Team America, F*ck Yeah!


Jul 11, 2003
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Okay, this movie looks/sounds awsome. It's by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, you know, the guys who do South Park. It's about a group called "Team America: World Police," that fights terrorism all over the world. Oh, and they're doing it all with puppets. Well, marionettes to be precise, sort of in the vein of the old show "Thunderbirds." Anyway,The main theme song is called "Team America, F*ck Yeah!" and somewhere in there is a harcore puppet sex scene.

I'm a huge fan of Southpark and I can't wait for this movie. If you can get past the crude nature of some of the jokes, there's actually some really smart social satire to be found at the core of South Park. They take shots at both the right and the left, which is one of the reasons I really love these guys' humor. I can't wait.

IGN had a bunch of photos up earlier but apparently Paramount asked them to take the pics down. I managed to save one and I'll attach it. Also, here's a hilarious set report from AICN:


  • team-america.jpg
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hahaha interesting, this should be fun to watch.
I submit exhibit A ladies and gentlemen: Thunderbirds

It'll blow, trust me.
Dalamari said:
I submit exhibit A ladies and gentlemen: Thunderbirds

It'll blow, trust me.

Dude, the entire point is to MAKE FUN of Thunderbirds. If this movie blows I'll send you 50 bucks. Seriously.
Hey....I liked the Thunderbirds. :D
Can't get campier than that.
DarkStar said:
Dude, the entire point is to MAKE FUN of Thunderbirds. If this movie blows I'll send you 50 bucks. Seriously.

No, the entire point is to make fun of the US foreign policy.
They're simply likening it to the Thunderbirds to give it more of a sting.
*cough* poorlyorchastratedthunderbirdsripoffmascaradingassatire *cough*
Andy said:
*cough* poorlyorchastratedthunderbirdsripoffmascaradingassatire *cough*

Poorly orchestrated? Have you seen it? How do you know that?

I guarantee you this movie will be amazing.
Andy said:
*cough* poorlyorchastratedthunderbirdsripoffmascaradingassatire *cough*

/me gives Andy a Halls

I used to watch Thunderbirds when I was a kid. I could never find the time that it was on, but when I did find it, it was fascinating.

The fact that the movie is being made by the two guys from South Park should be an indication of how crazy this movie could be.

I wounder what the last movie was that used only puppeteers?
LOl i useto watch the thunderbirds. they are making a real life movie of the thunderbirds.. kinda looks stupid tho..
I hope it's as good as

the thunderbirds gave me the creeps as a kid. ...could never walk by a store manniquin again without watching it ....vvvery closely just in case it tried to jump eat me or something. damn wooden puppets freak me out with their beady eyes and their stabby fingers :sniper: :x
McFly said:
wtf are you doing with my avatar

Ever since I saw that e3 video I always wanted an avatar where the guy is getting blown off the crane.....Did you make it?

I love South Park, I hope this new show/movie is as good
CptStern said:
the thunderbirds gave me the creeps as a kid. ...could never walk by a store manniquin again without watching it ....vvvery closely just in case it tried to jump eat me or something. damn wooden puppets freak me out with their beady eyes and their stabby fingers :sniper: :x

That's one of the reasons why the show was so interesting for me. The creepyness made it cool. There wasn't a lot of that on TV then (still isn't much of it today either).