Team Fortress 2

Jul 9, 2004
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OK, I don't think this belongs here, but I couldn't find where to post it. Anyways....

Team Fortress 2 - What's the Big Deal?
I played the original Team Fortress, and my impression on it were "Meh." It wasn't bad, but it wasn't that entertaining. So I was just wondering, what's the big hype for TF2? I'd rather VALVe work on a co-op, themed multiplayer expansion, rather than a sequel to a game that, IMO, wasn't the greatest.
I know I'm probably wrong, so I'd just like to be clued in. Why's everybody worked up about Team Fortress 2?
Theres already an online multi-player coop game, Sven Coop. Some "missions" even have multiple maps.
You played Team Fortress, or Team Fortress Classic? There's a difference :p
From what I we saw of TF2 years ago, it looked like a pretty big departure from TFC. I'm not sure if that's still the case today, but I reckon it would. It seemed to have a more military-themed emphasis, with holding bunkers with machine guns and planting explosives on tanks.
It actually kind of reminded me of Front Line Force, or even FireArms.

While I certainly wouldn't mind this, so long as the core of the TF games remained, I also wouldn't mind a return to the kind of arcadey style that existed in TFC.
Personally I find TFC to be the most enjoyable mod for HL, so that is why I'm excited about the sequel. CS is fun no doubt, but year after year I kept going back to old TFC.
The big hype is that TFC rocks so much... so TF2 must rock even more! :D
There's a difference between TFC and TF?
And I know Sven Co-Op is Co-Op, I've used it. It's fun, but not really themed. More of a random shooter. I'd like themed multiplayer like Outbreak has for Resident Evil, only with chat abilities and of course, Half-Life themed.
BetaMaster said:
There's a difference between TFC and TF?

The ORIGINAL "Team Fortress" was a Quake mod.

The team responsible was later snatched up by Valve. "Team Fortress Classic" is for Half-Life.
I tried a couple of games of TF and i well i er...i hated it tbh. just wasnt fun at all and the poeple on it are ignorant.

Well thats just me some people like it.
KurtCobain said:
I tried a couple of games of TF and i well i er...i hated it tbh. just wasnt fun at all and the poeple on it are ignorant.

Sounds like a typical game of Counter-Strike to me.

Meh. To each his own.
Hehe lol yea

To make CS /CS:S fun u have to not read the chat :D

Im a DoD guy myself (i play one DoD server only) there great on there :) i do play a lil cs:s tho ;D

On topic: Valve havent said much about TF2 have they, cept ''its coming in the not so distant future''
TF2 info from the leak (spoilers - beware):

> There is references to some sort of Technology Voting (probably similar to tfc tech see previous news posts)

> your team has a resource bank account, it costs resources to get techs (which tech your team buys is voted on)

> There will be 6 different tech levels

> Different technologies can combine

> you must already have certain techs before you can access new ones

> Technologies can be part of a maps goal/objective.

> techs will be either new weapons, modifiers, items, abilities

> Engineers/Sappers(?) can build sandbags, resource pumps/boxes, anti-mortars

> voice comms are included ala tfc

> there is respawn times called re-inforcement times set at every 15 seconds ala bf1942

> the 2 team names referenced in the code are called humans and aliens

> there may be bots included

> there is reference to a terrain modifier

> Recons have jetpacks (maybe a tech?)

> There are shields ala CS

> Shields will reduce damage, in most cases it wont stop damage

> shield does stop blast damage though

> When you kill some one it will say the killer, the victim and the assistant (I think who also dealt damage to the victim) - trying to promote teamplay?

> some of the ammo types include: Bullets, Rockets, Grenades, ShieldGrenades, Shotgun Energy, PlasmaGrenade, Resource chunks, Limpets, Gasoline, RallyFlags, EMPGenerators

> The classes in the game are:

RECON = Scout
COMMANDO = Demoman
MEDIC = Medic
SNIPER = Sniper
SUPPORT = variation of soldier
ESCORT = variation of soldier
SAPPER = Engineer
PYRO = Pyro

> There are sticky grens ala sticky pipes in tfc tech

> Recon Class can do some sort of wall jump and mid air jump

> the Sentry Gun will have guided rockets

> The rockets have a max range and will start to drop

> other weapons also have max ranges

> Infiltrator again has instant kill knife and you will lose your disguise

> The Harpoon can impale things (even players?)

> you can have multiple people in the vehicle (ie 1 shooting, 1 driving)

> There is a 3rd person view for vehicles

Team Fortress 2:

- TF2: Here are some classes: Chooser (maybe not a class), Commando, Defender, Escort, Infiltrator, Medic, Pyro, Recon, Snapper, Sniper, Support.

