TF2 Clan: Discussion

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So far, I've been using [D:] in TF2 servers, and it's nice. Straight to the point, awesome looking, and we're goign to kick peoples ass with a D: in our names. anyone can join this clan thing? If so, then count me in :)
Ennui, go sign up for the CEVO $1000 6v6 TF2 Tournament. Who cares if you get owned, it's just for kicks (free, and you get to play against some professional-level teams)
I think we should organise a get-together soon for all the people interested in the clan, sort of a meet and greet type thing so we can get to know eachother (especially for those of us who are newer to the site.)

On the subject of 6v6, what do you think the best 6 classes to have on a team are?

I would say a Medic and Heavy, spy and engineer are essential, leaving 2 pretty free spaces which I would probably fill with a soldier and a demoman to give the best all round support.
I think we should organise a get-together soon for all the people interested in the clan, sort of a meet and greet type thing so we can get to know eachother (especially for those of us who are newer to the site.)

On the subject of 6v6, what do you think the best 6 classes to have on a team are?

I would say a Medic and Heavy, spy and engineer are essential, leaving 2 pretty free spaces which I would probably fill with a soldier and a demoman to give the best all round support.

We'll want a Demoman, though I'm not sure about the Spy...most teams will inact a "fire when approaching engie" thing where spys can't do that...and they wont' fire, so engie blows the piss out of him...But I guess if it's a good enough spy, he can get around all that... so maybe..

I think we should organise a get-together soon for all the people interested in the clan, sort of a meet and greet type thing so we can get to know eachother (especially for those of us who are newer to the site.)

On the subject of 6v6, what do you think the best 6 classes to have on a team are?

I would say a Medic and Heavy, spy and engineer are essential, leaving 2 pretty free spaces which I would probably fill with a soldier and a demoman to give the best all round support.

Add me to Steam (my Steam community ID is Ennui) and I'll grab a few games with you - that applies to anyone who desires it :)

I would say Medic, Heavy, Engineer, Demoman, Scout, and Spy
I'd love to join, but I doubt there will be any Aus servers for the clan anytime soon.

btw I voted D:
Any aussies on the fourms - just play on the servers the ping is fine to play with, otherwise just add me and we'll get a rally of [D:] or [HL2net] swarming an Aussie server.
See the sticky to sign up for real!
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