TF2 Map: CP_Redstone


Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys.

I did the mapping and some modeling and my friend pechu concentrated on concepts and modeling.

It's still heavy work in progress but I thought that it's progressing well enough to show you guys.
Tell me what you think.






It looks incredibly mind-blowing

love ze catwalks for le sniping
That's really amazing. Looks like it could be a Valve-quality map. Keep up the good work.
Please tell me you can get up there, on the rocket catwalk.
Looks fantastic and a half. A little visually cluttered but so gorgeous that doesn't even matter. Nice work.
That is a beautiful looking map... yet another reason to hate that fact that my TF2 is on 360...:x
Looks quite cluttered considering TF2's "less is more" design but hey, it does look good.
Best User Made Map yet..good luck on your work on the sky-box. You could even make the rocket fly off, depending on which team won.
If there was ever going to be a mapping contest, you just won it. Especially if it plays as well as it looks.
Best custom map I've seen in a long time...

Valve quality, good job, and ETA time for release of beta?
Wow nice. A wallpaper would be appreciated.
Thanks guys, much appreciated.

What resolution?
How about adding small sections of overhead cover near the skywalk? I think the snipers could be a real pain in the final sections...

Or maybe make it so snipers can't move around as much once up there...

Not here to let you down but that upper skywalk is not accessible. It's there just for looks :)
Make a blog with an RSS feed please. The world needs to know when this map is released.
I'm working hard to finish this map as soon as possible :)
Second and third screen look just like TF2 maps should look like: Simple, just enough details to get the point across. The area shown in first screenshot still however feels cluttered and way too restless with no visual guidance to where you should actually look at or go to. I chopped a fast suggestion how I'd change that area just to see if it'd help.

Also: If Earth's in there, then on what rock is this map placed at? :rolling:


  • editdit.jpg
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looks promising....
keep up the good work

i love the giant satellite dish in the sky :)
Simply amazing...

When will this map be out, I can't wait to play it.
I'm shooting to release the first beta in less than 2 months.
Looks good. And unlike alot of custom maps, yours fits the whole TF2 art style in general. Props!
Very nice. Not just thrown together so you could have your own map out there...props, can't wait to play this one.
Links don't seem to work.

I'd really like to see this map with all the good comments posted above!
Awesome looking map. If it plays half as well as it looks your onto a winner there I reckon ;)
Looking awesome...

I'll ask again....

I'm planning to release the first beta in just under 2 months. Still plenty of work to do.

It's perfect, how could there be more to do...