- Some words found in TF2 source, what they mean is in question: Burst rifle, Charged Plasma, Laser Rifle, Base Shield, Plasma Grenade Launcher, Combat Shield, Drain Beam, Flamethrower, Gas Can, Grenade Rocket, Limpet Mine, Mortar, Harpoon, Infiltrator, Laser Designator, Minigun, Repair Gun, Rocket Launcher, Shield Grenade, Two Handed Container.

- TF2 Vehicles: Battering ram, Flatbed, Motar, Motorcycle, Siege Tower, Tank, Wagon, Teleport station. 'Walkers': ministrider, strider.

- Other interesting words: Armor Upgrade, meteor, gasoline, vehicle bay, Builder, Hole, and Warrior 'bugs'. Shield wall, Four Wheel Vehicle, Barbed wire, buff station, dragons teeth, emp generator, manned missile launcher, power pack, rally flag, vehicle boost, mobile shield.

- TF2 'objects': Manned gun, Base Driver Gun, Base Upgrade, Driver Machine gun, Manned PlasmaGun.

Again, I've only looked at filenames, the actually code has comments that will help explain some items, like usage and primary and secondary fire. More on that later. There are some strange things though, like in the HL autorun code it have a registry entry 'Half Life Day One'. That was the original HL1 demo wasn't it? Odd. Either way, I have a hard time believing this is fake, and if it is, excellent job to whoever did it.

More detailing info on each gun/vehicle/item coming soon...
Recon Jumps:

> Double Jump
> Wall Jump
> Water Jump
> Air Jump
> Strafe Jump
> Duck Jump (mods velocity/speed)

also an interesting comment line is:

// When in the air, recon travels ballistically
I am more eagerly awaiting TFC:S because I simply adore the gameplay TFC has. We really don't know much about TF2 yet so I may well end up eating those words. It'd be scary to tally the number of nights I've stayed up until 5am playing TFC :x
I think you're right Absinthe about that arcade element. I like both styles and the balance of previous incarnations was pretty much spot on. Of course if it does turn out to be more FLF than TFC that could still be fine. I'm sure 3rd party stuff will eventually cater.

I swapped from playing q3a demo, at which I was pretty good (bighead), for TFC. Actual teamwork and, for the first couple of years, pretty much the best server attitude I'd come across.
I'm not entirely sure if even spoiler tags will stop that from being deleted. Still, that was some very interesting information that I had not read before. Thanks.
Two things I can think of that has not been done yet with games that Tf2 was supposed to have in it.

The voice over IP stuff they were doing is even ahead of what's out there now in games. The soldiers mouth is synced, so it seems your team mates are talking to you thought the player models.

I don't know if any of this stuff will be in TF2 now, but I do remember @ E3 2003, them showing how well they could sync the voice acting to any language with the G-man speaking Japanese.

Also the concept of a RTS commander view that I don't think any game has implemented yet, although I read that BF2 will have something like that for way points.
err...natural selection has a rts view. you should try it out its really great
The models might well have some rudimentary "lip synch" but I thought that in HL2 they used language scripts to synch.
Sp00kyb0y said:
Two things I can think of that has not been done yet with games that Tf2 was supposed to have in it.

The voice over IP stuff they were doing is even ahead of what's out there now in games. The soldiers mouth is synced, so it seems your team mates are talking to you thought the player models.

I don't know if any of this stuff will be in TF2 now, but I do remember @ E3 2003, them showing how well they could sync the voice acting to any language with the G-man speaking Japanese.

Also the concept of a RTS commander view that I don't think any game has implemented yet, although I read that BF2 will have something like that for way points.


And as said, Natural Selection had an RTS view.

TF2 still had the idea earlier...I think...should be...
I think most of the ideas we have heard for TF2 are staying. I'm sure they have been plenty of more designed into the gameplay and I can't wait to see what they have done! Hopefully we can get some sort of trailer/teaser and information before this year is up. :)
Yes it was Chinese, my bad.

I never player natural selection before, it sounds cool.

I guess my point was, looking back Valve was way ahead of their time with the concept of TF2 and in some cases still are.

I hope they have some new stuff to WOW us with.

humans and aliens? ministriders? sounds like it could be... could it.. based loosely in the hl2 world?
because that would totally rule
I love TFC! It's fast paced, lotta action, stuff blowing up, and the fact that you can be different roles was something I really enjoyed. You can be a defensive engineer with those automated guns they can build, or an offensive spy playing it smart, or a medic, or a demo man etc. Plus the fact that it's capture the flag. And the physics, I love the physics! The fact that you can use your rocket to blast yourself all over, or those scout grenades that make you go flying across the map.

