TF2 Clan: Discussion

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The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
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Alright fellas, there's been some interest in the formation of a based clan for Team Fortress 2, so I figured we could get discussion and whatnot started. If you're interested, post in this thread, along with any ideas that you have. I for one am definitely in on organizing this whole thing.

We have a UK-based TF2 server (see the sticky in this forum) for I have admin here, as do most of the rest of the staff, so that can be a primary gaming server. If we can raise funds, a US server would be excellent as well. We can't lock down the server for scrims (I assume) but we'll come to that when we get here.

Obviously, we'll probably let in anyone who wants to be a part of the clan, but there are definitely some people (including myself) who want to get into serious competitive play, scrimmages and the like, and we should get that organized as a smaller part of the clan. I do not want to lead this section but I would definitely enjoy being a part of it, so if anyone feels adequately equipped to organize this, step up to the plate.
Clan is a splendid idea. Like the HL2 BF2 clan! :D Yes. Lets clan TF2 up!


Once I get TF2, I'll definitely be up for this. The ol' BF2 days are never coming back, but from what I hear TF2 will take its place just fine.

I doubt anything could touch the BF2 days, but this has potential to be a blast anyway.
I'm up for it - just depends if ping = annoying, but from what i've seen its ok...
I don't know about the competitive stuff but count me up for the recreation part of the clan.
I'm down like charlie brown... except for the whole not having TF2 thing.
Ennui, you already know my answer. I believe we have a blast every game we play. :p
I'd be in, even for the competitive stuff. I played TFC for 8 years but never did join a proper clan... only silliness. :P
I would love to join the competitive team, but I've got my hands full with my css team. I'll be joining the pub a lot though.
i'd be up for that on the condition that new members were given tryouts. i wouldnt want to play with tards.
Hi, Im a long time follower of this site and would love to join this TF2 clan, for both messing around and competative play. I maily play as a sniper or soldier depening on the map. I'll have to go and check your server out!

I make a pretty good pyro and demo and it's ironic cause I'm a welder in real life. :laugh: Yeah I'm up for it though. I say that this is the second era for'ers. In fact I think TF2 will be even bigger in bringing us more together than BF2 ever would. It's only going to get larger with more official maps, game modes, and the inevitable custom maps. :thumbs: *Oh I was in a clan at one point for cs:cz. I played for CAL too with the clan but that was in 2002-03 I think. I also was going to be in a tfc clan too as a their sniper. Timezones were so far apart though I could'nt join them. **In fact delete the BF2 sub-section and put this in there instead.
I'd definitely be up for it, except for two things:

1. I'm crap
2. I have no time

If neither of those are a problem, then sign me up, Scotty!
No qualifications for the open clan, we'll have to figure out how to do the competitive thing though... but I think that if we have a full team that learns to work together well everyone's skill level will increase substantially.
I'd definitely be up for it, except for two things:

1. I'm crap
2. I have no time

If neither of those are a problem, then sign me up, Scotty!

I have the time problem too. Working from 10AM - 7PM Central time, it makes it hard to play the game with some of you brits and such. Only time would really be the weekend.
If you guys ever want some ppl for friendly scrims then give me a shout (#kaizen-clan - it's pretty dead at the mo, should come to life when TF2 is launched). After WoW ravaged our rtcw/et clan we're reforming to play at some competitive level and it's looking like TF2 will be the one. We're all old english and dutch guys and, while we used to kick ass back in the day, are pretty shite now :)
I've just had a though - It would be best if there were a US server.

The timezone differences are just too large for competitive play.
I've just had a though - It would be best if there were a US server.

The timezone differences are just too large for competitive play.

What about a US and UK Team? Granted, we'd need the two leaders, and if seen this sort of thing get messy and break people out of a community...was pretty bad. But if some people are willing, I'd be there!
I think we should stick to one team. The CS:S clan ended up schisming between the US and UK and completely stopped playing together. For competitive matches, how about whoever can make it?
I think we should stick to one team. The CS:S clan ended up schisming between the US and UK and completely stopped playing together. For competitive matches, how about whoever can make it?

That's exactly what I was talking about. Two teams just made it go downhill. can't ever figure out why that happens. Hopefully we will have training/matches and such on the weekends.
I am up for it if you want to have me. It would be great if this game brings back the BF2 days. vs 256 Clan was the most awesome online moment of my gaming career. I dug up a short thingy I made of that match.
I am up for it if you want to have me. It would be great if this game brings back the BF2 days. vs 256 Clan was the most awesome online moment of my gaming career. I dug up a short thingy I made of that match.

I still remember the "BF2 VS" video.
I'm in! Not sure about being able to play competitively what with Uni again, but lending a hand in organising - count me in!
Does anyone have a Ventrilo server?

We've got a Steam Community We could make our own groups, that way we can all join a chat, and activate voice or something.
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