skyscraper, the head honcho said "**** the handicapped", and all the underlings silently nodded their head in approval.
Not really.
I wrote an essay on blind people using the internet, using text to speech software, one guy who was completely blind could order his weekly shopping online by himself.

There are alot of blind people who use the internet, all thats being asked is that they have a text only link at the top for blind people to use.
I mean, come on. I highly doubt there was a meeting between the bigwigs at Target where they all sat around some giant marble table in a skyscraper, the head honcho said "**** the handicapped", and all the underlings silently nodded their head in approval.

That's the most comedy I've had all day :D

-Angry Lawyer
DAMN YOU DAN TURK! I demand a blind-man's!
I'm suing you all for not being blind. And if you are blind, I'm suing you for not falling into the previous category.