Terror attack and Al Qaida

Lol, there'd be so much new to discover (except earthquake control) if you actually read kathaksung'ss post from time to time.

Dismissing it outright as nonsense is just a way of denial, necessary for your mind to contineously perpetuate the idea of a working society.

You two were made for each other.
Using big words doesn't make you smart. So stop trying.

Okay, but obviously you are, since you doubt your administration would be ruthless enough to purposefully have 3,000 people killed :hmph:
It's not permitted in the Politics forum, I guess someone got pissed a few times and posted goatse pics.
Okay, but obviously you are, since you doubt your administration would be ruthless enough to purposefully have 3,000 people killed :hmph:

My administration? What the flying **** are you talking about?
Your federal administration, the evil Cheney//Rockefeller/international empire!

How come you would trust them in such a way?
They didn't care about the blacks, they want the leftists gone, they want to fight an idea....*rants*
Your federal administration, the evil Cheney//Rockefeller/international empire!

How come you would trust them in such a way?
They didn't care about the blacks, they want the leftists gone, they want to fight an idea....*rants*

I'm not American :|
Gosh, lucky bastard, and good luck to anybody who is.

Lil' tip for every US citizen reading this:
Defend yourself against fluoridated water!
The fashists used it to kill braincells back in WWII to pacify their concentration camp prisoners!
And so they do today!!!
Gosh, lucky bastard, and good luck to anybody who is.

Lil' tip for every US citizen reading this:
Defend yourself against fluoridated water!
The fashists used it to kill braincells back in WWII to pacify their concentration camp prisoners!
And so they do today!!!

fluoride? :dozey:
You do know the nazis used it, right?
To dumb down and pacify their prisoners?
But unless you wish to aquire better teeth, in favour of your intelligence, fine, have it your way.

I dunno wether the people who propose this idea are just dentists or wether there's some connection to globalists or internationalist figures who might have a deeper interest in this happening, but as for the mayor of London, damnit, he wants drinking water supplemented with fluoride, and is member of secret communist association, too.

Okay, let's cut this crap out, start seriously asking yourself why the government should be able to force you drink those highly toxic chemicals, something most people aren't even aware of because CNN won't be telling them, Halflife2net won't be telling them, and definately neither will their elected representatives.

Why would people be confronted by law enforcement only because they refuse to take vaccines?
(And this actually happened last year, a kid was forced to vaccination by police)
Vaccines are necessary for a healthy society, sure, but not when they increase risk of cancer!!!
You do know the nazis used it, right?
To dumb down and pacify their prisoners?
But unless you wish to aquire better teeth, in favour of your intelligence, fine, have it your way.

I dunno wether the people who propose this idea are just dentists or wether there's some connection to globalists or internationalist figures who might have a deeper interest in this happening, but as for the mayor of London, damnit, he wants drinking water supplemented with fluoride, and is member of secret communist association, too.

Okay, let's cut this crap out, start seriously asking yourself why the government should be able to force you drink those highly toxic chemicals, something most people aren't even aware of because CNN won't be telling them, Halflife2net won't be telling them, and definately neither will their elected representatives.

Why would people be confronted by law enforcement only because they refuse to take vaccines?
(And this actually happened last year, a kid was forced to vaccination by police)
Vaccines are necessary for a healthy society, sure, but not when they increase risk of cancer!!!

Lol, I hope your either joking or quoting dr. strangelove.

fluoride.... highly toxic chemicals

Vaccines are necessary for a healthy society, sure, but not when they increase risk of cancer!!!

You're actually becoming dumber by the day.
I'm most definately not joking about the fluoride.
That's what I call ignorance.
You dismiss outright, with no scientific standpoint, no argumentation, nothing.

You just don't want me (or rather, Alex JOnes for that matter) to be right.

YOu can educate yourselves on it.

Fluoride IS concidered toxic and has all kinds of negative effects on your body.

It doesn't matter wether its part of some sinister conspiracy to control the population or just outright stupidity on the side of the medical experts.

//edit: YES or NO???

The Nazis used autobahns too. Godwin's law, etc.

Also, are you knghenry?
This has to be a ruse. An effective one, I might add.

But if it's not, then damn. Let the lollerskates roll.
I'm most definately not joking about the fluoride.
That's what I call ignorance.
You dismiss outright, with no scientific standpoint, no argumentation, nothing.
You know nothing about it dude.

The study all this is based on is comparing the fluoride levels effect on IQ between two villages.

One of the villages has fluoride in the water at 0.91ppm, the other has it at 4.12ppm (on average). A difference in IQ was indeed found between the two villages.

