Tech demo for [unannounced]

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Here you go: (29Mb)

Some notes:

This is from when we were using Source as a base. The video is to show some of the gameplay elements we were implementing.

The Valve models, textures and sounds are placeholders. Replacing them wasn't a necessity at that stage.

The HUD elements and the 2D overlays (for the RTS aspect) have been removed because I'd get shot otherwise.

The pauses in movement generally indicate where the RTS elements were in use (i.e. for controlling the tanks)

The AI was in a state of vast suckage.

Anyway, enjoy.
Very nice. I love it so far. My only crit is that the tesla tank is way too powerful. Give it a slow recoil, or something. I am very interested. Keep us posted.
(The AI did noticably suck. :p)
We were a long way from the balancing stage. Just getting the vehicles to go where they were told and shoot properly was a nightmare. It could also be horribly random - it took me a good 4 or 5 tries to get that video.
You just can't see the ninjas because they don't want to be seen.
I hate you for posting that, it was cool, but it explained even less than saying nothing about the game would have.
A game set in the C&C based universe. Get it?
Precisely. As he said before, C&C: Renegade done right.
ray_MAN said:
Precisely. As he said before, C&C: Renegade done right.
Renegade would have been alright if people died in under 20 seconds.
Question: So are you using the UE3 engine now?Or is it a different engine?
Ooh, that looks pretty neat ;)

So the studio you're working for is called Delirious Games?
Are you officially liscensed to use Source? Or is this a place-holder?
Pi Mu Rho said:
This is from when we were using Source as a base..
By that it sounds like they are using a different engine now.Hence me asking if it's the UE3 engine...

I believe it's been hinted at many times by pi that they might be or somethin...
If you need any compatibility help/pre-alpha testing, I can help ;) You may have read around these boards to know my experience in testing games (AAA ones at that), but if not you probably wouldn't even respond to this anyways lol

Anyways looks very interesting :D Show more, show more! ;)
This is amazingly cool :O

The AI is so neat... Even simple AI...
Awesome! Looks nice, If you need anykind of build tester let me know as well. I'm the best at finding ways to bug the game.
vegeta897 said:
This is amazingly cool :O

The AI is so neat... Even simple AI...
Just wondering, why is the AI neat? I thought it was pretty dull, just the standard, theres an enemy, shoot.
I'm glad you all seem to like it.

This video is taken from when I was using the Source engine as a test bed for the gameplay concepts. All the work done on it was abandoned several months ago when we switched engines.

Testing: I have absolutely no idea when (or even if) we'll do any kind of external testing. I'll keep you informed, though.

Oh, and the reason you couldn't see the ninjas? It's because they're behind you!
Wow, very cool! :D
Did you design the tanks yourself, or is it from another game? They look very neat either way.
I want to play... NOW! :p
I designed the tanks you see there, plus all the ones you don't see.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I designed the tanks you see there, plus all the ones you don't see.
That's so cool. I really like the design, especially the weapons. I've never seen anyhing like it, very original IMO.
Originality is the first step in creating a great game. :)
Thats the same tank in your avatar, is it not, Pi?
Shame your moving engines, would've been nice to see something original on Source.
Yes, it is the same tank (albeit textured)

I reuploaded the video (23mb this time), after changing some of the copyright info and adjusting the sound.
tesla tank ? that's so cool.

/me goes and plays ra.
the tank textures are quite poor
they look wrong in the game environment - like they belong in another game
the damage for the tank was poor

but it looks interesting
it needs alot of work but you don't need me to tell you that
He's already said that this tech demo was just to try out gameplay concepts and is in fact months old :rolleyes:

I think he was just sick of people asking him about his game all of the time so he decided to release something.
Given that in the test prior to that one, the tanks were untextured rectangular blocks, it's hardly relevant.
The test was to show the gameplay concepts, however publisher are generally uninterested unless it looks pretty.
Technically, I'm under an NDA or 3, so I can't really say.