Test your lightsaber skills

They said to me that the empire is recruiting non-cloned storm troopers and to apply, is that good?
I played this 3 days ago.

My highest is 6k, meh.

EDIT: Wait, this is version 2. I played version 1.
I prefer more exciting games... like solitaire.
Ikerous said:
I prefer more exciting games... like solitaire.
Minesweeper ftw!

Anyway, got to 4000, died because I moved the saber too far out of the screen (at least I think thats why I died) and quit.
Wooo, that was the best game I have ever played. I got 6690.

EDIT: Second try I got 10623.
I went to the same university as the guy who made that game. Apparently.
This game is addicting, I've managed 1355! :p

Best get back to work though.... :O
Wahey, i got 300000000 ...... then i woke up ;(

Meh, wasn't paying attention to ma score, will have to do it again soon :p
Drackard said:
Wahey, i got 300000000 ...... then i woke up ;(

Meh, wasn't paying attention to ma score, will have to do it again soon :p

LOL, your avatar is awesome.
Only got to something above 2,000 ;(
Woo! I get to be a stormtrooper! \0/