The amount of fluorine in drinking water which has it added by governments is between 0.7 and 1.2ppm - greater than 2ppm has already been determined to be the cutoff point at which it can have adverse health effects - so the village with more fluoridated water is already double that...

If you used your brain, read the actual article in the journal and knew what you were talking about you'd realise that the study merely showed another side-effect of drinking fluoridated water with concentrations we already know are hazardous.

You call me ignorant?

****ing conspiracy theorists. Please, give me more details on this cancer-causing vaccine so I can shoot that one down too.
Al Qaida, from begining, is a tool of CIA. At first, it was used as mujaheddin to deal with Soviet Union. Then, it was used to deal with American people (911) to justify war in Mid-east. And now, it is used to provoke the conflict between Iraqis (Sunni and Shiite). Even Sunni Muslim realized Al Qaida is their enemy, how couldn't you?

Young Pakistanis: Bin Laden Is A CIA Creation

Steve Watson
Tuesday, Dec 4, 2007

An ABC news piece that ran yesterday morning attracted attention after four Pakistanis who were being interviewed about the attitudes and life of young people in Pakistan declared Osama Bin Laden to be a creation of western intelligence and stressed that Islamic extremist attitudes towards the west were virtually non existent in their country before 9/11.

ABC have since pulled the video footage from their website, but an industrious prisonplanet forum member grabbed the footage and uploaded it to youtube.

April 19, 2008

It’s interesting to note that, at long last, the mainstream media is hinting that the words ‘al Qaeda’ has simplistically become a metaphor for those that are fighting the US in Iraq and elsewhere and that ‘al Qaeda’ is not, as they have pushed for years, a specific organisation that is led and organised by the equally metaphoric and very dead ‘Osama bin Laden’.

Ipberg2 said:
kathaksung said:
Strange to say, under the Saddam regime, there is no Al Qaida.

Wrong. There was no Al Qaida in Iraq then because Saddam Hussein suppressed any threats to his power. .

1. To your theory, Al Qaida is not a threat to other countries regime? Besides, how do you explain the accusation of Bush regime that Saddam had link with Al Qaida and support their terror activities?

Ipberg2 said:
kathaksung said:
Al Qaida seems only exist where the regime being controlled by US.

Wrong. Al Qaida existed in Afghanistan when the Taliban was in control.

2. That's a good point. Yes, Al Qaida exiested in Afghanistan when the Taliban was in control. It doesn't conflict to my theory: Al Qaida is a tool of US intelligence. Bin Laden was under Taliban's shelter. So Taliban and Al Qaida all work for the US interest. Why US has a war on Taliban - its own proxy? Because they accuse 911 attack is done by Al Qaida. So they had to invade Afghan before they invading Iraq. The truth is, the so said mastermind of 911 attack, Bin laden, is never captured, as long as the Taliban leader - Omar. But Saddam, who has no link to 911 attack, and even no WMD is found in Iraq, was captured and hanged. Is that clear? Further more, US never seriously treat Taliban as a big enemy. It lets Nato to handle in Afghanistan while to put the main US force in Iraq despite Bin Laden is still at large. Is that clear?

Then why did they start the Afghan war? Because the 911 case framed Al Qaida as perpetrator. US had to invade Afghanistan first before invading Iraq. This government is evil. It even kills its own citizens (false flag attack 911) to justify a war it wanted. So what for the deaths of Afghanistan? This is why Bin Laden is still alive and even can issue tape from time to time to the demand of US regime but Saddam, with no evidence linked to 911, was captured and hanged.
Well, sheeyit. You've just done blown this whole thing wide open, kathaksung.
Holy shit he replied to someone instead of looking like a bot! :O

befriend me, you wanker
1. To your theory, Al Qaida is not a threat to other countries regime? Besides, how do you explain the accusation of Bush regime that Saddam had link with Al Qaida and support their terror activities?

it's well documented that al qaida had no love for saddam's regime and vice versa ..and the bush accusations were just that: accusations ..there was no tie whatsoever


2. That's a good point. Yes, Al Qaida exiested in Afghanistan when the Taliban was in control. It doesn't conflict to my theory: Al Qaida is a tool of US intelligence. Bin Laden was under Taliban's shelter. So Taliban and Al Qaida all work for the US interest. Why US has a war on Taliban - its own proxy? Because they accuse 911 attack is done by Al Qaida. So they had to invade Afghan before they invading Iraq. The truth is, the so said mastermind of 911 attack, Bin laden, is never captured, as long as the Taliban leader - Omar. But Saddam, who has no link to 911 attack, and even no WMD is found in Iraq, was captured and hanged. Is that clear?

no it's not clear by any stretch of the imagination ..that's one hell of a leap of faith without so much as a shred of evidence to back you up ..you're just treading into crazy country yet again

Further more, US never seriously treat Taliban as a big enemy. It lets Nato to handle in Afghanistan while to put the main US force in Iraq despite Bin Laden is still at large. Is that clear?

that in itself doesnt prove anything ..you're clutching at straws

Then why did they start the Afghan war? Because the 911 case framed Al Qaida as perpetrator. US had to invade Afghanistan first before invading Iraq. This government is evil. It even kills its own citizens (false flag attack 911) to justify a war it wanted. So what for the deaths of Afghanistan? This is why Bin Laden is still alive and even can issue tape from time to time to the demand of US regime but Saddam, with no evidence linked to 911, was captured and hanged.

you're rambling ..again you're taking dissaperate incidents and linking them together with what exactly? we're supposed to take your word that that was indeed their motivation? try backing upyour idiotic claims with sources ..reliable sources ..not ones that are just as crazy as you are
With all due respect, CptStern, I believe you are engaged in a futile enterprise.
CptStern, what I said are truth with which I have a conclusion. If you don't agree with it, tell me your opinion. Why Bin Laden and Taliban leader Omar still alive and can issue tape from time to time to help Bush without being captured? Why Saddam, has no WMD and not linked to Al Qaida, as you proved, quickly been captured and hanged? So who is the terrorist? Who has link to Al Qaida? Answer these questions then go back to the original article.

It's you try to meddle the water to confuse people.
Cpt. Stern and Kathaksung agree that Bush is a bad man. Ergo it follows that Cpt. Stern must believe the it are truth statement by kathaksung and all supporting hypothesis such as the CIA earthquaking kathaksung's wife whereever she goes on holiday (seriously, is she just a really large girl or something?).
Al Qaida exists in countries which dominates with US friendly regime. Because they are under protect of US intelligence and its ally. US can't kill people openly, so it let its proxy - Al Qaida do it. The head of Al Qaida - Bin Laden, is under US protect too.

Quote, "Plane Carried 13 Bin Ladens
Manifest of Sept. 19, 2001, Flight From U.S. Is Released
By Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 22, 2004; Page A07

At least 13 relatives of Osama bin Laden, accompanied by bodyguards and associates, were allowed to leave the United States on a chartered flight eight days after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to a passenger manifest released yesterday.


Opportunities to arrest Bin Laden missed or deliberately avoided.

As Scheuer has said and written on many occasions, America had between eight and ten opportunities to kill or capture bin Laden.

Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

'In the BBC’s killer documentary called The Power of Nightmares, top CIA officials openly admit, Al-Qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after “the bad guy of their choice” namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and “criminal organizations” such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundred’s of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Governments story of Al-qaeda a “group” or criminal organization they could “legally” go after.'

Watch video here:


This thread is a big pile of /facepalm. Seriously.

(And the idead of twisting a freakin' obvious, plain-as-day terrorist attack into a self-destructive, moronic conspiracy by the American government is just....I don't know, it just makes me feel a bit more soulless.)
Media propaganda made most people believe Bin Laden is the mastermind of 911 and through him US blames everything evil is done by Al Qaida. Yet:

Quote, "Proof Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11; 3 simple points

Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:52
1. Usama Bin Laden's absolute, unequivocal, immediate denial in Pakistan press after he was blamed:

“I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children and other people…
...What is this? Is it not that there exists a government within the government in the United States? That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. " --Osama bin Laden interview with Ummat, 28 September 2001

Sources: Ummat, Urdu-language daily newspaper based in Karachi, Pakistan - Friday, 28 September 2001 - pages 1, 7. - Source: BBC Monitoring Service
[this writer found it shortly after, along with others, and retained original links to Ummat's article to this day]

2. The government's spurious video evidence, claiming that he "boasted" (while he denied it above):

“It’s bogus,” says Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s Religious Studies program.

The video is further examined here:

3. The testimony of the FBI:

a) The FBI "Mosted Wanted" terrorist poster on Bin Laden does not show that he is "wanted" for 9/11. http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/laden.htm

b) and here is what they have stated:

“The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”

--Rex Tomb, FBI spokesman, in interview with Muckraker Report
[Muckraker also did a follow up article in further confirmation]

The FBI is well informed of the video (proves Muckraker Report), but, nonetheless, still considers that there is "no hard evidence" to connect Bin Laden with 9/11. Thus again, the video cannot be considered said evidence.