True, it isn't a DOD game with 1 shot kills(though the sniper can get them with head shots), backround history and realism, but it's pretty fun and there is a lot of skill envolved. It can be pretty hard to kill a scout with your flag moving 500mph through the air. I can't count the amount of times I have laughed till it hurt while playing TFC.
A lot of the ideas for TF2 have been incorporated into newer games, but were originial at the time
-battles using vehicles
-overhead commander view

I loved the frantic feeling of TFC. never played TF though.
I'm surprised they don't just cancel work on TF2 altogether. I know they put a lot of work into it, and all. But Team Fortress is basically a forgotten game. Years ago, it was the very first class-based team-combat multiplayer game... on Quake Team Fortress. People thought it was extremely innovative and cool. It was. Back then! Once Counter-Strike came out, TFC basically died off. And with good reason, the gameplay isn't that great. The action elements are fine, but the fact that the most effective weapon in the game (proven by server stats) is the GRENADE, it really weakens the class-based gameplay. I'd argue TFC never took off because of primeable-grenades, but ay.

Actually, instead of cancelling, they should just rename it. Or focus on the "Brotherhood of Arms" title. Do NOT call it TF2, because no one will have any idea what that is. And TF1 fans will know what BOA is anyway.
Imagine how awesome the new pyro will be with HL2 style flames. mmmmmmmmh. fap
well I will take the general TFC elitist stance:

The reason many of you didn't like TFC was because of the learning curve. Hate to say it, but thats why CS is so popular... its way to easy. Thats the reason it died off, people didn't take the time to learn the game... but if you did, you were in for a treat.

It was like doing acrobats and blowing shit up... :-D... not to mention league play was some of the most exciting stuff to watch.
TFC had some hugely skilled players too. See a triple conc pulled off and stop defending to stand open mouthed saying "****er!". It could also be immensely funny, like new players thinking that an Engineer was beating them with thier wrench and taking offence.
BetaMaster said:
I'd rather VALVe work on a co-op, themed multiplayer expansion, rather than a sequel to a game that, IMO, wasn't the greatest.

That's exactly what it's going to be. Expect info after HL-2 release, likely not until 2005 though.
So basically TF2 is going to be alot like BF1942. Vehicles etc etc. Totally team based. I guess this is why people are so excited about it because this is where multiplayer games are heading. These are the popular ones....

Just a shame it wasn't released with hl2...
Kamakiri said:
So basically TF2 is going to be alot like BF1942. Vehicles etc etc. Totally team based. I guess this is why people are so excited about it because this is where multiplayer games are heading. These are the popular ones....

Just a shame it wasn't released with hl2...

More like BF2 mixed with TFC.

<3 TF2

But maybe that's just nostalgia for me :D

Can't wait for TF2. Hope it's not too realistic.
It's rumoured that since Valve sat down and thought about its direction they've turned it towards a more sci-fi theme.

Thing about rumours is I probably heard that from a magazine who heard that from someone quoting an industry insider who actually heard that from an extermely lucky guess by a drunk who made it all up on the spot.
I used to play Q1TF, and it was one of the best games ever. Nothing like Rjing up the enemy balcony, taking out the snipers and then nail grenading a sentry :)

Can't wait for this mod.
Never liked tfc. But i always look forward to new games.
laputanmachine said:
I'm surprised they don't just cancel work on TF2 altogether. I know they put a lot of work into it, and all. But Team Fortress is basically a forgotten game. Years ago, it was the very first class-based team-combat multiplayer game... on Quake Team Fortress. People thought it was extremely innovative and cool. It was. Back then! Once Counter-Strike came out, TFC basically died off. And with good reason, the gameplay isn't that great. The action elements are fine, but the fact that the most effective weapon in the game (proven by server stats) is the GRENADE, it really weakens the class-based gameplay. I'd argue TFC never took off because of primeable-grenades, but ay.

Actually, instead of cancelling, they should just rename it. Or focus on the "Brotherhood of Arms" title. Do NOT call it TF2, because no one will have any idea what that is. And TF1 fans will know what BOA is anyway.

Your entire argument is flawed on the grounds that Team Fortress Classic is still played and is relatively popular.

You also seem to think that Valve has done nothing to improve the TF gameplay. It would be ludicrous to expect TFC with little more than new graphics.

I happen to prefer TFC's gameplay more than Counter-Strike's. Your making a bad comparison, since both games are very different. Just because the TF games' gameplay mechanics are older than CS's does not mean that they are subpar.

As for your insistence on Valve changing the name of the game, it doesn't really make sense. You say nobody would know what "TF2" is, but the fact is that more people would be be able to identify that name than they would with merely "Brotherhood of Arms". The TF games are well-known throughout the gaming world.