Test your hacking skills!

hahaha .. #10 is kinda funny when find it(var lol)
it needs some extra knowledge about some server tricks ;) can't say more. just learn how servers actually handle your request.
Lol, i remember number 10
It was a lil odd at first
Wasnt real hard though.

"Tschebyscheff said it, and I say it again:
There is always a prime between n and 2n."


They should've put something in that js file
To confuse you and throw you off
Not just something random

Lol, i should make it so with a little actual hacking
Someone could gain complete access to my comp
Itd be an interesting test
Id prolly get my comp screwed over though
I'm stuck on 12 ..

"wrong ID - but you're on the right way..."

I smell a trick ..
Yes: learn javascript :P

Seriously, I can't think of a hint that is not an answer.
you have something like this:
password = "something"
input = <what ever you input>
if input = password then pass.

so just read the password.

does that help? they use different names for variables.
bwaahaaha me so clever and so drunken, yes iundeed.

Edit: Oh noes stuck on number 3...i don't know anything about code, i'm not even that logical...so tired.
dude, right click, view page source, it says right there, i'm hammered and i can do that. Why i'm posting gid only knows.

nice try Sgt.Igneri.

I'm stuck on 2 :(

edit: 3 now.
I got # 1 quick, but I don't know how to get # 2...I obviously knew to go save as, but I can't find the password.
you don't need saveas, it is very obvious in the script, follow exactly what it says, i know literally nothing about computer language and i got it, it's just logic.

P.S. I'm on level 15 but i cheated and used a google search, so really i am trapped on 4...anyone want to give me a clue, i have tried letter size's in there but it doesn't seem to gel
4 is the one with calulations? the size of the array is just the number of english letters. (number of elements in the array) and do the calculations.

and to view source you don't right click the page, you just go
but if you don't know that then no point in trying the test really, sorry.
the hardest one by far is level 10, i was able to do the rest quite easily but 10 is just head frying, stopped looking @ it last nite, going 2 start at it again now. the other ones are simple, just study all lines of code and read every word as some are really stupid and are staring u straight in the face,

Got to level 3. Now I think it has something to do with creating your own password but I can't be bothered to figure it out now. Good find.
hasan said:
4 is the one with calulations? the size of the array is just the number of english letters. (number of elements in the array) and do the calculations.

and to view source you don't right click the page, you just go
but if you don't know that then no point in trying the test really, sorry.

soz bud that's just how i do it, it works just fine, i amaware of view source...honest ;)

Saying that i got to level 4 thus far without any knowledge so i can't be that terrible. However the calculations just plain confuse me, i don't get it in the slightest, what does % mean for instance?
that comment wasn't for you bud ;) I usually reply to all comments without quoting, so in one line I say "you", in the second line I aslo say "you", but each "you" is for a different person.
I gues that's some stupidity on my side.

oh, and 10 is a little tricky.
Got to level 8 in about a few minutes with no knowledge of hacking or Javascript. It's more lateral thinking than hacking, I pity any website that actually tried any of those techniques to either password protect pages or hide the page source.