Team-Fortress 2 - Dynamic Levels


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, so my last 'story' news post fell flat on its proverbial face, so this news post will be kept in order.[br]CVG have a small section from the PC Gamer TF2 Preview posted online. This section focuses on the Dynamic Levels which will be found in TF2.[br]
As for how the dynamic maps work in practice, that was hard to judge. The match we played on Hydro, the first map to use this special game mode, was enormous fun. But as extensive as our playtest was, they didn't let us play on the map for three years, and that's the kind of heavy use under which this system should flourish.[br]What we did notice is that this is not just a Battlefield type system with some control points 'locked'. When a point is not in play, routes to that section of the map are physically blocked off, so the physical shape of the map is different for every combination of points. That forces you to revise your mental picture of the map, and see it as fresh again.
[br]Read the whole thing here and find a video explaining how the system works in more detail can also be found at that link[br]Hope that is simple enough for you all!
So the terain will deform?
It's about damn time! I remember the videos of VALVe showing the terrain changing in real time before HL2 was out. Are they finally going to use it?
I did something kind of like that for UT... it worked ok, but sometimes people got trapped on the outside :imu:
dynamic levels !? omgwtfbbq !

Yeaaaah... Pretty sure this has been in Havana on CS: Source for years now.

EDIT: Damn you Pete! I am shaking my fist here.
Dynamic levels? Am I the only one to think:
I like Havana. It gives me a reason for buying NV.

Oh shi- *Gets stoned to death*
With cs_havana you spawn in the same place and have the same perspective of the enemy base. You go down a hall only to find it blocked. With this it looks like you would spawn in a different place. And so I doubt you will think you can go down a hall only to find it blocked. Hopefully it will be easy to tell which way to the enemy base. I'm sure people will get it down pretty soon based on where they spawned.

Sorta like in DOD if you are new to the game how you might be confused when spawning in a different building at spawn and how to get to the main road. Once you know all the paths you are set.

Hopefully it doesn't trick you like with cs_havana.
EDIT: Aww man sorry guys just looked in the forums and it's already been posted as a topic. My bad :( But how come Evo didn't mention anything about the new EP2 Preview in his TF2 finding on CVG? Naughty Evo!
Blast you!

Will be fixed asap!

Too bad the second link is dead, I would have liked to see that video.

Btw the link to the video is also available via the other link :O

EDIT: Aww man sorry guys just looked in the forums and it's already been posted as a topic. My bad :( But how come Evo didn't mention anything about the new EP2 Preview in his TF2 finding on CVG? Naughty Evo!

That is online :O
Btw we have known this would be in TFC2 for a while now. Oh and your right whatever happened to the deformable terrain.
Probably scrapped. I wonder if they took the code out or left it in.
I suspect it caused issues with other parts of the game - AI noding, for example.
I read it on Slashdot - am I correct in presuming this is the 'change the route' method of mutable maps?