Teen rating?

I saw this thing, called the E3 videos for 2004 and there was this guy named Gorman Freedom and he was shooting disc blades at zombies and it was cutting their bodies in half and they were catching fire and screaming in agony.

I think everything is going to be ok guys and gals. its just a rating.
Honestly,people,this should have been closed a while ago, it's beyond pointless
Icarusintel said:
Honestly,people,this should have been closed a while ago, it's beyond pointless

That is a great point! We would have missed it if the thread was closed.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Sorry to say, but you BLOW my mind at how STUPID you are. :rolleyes:

how am i stupid i just think that if you chop zombies in half with razorblades (in the E3 video), then i think it should get a M rating? anyone agree?
Darkknighttt said:
how am i stupid i just think that if you chop zombies in half with razorblades (in the E3 video), then i think it should get a M rating? anyone agree?

Why are you still going on the matter of what rating it is??? ITS JUST A RATING....JESUS CHRIST! :rolleyes:
DiSTuRbEd said:
Why are you still going on the matter of what rating it is??? ITS JUST A RATING....JESUS CHRIST! :rolleyes:

Word Steve, Word..
Darkknighttt said:
how am i stupid i just think that if you chop zombies in half with razorblades (in the E3 video), then i think it should get a M rating? anyone agree?

Actually cutting zombies with razor blades and setting people on fire is very PG-13(ish), heck, my 6 year old brother does it everyday. :cheers:
I'm on the fence with this one. A rating is JUST a rating, but the rating is supposed to be representative of the games qualities. And while HL2 i think would really benefit from being an M rated game, it could be very fun without some of the gore.

While MOHAA was a good game, it did bother me a bit that one of the bloodiest wars ever was being represented with really no blood at all. When i take an MG-42 to someone, in my minds eye i expect to see pints of blood spraying because IRL this is what happens.

So it just seems a bit out of place to have a game, where the main point is violently killing every living thing that opposes you, that doesn't show much blood. In less realistic games (such as mario) I don't mind not seeing these things because they aren't really set in any sort of realistic world at all.

On the other hand one of the best games of all time IMO is Zelda: OoT, and this game was full of violence, yet you really saw no blood. And it never really bothered me that these insanely powerful sword attacks never cleaved anything in two while spraying the surroundings in copious amounts of gore.

In the end I think it's all in that atmosphere of the game. In games like Silent Hill if there were no blood, the game wouldn't affect me nearly to the extent that it does. So like I said originally, I'm really undecided on the whole thing.
N0N1337H41 said:
I'm on the fence with this one. A rating is JUST a rating, but the rating is supposed to be representative of the games qualities. And while HL2 i think would really benefit from being an M rated game, it could be very fun without some of the gore.

While MOHAA was a good game, it did bother me a bit that one of the bloodiest wars ever was being represented with really no blood at all. When i take an MG-42 to someone, in my minds eye i expect to see pints of blood spraying because IRL this is what happens.

So it just seems a bit out of place to have a game, where the main point is violently killing every living thing that opposes you, that doesn't show much blood. In less realistic games (such as mario) I don't mind not seeing these things because they aren't really set in any sort of realistic world at all.

On the other hand one of the best games of all time IMO is Zelda: OoT, and this game was full of violence, yet you really saw no blood. And it never really bothered me that these insanely powerful sword attacks never cleaved anything in two while spraying the surroundings in copious amounts of gore.

In the end I think it's all in that atmosphere of the game. In games like Silent Hill if there were no blood, the game wouldn't affect me nearly to the extent that it does. So like I said originally, I'm really undecided on the whole thing.

so you could have typed nothing but ".........." :)
Darkknighttt said:
how am i stupid i just think that if you chop zombies in half with razorblades (in the E3 video), then i think it should get a M rating? anyone agree?

I agree 100%. If I were a parent that had NO clue at all what HL2 was about, I would expect a game where you could cut living creatures, that somewhat resemble humans, completely in half i would want to see an M rating on the game. The ratings are there for kids, and there really are some kids who DO NOT need to be exposed to things like bodies being burned and bloody torsos flying around. So like I said, I completely agree that the game should be given an M rating if things such as that are going to be included in it.
EVIL said:
so you could have typed nothing but ".........." :)

Yeah, I guess i could have. I thought this forum was here to express opinions, even if they're not well formed. I suppose you showed me, huh?
T rating sounds about right. Some of you are a little conservitive, i mean, only at certain parts are the blood and gore too much, and to me, HL2 seems to be less violent then HL1, as in this game bodies simply do not explode.
adulus said:
T rating sounds about right. Some of you are a little conservitive, i mean, only at certain parts are the blood and gore too much, and to me, HL2 seems to be less violent then HL1, as in this game bodies simply do not explode.

Do you have children? They tend to change your perspective on things a little bit. And I may be a bit conservative, but at the same time I'm not saying that games should be devoid of any violence and that GTA and DOOM are responsible for violent children. I'm just saying that realistic dismemberment should qualify a game for an M rating. Just my opinion :)

Have any of you guys thought of this! In the default game, there might be no blood sprites and gibs etc... but you would be able to download a patch made as soon as the game comes out to add all the gore and blood effects so that the game makes better sales for parents who don't want their kids playing M rated games (which is stupid unless their kid is like 6 years old). This actually is a pretty good idea to raise sales a bit. Valve deserves to have a half life 2 in every home regardless if they have a pc to run it, or a pc at all because it will be so great.
vertthrasher said:
Have any of you guys thought of this! In the default game, there might be no blood sprites and gibs etc... but you would be able to download a patch made as soon as the game comes out to add all the gore and blood effects so that the game makes better sales for parents who don't want their kids playing M rated games (which is stupid unless their kid is like 6 years old). This actually is a pretty good idea to raise sales a bit. Valve deserves to have a half life 2 in every home regardless if they have a pc to run it, or a pc at all because it will be so great.

Did you not read the email gabe sent to whoever asked the question? :rolleyes: