TF2 Beta unlock time

Athlon 64 X2 5600+ and 2GB DDR2 PC6400 RAM.

The GPU is OC'd a bit too.
I am running models on Medium, else is High.

No antialias, anistropic, and no motion blur. I get ****ing 50 fps. And my CS:S runs finely with 100 fps in every map.

And with textures in Medium, it looks like total shit.

I made some tweaks to CFG, so I do get the 50 fps, before, I got 20-30 fps. I could post my config to all, but it is very much only to my own PC related, not everyone has same refresh rate as me and such in screen.

What I could say instead of starting new sentence with "But funny game", I'd say "Butt-Funny game".
I have a 7800GTX, running everything on high, motion blur, 1024x768, everything running smooth. Have not had any crashes or any problems. With max AA and AF too.
WTF I just had a TSOD (Turqoise Screen of Death), and it was only in the menu screen.

Anybody with beta drivers having same problem:

8800GTS 320mb
I played for 4 hours last night (GMT+8) and enjoyed every second of it. The only problem I faced was a certain graphic related dll call failure and it exited. Restart tf2 and never encounter the error anymore. Vista 32bit + nvidia 8600GT
anyone else gettin random crashes without anything being displayed saying that the game has actually crashed. Usually occurs when i launch the game before it gets to the main menu
If my school didn't have a shitty connection to the outside world right now, I would love to play.

Too bad my average ping to ANY server off-campus is 700ms. :flame:

Additionally, I'm all ready to set up my own TF2 server, but it'll be running on a Linux machine. :(
It won't stop CRASHING after a minute of play, arrgh! I have isolated and tested all variables. And I'm not the only one, look at the mass-riot in the Steampowered TF2 forum.

Patch me, VALVe, patch me!
I can only run it stable by running in a window...and thats at 1920x1200, 16:10 widescreen. Fullscreen at these settings just crashes after a few.

GFX= Radeon x850
OMG yday i had the best fun ever in a multiplayer fps ever tf2 is almost perfect

pyro needs a lil boost and the engineer a little nerf but very minor tweaks oh and the respawn timer needs to be reduced from 20 to 16-17 secs

however today after a minute of gameplay it keeps crashing, the screen freezes and the sound loops and i have up to date drivers and am running in window mode

does anyone know how to stop the freezing up thanks
Just thought I would pop in and say Team Fortress 2 is amazing. Totally worth the 9 year wait imo.

I am running it on full settings with AMD X2 6000 (3.1ghz), 2GB ram + EVGA 8800GTS 640mb... YUMMY! :)

Frag ya later :P
tf2 is the shooter i've been waiting for years... :)
omg... can't wait until final version is released...
I´ve been playing for a couple of hours now and I just have to say....
I'm tempted to pre-purchase the Orange Box just to play this... :(
TOTALLY WORTH IT... works out at about £25.00 for the Orange Box after currency conversion :rolling: BARGAIN!:cheers: