Teen rating?

Stingey said:
omg if it doesnt have a teen rating my mommy wont let me have it. :(

You're in luck since HL2 will just scrape a border line Teen. That's actually pretty good since now HL2 will have a bigger audience.

PatPwnt said:
grr... I hope they didn't cut gore out.

Gorgon said:
cause when a game has teen rating that makes all the hardcore scens such as blood, pron, gore and etc..to be cut out. :(

No, and for the last time read the post in the vlave info thread. Nothing has been sacrificed.

Those of you have played Dungeon seige would know that the game HAD blood, gore AND Gibbing and got a TEEN.
Gorgon said:
cause when a game has teen rating that makes all the hardcore scens such as blood, pron, gore and etc..to be cut out. :(

It can have blood. Half-Life 2 was never going to have sexual scenes.

A lot of the rating will depend on the actual content of the game. Take these examples:

Example 1: A FPS where you go around killing aliens in order to save the world
Example 2: A FPS where you kill innocent people and get points by how much pain you caused them.

They could both include the same amount of blood and the same features (ragdolls etc). But example 2 is bound to get a higher rating than example 1.
Feath said:
It can have blood. Half-Life 2 was never going to have sexual scenes.

A lot of the rating will depend on the actual content of the game. Take these examples:

Example 1: A FPS where you go around killing aliens in order to save the world
Example 2: A FPS where you kill innocent people and get points by how much pain you caused them.

They could both include the same amount of blood and the same features (ragdolls etc). But example 2 is bound to get a higher rating than example 1.

I concur!


The Ring is like the most scariest movie I've ever seen, and it got a PG-13 !!!
The Ring wasn't that scary. At least it wasn't scary after 7 days when I found out the evil curse wasn't real. :(
A teen rating is all we need....

Well looks like i won't be playing CS:S then.
9 year-olds play CS.

Just find a server with a good admin and call it home.

Also, to reiterate:

[size=+1]Gabe - "No HL-2 material is or was being sacrificed. That just looks to be the rating they are going to give us."[/size]

:sniper: :x
disruptioN_ said:
The Ring wasn't that scary. At least it wasn't scary after 7 days when I found out the evil curse wasn't real. :(

It's just an example - if a horror film can skid past a PG-13, then HL2 can get a Teen rating too.
Teen rating is good.. more little kids on multiplay and more cannon fodder for me to shoot at, thus me getting better, faster!.. HARR HARR!!!
lans said:
Those of you have played Dungeon seige would know that the game HAD blood, gore AND Gibbing and got a TEEN.

Dungeon Siege was actually re-reviewed by the ESRB after it came out and later received an M rating

Edit: Looking, Legends of Aranna is rated T? Odd.. I KNOW DS received an M rating after it came out..

oh, I remember now. It was either to receive an M rating, or they'd have to take out the "extra gibbing and blood" cheat
Shuzer said:
Dungeon Siege was actually re-reviewed by the ESRB after it came out and later received an M rating

Edit: Looking, Legends of Aranna is rated T? Odd.. I KNOW DS received an M rating after it came out..

oh, I remember now. It was either to receive an M rating, or they'd have to take out the "extra gibbing and blood" cheat

Pwn - ed.
As long as the americans keep their stupid ratings for them self i'm happy. I don't want VALVe to remove stuff (eventually) just to get a TEEN-rating on HL2. And if they do they should ship a non-censored version to other countries so we don't have to suffer from the stupidity of america.
Gorgon said:
cause when a game has teen rating that makes all the hardcore scens such as blood, pron, gore and etc..to be cut out. :(

Do you read the VALVe info thread??? I mean really.... :rolleyes:
DaLys said:
As long as the americans keep their stupid ratings for them self i'm happy. I don't want VALVe to remove stuff (eventually) just to get a TEEN-rating on HL2. And if they do they should ship a non-censored version to other countries so we don't have to suffer from the stupidity of america.

Wow, the "stupidity of America?" Have you not read the VALVe info thread? Nothing has been cut.. besides, VALVe isn't being forced to make HL2 Teen by ANYBODY.. they've made the game the way they've made it, and if the ESRB finds it to be Teen, then so be it.

What are all of you smoking?
Chris_D said:
Probably already been mentioneed but I doub't it's anything to worry about as certification laws seem to be getting more and more lax as the years go by. Some films that would have been a 18 certificate 10 years ago would be a 15 certificate now.

I assume the same is happening for games.

I totally agree. Films with people pulling out guns and shooting at people can get a PG13/12A certificate because of the desensitised nature of society now. What Half-life did 6yrs ago is quite mild to todays games. If Valve keep a consistancy with Half-life then a T rating isn't surprising.

Anyway, this is all irrelevant. Gabe has confirmed that the game content was not sacrificed or altered to achieve a certain rating. If you're a mature gamer, then the rating doesn't effect us, and if you're young then you'd probably get a parent to buy it for you anyway. Besides, the T rating is not confirmed yet and its just the initial reaction by the ESRB.

I think we've discussed this topic fully and are now repeating ourselves. What do you think mods?
Hmmm.... if it's teen then maybe I can actually play people I can beat on CS.....like little stupid children.... sounds good to me
DaLys said:
As long as the americans keep their stupid ratings for them self i'm happy. I don't want VALVe to remove stuff (eventually) just to get a TEEN-rating on HL2. And if they do they should ship a non-censored version to other countries so we don't have to suffer from the stupidity of america.

I don't think your stupid Swedish butt should get the game at all. Next time don't post shit like this....Who cares if other countries have to suffer? Infact, I should tell Gabe to make robots for all europe not just germany, and only north america gets the real guys to kill.... :flame:

Yet again, don't call america stupid, because you wouldn't have this site right now(probably), or doom series, quake series, half life series, oh damn I can go on. So next time don't be so ignorant when you post. :rolleyes:
so if gabe confirmed that nothing was removed or edited isn't all this complaining about ratings unnecessary? you'd think it'd actually be a good thing considering we get the same game, as well as increased exposure because people that otherwise wouldn't have been able to buy it because of the mature rating can now do so?
I motion for a mod to come by and lock the topic, as everyone that is posting in this thread has disregarded Gabe's e-mail in the VALVe info thread, and are making the topic run circles around itself
DaLys said:
And if they do they should ship a non-censored version to other countries so we don't have to suffer from the stupidity of america.

yeah because i guess it's the "stupidity of america" that is the cause of other countries enforcing their own laws on censorship? :rolleyes: gimme a break....

it's this kind of ignorance and finger pointing that's the problem with the world, not the "stupidity of america"
Shuzer said:
Dungeon Siege was actually re-reviewed by the ESRB after it came out and later received an M rating

Edit: Looking, Legends of Aranna is rated T? Odd.. I KNOW DS received an M rating after it came out..

oh, I remember now. It was either to receive an M rating, or they'd have to take out the "extra gibbing and blood" cheat


My copy has "T" on it with "Violence, blood". Well, if you say so. I'm sure I can find more games that have T and have blood,gore and gibbing.
lans said:

My copy has "T" on it with "Violence, blood". Well, if you say so. I'm sure I can find more games that have T and have blood,gore and gibbing.

It's like my edit says, they almost changed it to M, but they patched out the extra blood and gibs cheat
Shuzer said:
I motion for a mod to come by and lock the topic, as everyone that is posting in this thread has disregarded Gabe's e-mail in the VALVe info thread, and are making the topic run circles around itself
I seconth that
i call for a boycott of hl2 unless they rate the game mature!!!!!

(^ for you to freak out a little more, DiSTuRbEd..... calm down, boy)
Tlaloc said:
i call for a boycott of hl2 unless they rate the game mature!!!!!

Your acting so immature about this rating thing, yet you believe you are mature enough to play a "M" rated game?
Yet again, why are you guys complaining about a teen rating instead of mature? Nothing is being cut out or changed from the final product. This thread is dead, and useless, Gabe answered the questions, this needs to be locked.
EVIL said:
Teen rating is good.. more little kids on multiplay and more cannon fodder for me to shoot at, thus me getting better, faster!.. HARR HARR!!!
... quote ...
Sgt.Zen said:
I want half life 2 to recive a mature rating just so i dont have to listen to lil 10 year old kids whine and complain or sing a micheal jackson song for half an hour while i try and figure out how to mute him on steam.

