Teen rating?

Duds teen rating is just not right for HL2 ................end of the thread ...
Sgt.Zen said:
this whoal world is ****ed up parents get kids mature games or r rated movies then bitch to the governemnt and go omfg how could u release that to the public. just like what icarus said.

I really want to see people and parents take responsability for their actions. (Women sued mc donnalds for spilling coffee on herself because its HOT) I would wanna see people be like oh its rated r or rated m or what ever. I dont think we should censor voilence or censor language because thats how u show an emtion, Creat an atmosphere creat an in depth feel for the movie or game but people will never accept the fact that life now is preaty damn good and will keep complaining cause their miserable or wont take responsability.

Yeah the mcdonals case was bs. They should have TKed her with a BS HS through the wall using aimbot then use speedhax and run away. :|
KagePrototype said:
No it's not. In fact, in terms of international success, it's more popular than the X-Box, which on the whole targets mature gamers. :p

this is actually exactly true The XBox is a very poor performer with a price point that means that M$ are only in the positition they are in because they are loosing about 100 quid per console sold which they HOPE to make up in software sales

but and im speaking as someone who owns all three next gen consoles.. the xbox has no good games. . . im waiting for halo 2 ive got halo project gotham and PGR2 there is just nuffin good
Just calm down guys - he just said he was looking forward to get it. If ESRB says no, I'm sure Gabe wouldn't be dumb enough to cut down the Gore and Blood - It's half-life DAMNIT! it needs to be realistic.

...and valve would never miss to show off their realistic blood particle effects which THEY know look very cool.
in all of the videos i seen of the game i did not saw blood... well the strider puting things in pplz sure hurts... but no blood as been seen when he does that...
OMG, ITS JUST A ****ING RATING, you guys piss yourself over the stupidest shit.
flupke said:
christ, what a thread. you might as well make a thread about "how do you feel about my rabbit having long ears?"


Well I am greatly offended by your rabbit’s long ears and will be seeking legal action against your person, if the rabbit does not seize and desist its continued unwarranted possession of long ears.
Its like the Movie rating system, thier not as strict on violence anymore, look at lotr very violent and scary for younger kids yet it got a pg13 rating.
Wow.Most of the time people get mad at ESRB for being too harsh, but now you are getting mad at them for rating it too low?! HYPOCRITES! Anyway, How does a games rating affect the way it plays? All HL1 had was some pixels, and very crappy chicken bones.
Joeyslucky22 said:
I should create a thread asking 'what size do you think the hl2 box will be' or 'do you think the box will have a an 'open up' cover?'

...as long as it doesn't have the horrible boxes like Deus Ex 2 and Theif Dark Project, I dont' care.
Am I the only person who NEVER looks at the rating when buying a game? I don't even know what rating Thief 3 is...
SubKamran said:
Am I the only person who NEVER looks at the rating when buying a game? I don't even know what rating Thief 3 is...

You are not alone :D I hate these ranks
I never looked at em, besides i've seen 10,11,12 yr olds go into ebgames and buy mature games.
tkato said:
in all of the videos i seen of the game i did not saw blood... well the strider puting things in pplz sure hurts... but no blood as been seen when he does that...

No offence but like are you blind?...what do you call that stuff when Gordon chops the headcrab zombies? soap liquid?
Originally Posted by tkato
in all of the videos i seen of the game i did not saw blood... well the strider puting things in pplz sure hurts... but no blood as been seen when he does that...

or about when the beams fly down and kill the combine in traptown, plus when the strider stabs the ppl with its leg there is blood.
Half-Life 2 should be rated AO (Adults Only). Then it would be TEH MOST AWESOMEST GAME EVAR!!!!!1 :rolleyes:
very few games get AO, only one comes to mind, was some playboy game, not the one that looks like The sims, but another one.
Impulse147 said:
very few games get AO, only one comes to mind, was some playboy game, not the one that looks like The sims, but another one.

Singles: Flirt up you life.

It's 21+ in America.

In europe it's 16+ - as Europeans don't mind full frontal nudity. :naughty:
Never checked the ESRB rating on singles:flirt up ur life, also was duke nukem really AO?
From http://esrb.com

Titles rated T - Teen have content that may be suitable for persons ages 13 and older. May contain violent content, mild or strong language, and/or suggestive themes.

Titles rated M - Mature have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain mature sexual themes, more intense violence and/or strong language.

So this means no Alex nude (thank god) and no extreme violence and language. I dont think they have dumbed down the game at all, I think this is what the content has been rated at the whole time. This doesnt bother me at all.
Bet they'll remove all gore, battle and violent muzzle flashes to get an E rating.
If HL was a teen rating, not sure if it was, then HL2 will be a teen rating also. HL2 can't be that bloody.