People can argue with the FBI about this if they want, instead of us.

There is therefore no sustainable evidence except politically-convenient allegation and propaganda, to make such a false and spurious claim. This also kills the idea of Al Qaeda which they claim also was connected directly with Bin Laden. The BBC documentary "Power of Nightmares" documents that Al Qaeda was "an invention" of the U.S. government, and that videos of Bin Laden "were faked for the western media", with "militants" called in for the purpose.



“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over”
--Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propagandist

The Zionist controlled media, and neocon-controlled Republican and cow-towing Democrat "leading candidates", continue to "stay on message", true to the principles of propaganda quoted above. It is clear that this was created by the same neoconservatives and pro-Israel Zionists both inside and outside the government. Motive? To hijack the powers of government, and to reorganize it to sustain it for their purposes (i.e. thus Homeland Security, to defend a post-revolutionary government after a soft coup). They will not stop unless the public loudly rebukes them, and legally stops them, and their political machinery, for repeating blatant lies to hijack government policy and powers.

Proof that Bin Laden had no links with 9/11 and the Bin Laden tape ...
By Ahmed Ismail

... is clearly guilty of obstruction of justice at best, high treason and conspiracy to mass murder at worst. Since the FBI now tells us that Osama Bin Laden is "not wanted for 9/11 because there is "no hard evidence" connecting him to ...

Ahmed Ismail - <http://ahmedismailibrahim.wordpress.com>
?The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over?
--Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propagandist

... continue to "stay on message", true to the principles of propaganda quoted above.

A susinct and accurate description of kathaksung if ever there was one.

Well, apart from the "brilliant" aspect of it.
Since WTC was a hot potato in real estate market, (the insulator of the building was asbestoes that was poisonous to health) and the property belongs to New York Harbor authority. The government insider planned to pull it down for a long time. The trick was let it collapse in a terror attack, then let Insurance company pay the cost. That's why we saw there were two bombings. One was in 1993. The next time was on 911, 2001. All in the name of Islamic extremist.

The first WTC bombing was proved done under FBI's guidence. At that time, "Al Qaida" hadn't been invented. The name then was Islam extremist.

Who Bombed The World Trade Center? FBI Bomb Builders Exposed!!

From the 'Lectric Law Library's stacks
Combined report by Paul DeRienzo, Frank Morales and Chris Flash
From newspaper _The_Shadow_ Oct. 1994/Jan. 1995 Issue

Two cassette tape recordings, obtained by SHADOW reporter Paul DiRienzo of telephone conversations between FBI informant Emad Salem and his Bureau contacts reveal secret U.S. Government complicity in the February 26, 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City in which six people were killed and more than a thousand were injured.
After careful deliberation, the SHADOW believes the question regarding the bombing boils down to the following: Did the FBI do the bombing, utilizing informant Salem as an "agent provocateur" or did it fail to prevent an independent Salem and his associates from doing it? The taped conversations obtained by the SHADOW seem to indicate the former:
FBI Informant Edam Salem: "...we was start already building the bomb which is went off in the World Trade Center. It was built by supervising supervision from the Bureau and the DA and we was all informed about it and we know that the bomb start to be built. By who? By your confidential informant. What a wonderful great case!"

Who is Emad Salem? FBI bomber, Arab double-agent or just greedy? Possibly a combination of all three. Salem is a former Egyptian Army officer who is currently the U.S. government's star witness against Egyptian cleric Dr. Omar Abdel Rahman, whom the FBI says was the ringleader in several bombing plots, including the World Trade Center. Shortly after the bombing at the Twin Towers (World Trade Center) the U.S. government moved to take Salem into the Witness Protection program.

According to the FBI, Salem was aware of the plot ostensibly because he had infiltrated Sheik Rahman and his associates. He was recruited as a government informant shortly after the 1991 assassination of of right- wing militant Rabbi Meir Kahane. As an associate of Rahman, Salem traveled in the cleric's inner circle, surreptitiously recording conversations, and selling his information to the Bureau. But unknown to his FBI handlers, Salem was also secretly recording his conversations with them, most likely to protect himself.

According to attorney Ron Kuby, after Salem was taken into the Witness Protection program on June 24, 1993, he told the feds about the more than 1,000 conversations he had recorded sometime between December, 1991 and June, 1993. Kuby says that while some of these tapes are not significant, others contain substantive dealings with Salem and his FBI handlers. Salem was actually bugging the FBI.