AHAHAHAH, thats so funny because its so true!
Shuzer said:
Wow, the "stupidity of America?" Have you not read the VALVe info thread? Nothing has been cut.. besides, VALVe isn't being forced to make HL2 Teen by ANYBODY.. they've made the game the way they've made it, and if the ESRB finds it to be Teen, then so be it.

What are all of you smoking?

I haven't read anything in the VALVe info thread about they'r not cutting away things to get a "better" rating. When i read the thread it sounded like any game company would want this "teen-rating" for their game to sell better in america so it would probably be a smart move of the game-creators to make it teen-friendly, so i asumed it could be a possibly thing of VALVe to do.
DiSTuRbEd said:
I don't think your stupid Swedish butt should get the game at all. Next time don't post shit like this....Who cares if other countries have to suffer? Infact, I should tell Gabe to make robots for all europe not just germany, and only north america gets the real guys to kill.... :flame:

Yet again, don't call america stupid, because you wouldn't have this site right now(probably), or doom series, quake series, half life series, oh damn I can go on. So next time don't be so ignorant when you post. :rolleyes:

America have done much for the world and we should all be happy for that. But now on the latest years they've seem to be act a little bit strange. What country would try to prohibit violence and at the same time allow people to carry a gun? I can go on and on but you see the point. And i'm a little bit surprised you act like this to a guy that doesn't like your country since you live in USA. The hate against USA is just so big world-wide and you surprised?! Try to find a non-american guy that thinks USA does the right thing about the whole iraq-situation and thinks their attitude to war is OK. But wtf, everyone that doesn't like USA a communist or a nazi! Right? :dozey:
DaLys said:
I haven't read anything in the VALVe info thread about they'r not cutting away things to get a "better" rating. When i read the thread it sounded like any game company would want this "teen-rating" for their game to sell better in america so it would probably be a smart move of the game-creators to make it teen-friendly, so i asumed it could be a possibly thing of VALVe to do.
I shall guide the blind


Gabe's reply:
No HL-2 material is or was being sacrificed. That just looks to be the rating they are going to give us.
DaLys said:
But wtf, everyone that doesn't like USA a communist or a nazi! Right? :dozey:

You ever think that it might just be the fact that we're sick of being hated all the time just because of where we live? Not everyone in America supports Iraq, or Bush, or many of the decisions our country is making today. And not everyone in America is some greedy asshole bent on screwing over the world. So next time you feel the need to express your Anti-American opinions, maybe you shouldn't do it in a way that insults a group of individuals based largely on events that they really don't have much control over. Your biased views and social bigotry don't apply to everyone who lives here.
ACLeroK212 said:
You ever think that it might just be the fact that we're sick of being hated all the time just because of where we live? Not everyone in America supports Iraq, or Bush, or many of the decisions our country is making today. And not everyone in America is some greedy asshole bent on screwing over the world. So next time you feel the need to express your Anti-American opinions, maybe you shouldn't do it in a way that insults a group of individuals based largely on events that they really don't have much control over. Your biased views and social bigotry don't apply to everyone who lives here.

Exactly, I am fed up with it myself. :|
Shut this freakin' thread already! It's pointless, vicious and off-topic.
ACLeroK212 said:
You ever think that it might just be the fact that we're sick of being hated all the time just because of where we live? Not everyone in America supports Iraq, or Bush, or many of the decisions our country is making today. And not everyone in America is some greedy asshole bent on screwing over the world. So next time you feel the need to express your Anti-American opinions, maybe you shouldn't do it in a way that insults a group of individuals based largely on events that they really don't have much control over. Your biased views and social bigotry don't apply to everyone who lives here.

/me gives ACLerok212 a standing ovation!
lans said:
Your acting so immature about this rating thing, yet you believe you are mature enough to play a "M" rated game?

bahahah oh man.. you only read the first lines of posts or something? get a grip!
Tlaloc said:
bahahah oh man.. you only read the first lines of posts or something? get a grip!

I believe he edited it (the original poster), and he quoted before he edited