Texas to remove Thomas Jefferson from school text books

Texas is Texas, it might affect up here but not to shitkicker levels

well, i don't know what shitkicker levels are, but certainly kids across the US being forced to learn this re-write of history is up there. Remember, Texas has a huge influence on the school text book biz:

As the nation’s second-largest textbook market, Texas has enormous leverage over publishers, who often “craft their standard textbooks based on the specs of the biggest buyers.” Indeed, as The Washington Monthly has reported, “when it comes to textbooks, what happens in Texas rarely stays in Texas.”
well, i don't know what shitkicker levels are, but certainly kids across the US being forced to learn this re-write of history is up there. Remember, Texas has a huge influence on the school text book biz:

This, this is shitkicker level

Textbooks with such omissions would not be accepted well, bad for business
This, this is shitkicker level

Textbooks with such omissions would not be accepted well, bad for business

Silly man. We voted George W. Bush into office twice. Do not underestimate our stupidity or capacity for self-destruction.
Really, our standards are just above Oklahoma for a reason guys.
This is a case of the loud idiots getting ALL the attention. Most people in Texas don't support this shit. I know I don't.

I swear to God, we only seem to make any kind of change for and according to the stupidest people, especially in Texas.
Doesn't help our portrayal in the media, that's for sure.

*spits into spit bucket, reading "Animal Farm"*