The World Trade Center bombing, along with subsequent alleged plots to bomb prominent targets in New York City, spawned a number of federal indictments and trials resulting in the conviction of more than a dozen men, all of Arabic descent. Salem's exposure as a government informant who had a year earlier infiltrated the group of men later charged in the bombing conspiracy caused many to wonder why he and the FBI failed to provide any warning of the pending World Trade Center bombing.

The answer now appears self-evident. According to William Kuntsler, attorney for Ibrahim El-Gabrowny, one of those accused in the larger bombing case, the entire conspiracy was the product of Salem, the government informant. Kuntsler's law partner Ronald Kuby told the SHADOW that within hours of the World Trade Center blast, Salem checked into a midtown hospital, complaining of a loud ringing in his ears. There is a growing belief that some of the four men charged and since convicted and jailed for the World Trade Center bombing, Mohammed Aboulihma, Mohammed Salameh, Nidal Ayyad and Ahmad Ajaj, may be innocent [victims] of a government frame-up.

Attorneys for those convicted have maintained that the government's case is circumstantial at best, with no evidence or motive linking the accused with the bombing. The FBI and federal prosecutors have not as yet responded to questions over the lack of warning of the attack on the Twin Towers, despite the strategic placement of their informant.

Two possible scenarios emerge. One: Salem is a rogue FBI informant who created the conspiracy to bomb the World Trade Center for the money his information about the plot (minus his role) would bring. An attorney for one of the convicted men told the SHADOW that Salem was an FBI informant from November of 1991 to the summer of 1992. The attorney says that the FBI became aware of the World Trade Center bombing plot through informant Salem during this period, but they refused to believe his information or pay Salem's exhorbitant fees. In fact, the feds claimed that they dropped Salem as an informant during the summer of 1992 after he refused or failed a lie detector test. This left Salem with a bombing plot but no one to sell it to.

According to the attorney, Salem let the plot that he hatched go forward and the World Trade Center was bombed so that he could get money and publicity. The attorney says that within 48 hours of the bombing, the FBI requested Salem to help them solve the case. Salem quickly pointed the fingers at the defendants, all followers of Sheik Rahman.

So, who did it? From the above point of view, Salem constructed the bomb plot with those whom he subsequently set up. The U.S. government and its FBI were innocent bystanders who failed to prevent the carnage due to their unwillingness to take Salem's claims seriously, despite his close collaboration with Bureau agents for the better part of a year.

The other scenario looks like this: Informant Salem organized the bomb plot with the "supervision" of the FBI and the District Attorney as part of a classic entrapment setup. He befriended certain individuals, possibly some of the defendants, convinced them that his intentions to bomb the World Trade Center were sincere, and convinced them to get involved. The bomb goes off. Greedy Salem, with his ears still ringing, sells out his accomplices while attempting to sell more information to the Bureau. In order to protect him and their relationship, the FBI sequesters Salem and utilizes him against the real target of the FBI, Sheik Rahman.

In one of the taped conversations between Salem and "Special Agent" John Anticev, Salem refers to him and the Bureau's involvement in making the bomb that blew up the World Trade Center. As Salem is pressing for money while emphasizing his value as a Bureau asset, the conversation moves in and out of references to the bombing and the FBI's knowledge of the bomb making:

FBI: But ah basically nothing has changed. I'm just telling you for my own sake that nothing, that this isn't a salary but you got paid regularly for good information. I mean the expenses were a little bit out of the ordinary and it was really questioned. Don't tell Nancy I told you this. (Nancy Floyd is another FBI agent who worked with Salem in his informant capacity. The second tape obtained by the SHADOW is of a telephone conversation between Salem and Floyd -Ed.)

SALEM: Well, I have to tell her of course.
FBI: Well then, if you have to, you have to.

SALEM: Yeah, I mean because the lady was being honest and I was being honest and everything was submitted with receipts and now it's questionable.
FBI: It's not questionable, it's like a little out of the' ordinary.

SALEM: Okay. I don't think it was. If that what you think guys, fine, but I don't think that because we was start already building the bomb which is went off in the World Trade Center. It was built by supervising supervision from the Bureau and the DA and we was all informed about it and we know what the bomb start to be built. By who? By your confidential informant. What a wonderful great case! And then he put his head in the sand I said "Oh, no, no, that's not true, he is son of a bitch." (Deep breath) Okay. It's built with a different way in another place and that's it.

FBI: No, don't make any rash decisions. I'm just trying to be as honest with you as I can.
SALEM: Of course, I appreciate that.

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