Teen rating?

Ok lets talk about the RC stuff now.

*i'm going to assume it's a legitamate date and not bs like we usually hear*

So July 30th. 3 more weeks of development for Half-Life 2. That's pretty amazing actually.

Only 3 more weeks. After 6 years....holy shit guys.
Alright new thread.

This will hype everyone up for no particular reason....hahaha
What exactly is a RC? They said it might not be accepted, so if it is accepted that means they start making the discs right?
Foxtrot said:
What exactly is a RC? They said it might not be accepted, so if it is accepted that means they start making the discs right?

it's basically valve saying to vivendi "this is what we want to release. do you approve? any changes or suggestions?"
I bet there will only be a few RC's, maybe 1 or 2, before it goes "gold" and then we will get a lot more info from valve, and probably more images :)
I wonder how long it will take them to test each RC....
Foxtrot said:
I wonder how long it will take them to test each RC....

Considering the fact that Valve has been so adament about only releasing the game when it's ready to be released, I don't think Vivendi will come up with much to fix that Valve hasn't already taken care of. So my guess would be that it shouldn't take too long at all.
Yes, rating pending.

I have no idea how Mr. Newell is getting his information from the ESRB. Or maybe he is not and is just trying to be tricky with the wording, really trying to say what they were shooting for, or maybe that whole e-mail above is a scam.

The ESRB does not discuss with anyone what the rating is "looking to be" until the people that are eating popcorn and watching videos of the game make up their mind. And believe me, if that were the case, the sites such as EB Games would already be updated.
BlumenKohl said:
Yes, rating pending.

I have no idea how Mr. Newell is getting his information from the ESRB. Or maybe he is not and is just trying to be tricky with the wording, really trying to say what they were shooting for, or maybe that whole e-mail above is a scam.

The ESRB does not discuss with anyone what the rating is "looking to be" until the people that are eating popcorn and watching videos of the game make up their mind. And believe me, if that were the case, the sites such as EB Games would already be updated.

Exactly, my guess is they just talked to the ESRB or something and a Teen rating is what valve is shooting (hoping) for but it's probably by no means final.
BlumenKohl said:
Yes, rating pending.

I have no idea how Mr. Newell is getting his information from the ESRB. Or maybe he is not and is just trying to be tricky with the wording, really trying to say what they were shooting for, or maybe that whole e-mail above is a scam.

The ESRB does not discuss with anyone what the rating is "looking to be" until the people that are eating popcorn and watching videos of the game make up their mind. And believe me, if that were the case, the sites such as EB Games would already be updated.

How do you know this? I mean, ESRB must give feedback before a rating is finally granted.

I mean, in films, I know that they are submitted a number of times before a rating is granted.

Or it could mean, "based upon the ESRB rules for rating games we're expecting to get a teen rating". The original e-mail was asking about the rating so Gabe was answering the question the best he can.
Feath said:
How do you know this? I mean, ESRB must give feedback before a rating is finally granted.

Yes but getting feedback now would assume that valve had already sent them a final copy of the game, which wouldn't be accurate considering the RC isn't planned until the end of the month. They're not going to rate a game until it's at least the version your going to see in the stores.
ACLero, I'm pretty sure they send off a content complete version that's playable from start to finish, but not (fully) bug tested. I could be wrong, but I think that's how it's done
Shuzer said:
ACLero, I'm pretty sure they send off a content complete version that's playable from start to finish, but not (fully) bug tested. I could be wrong, but I think that's how it's done

I'm inclinded to agree. You don't want any delays when you finish the game before the rating is granted.
I think the games rating should be M just like the original version... thats my two cents.
I'm not fussed about the rating at the end of the day. The RC statement was far more important, however, the one thing can be said about the rating. It does reflect the content of the game which is possibly even more important then the RC statement. If it gets a lower rating then an M then it perhaps hints that Valve have toned it down a bit which would disappoint me - the violence in the original helped prove that Valve had no fears in doing what they needed to do to make the game work. If it trully is a Teen rating, I just hope that either the ESRB board have changed their definitions in the last 6 years or Valve are taking a far better approach.
i think it will be M, from what we have seen the violence is just the same as in the previous Half-life.
Come on, the 'violence' is the same or even more than HL1. I think ESRB was just shocked and scared silly from rating Doom 3. :E
Titles rated T - Teen have content that may be suitable for persons ages 13 and older. May contain violent content, mild or strong language, and/or suggestive themes.
Titles rated M - Mature have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain mature sexual themes, more intense violence and/or strong language.
To be honest I never expected strong language, mature sexual themes or 'intense' violence in HL2. I guess the question is what is the difference between 'violent content' and 'intense violence'.
Styloid said:
To be honest I never expected strong language, mature sexual themes or 'intense' violence in HL2. I guess the question is what is the difference between 'violent content' and 'intense violence'.