Singles:Flirt Up Your Life contains frontal nudity? lol you have got to be kidding, what has this world come to!?!?
my theory is that this july 30th rc date is a lark. doom3 comes out on august 13th/ valve doesnt wanna compete with that by releasing after. so hl2 will be on store shelves first week in august. mark my words. theyre already sending rc's to vivendi. its prolly already gone gold.
Wishful thinking man but that would be extremely sweet of valve to trick us and release it early. Sounds doubtful....
SubKamran said:
Am I the only person who NEVER looks at the rating when buying a game? I don't even know what rating Thief 3 is...

Never have looked at them myself. The only time I have ever even thought about them in fact, was a time I went with my 16 year old nephew to buy, "American McGee's: Alice."

It was at Wal-Mart and the little buzzer thing went off and she refused to let him have it! I bought it instead and gave it to him at the register as she watched ;)

But on topic...I really am confused at why this has become such a hot topic for some people. It's just not that important. If the game is fun, than it's fun. It doesn't have to have a boat load of gore, sexual content, or dialogue that would make a nun blush to be fun.

And if Valve have edited it a bit, or kept it fairly "clean" to get a teen rating, I have zero problem with that. They're there to make money and one way to do that is to put it out to as many people as humanly possible. Movies do this all the time. You always hear about movies cutting content to get a more favorable rating. It's just not that big a deal.
Half-Life isn't a horror game though and never was...horror games are lame in my opinion.
In Australia the rating system is different.
Eg here, Warcraft 3 is G (Teen in the US)
The most violent of games (GTA 3) only gets a M rating... :)

So if its getting a Teen rating in the states, then it will be G here :)
I dount theyre gonna sell more copies with a teen rating than they would have sold with an m rating. why dumb down the game for a buncha 13 years olds who arent smart enough to comprehend the game anyway?

leave it m and have the complex storyline and make it fun.

hahaha what if this turns out to suck like the spiderman:the movie 2 pc version?

hmmmm i smell a poll coming on...
Gabe said:
Right now we're targetting a July 30th release candidate. This means we give what we think is a shippable version to VU. Usually you go through a couple of RCs before you reach Gold, which means that you have what you are going to manufacture. After you manufacture it, it goes to stores.

Ahhh YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Screw the rating its almost gold!!!!!!!
acme, that was the stupidest statement I've ever heard.

A game being Teen doesn't mean it's dumbed down. The storyline doesn't have to be less complex, either.
[SARCASM]Well you know Shuzer alot of people are gonna be sad as if its not mature Alyx doesn't have fun with Gordon thereby making the storyline less complex as Alyx doesn't end up pregnant, in which case Gordon doesn't have to choose between his child or Alyx, which means the story will be not as deep as it could be and thats sucks.[/SARCASM]

Shuzer is right everyone, come on whats the worst a Teen rating will do.
Shuzer said:
acme, that was the stupidest statement I've ever heard.

A game being Teen doesn't mean it's dumbed down. The storyline doesn't have to be less complex, either.

Very true. It probably won't sell any less either, if it does have a T rating.

All in all, the real Half-Life fans shouldn't care in my opinion. Infact I think the majority of the game will be *MORE* violent than the first one because it's a lot more realistic. We have seen the videos, there is blood and chopping apart of bodies etc.
Shuzer said:
acme, that was the stupidest statement I've ever heard.

A game being Teen doesn't mean it's dumbed down. The storyline doesn't have to be less complex, either.

I concur with you Shuzer....Changing the rating won't do a damn bit of anything.....Nor does it matter what its rated, because HL2 won't change because of it.
From the VALVe info thread:

I'm from HL2.net and have read that in addition to VALVe aiming to RC
at the end of July (great news), you are also aiming for a teen ESRB
rating. I'd like to know what your thinking is behind striving for
the rather average content rating. I'm not questioning your move, but
fans may feel better knowing no HL2 material is being sacrificed.

Cheers & best of luck

Gabe's reply:
No HL-2 material is or was being sacrificed. That just looks to be the rating they are going to give us.

Okay, now anyone saying content must have been cut to make it Teen.. stop saying it :)
Good that's all i needed to hear :).

Thanks for the heads up Shuzer.

End of discussion HURAHH :D
If a Teen rating you think won't be enough "blood" for you, then download a blood patch later on i'm sure there will be lots from the mod-makers. ;)
All this means to me is that I can buy it alone instead of begging my parents to get it for me. (I'm only 16. :( )
guinny said:
Right now we're targetting a July 30th release candidate. This means we give what we think is a shippable version to VU. Usually you go through a couple of RCs before you reach Gold, which means that you have what you are going to manufacture. After you manufacture it, it goes to stores.

In our last conversation with the ESRB, we were looking at a teen rating.

- Gabe

How do you guys feel about this? :dozey:

I dont like the idea of it being a teen rating. :(