Intense = GTA VC violence? :D Beating people with golf clubs or sawing aliens in half? Hmm... ;)
Styloid said:
To be honest I never expected strong language, mature sexual themes or 'intense' violence in HL2. I guess the question is what is the difference between 'violent content' and 'intense violence'.
I think limbs coming off and cutting people in half(and buckets of blood) is intense violence.
Damn, no mature sexual themes, there goes that wet dream
Icarusintel said:
Damn, no mature sexual themes, there goes that wet dream

Expect a nude Alyx patch within 15.43 seconds after the game launches :cheese:

edit: hmmmmmm..... puts a new twist on the uses of the new physics engine.....
Yay RC.

Que wondering at T rating. I don't care what the rating is, I just hope they don't hold back as far as "adult" content going. It could be fluffy bunny suitability level for all I care otherwise.
In HL1, a good deal of your enemies were human, and the gibbing was a bit excessive.

From what I've seen in HL2, the enemies are more biomechanical in nature, and with the exception of the antlion parts and the cut-in-half zombies, the violence isn't nearly as over the top. I think this is a move more towards realism and not a move away from violence.

I don't think anything has been comprimised in order to get a T rating, folks.
For you guys wanting an M rating go play Xtreme Vollyball or whatever that Xbox game is with all the "fine" and "hot" "babes". That is the last thing I want to see while playing Half Life... well, maybe if I were 12 I would think it was cool.
Hey guys... Maybe valve had them take the parental lock rateing? AKA when the parental lock is enabeld it is rated T and when not its M?
Why wouldn't you want something to take your mind off killing combine and aliens for a little while? A little private time with Alyx could serve as a great break from the action
My opinion dont flame me if you dont agree

I want half life 2 to recive a mature rating just so i dont have to listen to lil 10 year old kids whine and complain or sing a micheal jackson song for half an hour while i try and figure out how to mute him on steam. Valve Plz get this game a mature rating so their is fewer lil brats complaing about the game or just tking ppl for the hell of it.
Problem is parents will still get their kids mature rated games cause they don't know/don't care and then they can b**** to the government when they find out the material's not right for their kids......stupid Tipper Gore
guinny said:
Right now we're targetting a July 30th release candidate. This means we give what we think is a shippable version to VU. Usually you go through a couple of RCs before you reach Gold, which means that you have what you are going to manufacture. After you manufacture it, it goes to stores.

In our last conversation with the ESRB, we were looking at a teen rating.

- Gabe

How do you guys feel about this? :dozey:

Thanks for the credit guinny.
Sgt.Zen said:
I want half life 2 to recive a mature rating just so i dont have to listen to lil 10 year old kids whine and complain or sing a micheal jackson song for half an hour while i try and figure out how to mute him on steam. Valve Plz get this game a mature rating so their is fewer lil brats complaing about the game or just tking ppl for the hell of it.

Dude HL1 got a mature rating, GUESS WHAT HAPPENED? We cannot stop parents from buying them games, just deal with it and ignore them.



oh my god

please, please valve

Anything but a teen rating

im going to freaking die
this whoal world is ****ed up parents get kids mature games or r rated movies then bitch to the governemnt and go omfg how could u release that to the public. just like what icarus said.

I really want to see people and parents take responsability for their actions. (Women sued mc donnalds for spilling coffee on herself because its HOT) I would wanna see people be like oh its rated r or rated m or what ever. I dont think we should censor voilence or censor language because thats how u show an emtion, Creat an atmosphere creat an in depth feel for the movie or game but people will never accept the fact that life now is preaty damn good and will keep complaining cause their miserable or wont take responsability.