Thank god for ch_creatairboat



So I guess this is what happens when you try to go through the game refusing to get any help from a forum when you get stuck.

So there I was... I never got the airboat. Just missed it, didn't even know you could drive vehicles. I got embarassingly far without it. Walked/swam past the g-man barn, walked past the place where you are supposed to create a bridge for the airboat, wondering what it was for. Got to the first long toxic lake...

I can barely bring myself to type this, I'm so embarassed about it. I picked up a barrel, dropped it in the edge of the toxic area. Picked up another barrel, walked onto the first, and dropped it right past it. Walked onto the one I just dropped, picked up the first and dropped it past the one I was on. Did that about 100 times, saving constantly because I kept falling off. Kept repeating this strategy whenever I got to a toxic area, cursing off the developers for making such a stupid, repetitive part of the game.

Got to that container facility, where the helos start to show up... Shot down the one that was by the facility easily with the turret guns in the tower lock control room. Proceded down the canal, saw the next helo appear, with 300 yards of open ground between me and cover. Played this part of the game over and over and over about 20 times untill I finially drew the helo back to a position where I could hit it, just barely from one of the tower's fixed guns. Since the gun was just barely able to wing the helo, it took about 5 minutes of continuous fire to down the thing. Then proceded ON FOOT through the rest of the canal. Got to the tunnel, and came out the other side only to see another area with lots of open ground and another helo overhead. Banged my head against the monitor for 45 minutes trying to figure out how to get more than 100 yards without being gunned down, refusing to check the forums for help, because I should have been about to figure it out on my own. :hmph:

Finially broke down and read the forums, and saw that about 3 hours of play ago (progessing very slowly because I didn't have the damn boat) I should have seen a guy tell me about an airboat. I think I want to cry, having gone this far when it could have been SOOO much easier. Playing on hard level too... :eek:
funniest thing i've read all week. reminds me of early days playing fps's. "what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". ;)
Think of it as a testament to the greatness of HL2. I mean, you don't even need the airboat to get most of the way through the section created specifically for it! :LOL: :p
Wow, that's funny. You have WAAAAYYY more patience than me. I was frustrated during sandtraps when you had to do that, and that was like 1/3000000000 the length of airbout thing!!!!!

Good times.

I kept thinking it was time to leave the airboat when it really wasn't. I was glad when that part was over. I liked the airboat for like 5 minutes, but then it seemed it just went on forever. That was the only section of the game I really didn't enjoy all that much. The parts where you got off and fought were cool, but the airboat made me sick.

The buggy is better.
How do you get the airboat into the huge open area with the heli? I can't seem to make the jump into the tunnel, no matter how i try. I've been trying for hours!
gus said:
I was glad when that part was over. I liked the airboat for like 5 minutes, but then it seemed it just went on forever.
Yeah, seemed to be way too long to me as well. I hated it.

The buggy was better, but I still hated that as well. There seems to be no friction in the world when it comes to vehicles.
Blargh... since I had to create a new airboat with ch_createairboat, now the gun doesn't get mounted when I stop to talk with the rebels! There isn't a console command to add the gun, is there?
gus said:
Wow, that's funny. You have WAAAAYYY more patience than me. I was frustrated during sandtraps when you had to do that, and that was like 1/3000000000 the length of airbout thing!!!!!

Good times.

I kept thinking it was time to leave the airboat when it really wasn't. I was glad when that part was over. I liked the airboat for like 5 minutes, but then it seemed it just went on forever. That was the only section of the game I really didn't enjoy all that much. The parts where you got off and fought were cool, but the airboat made me sick.

The buggy is better.

damn, i thought i was the only one who thought that the airboat section lasted forever. i didn't say anything because i knew the fanboys would flame me.
omg, you didn't seen it !!! prepared by a female rebel !
Man thats very very funny!!! however.....HELP!!!!

Hello all, new here, I too cant find the Jetboat, I came through that awful sewer tunnel thing, {I actualy could not find any way to get through but put 1 box in front of the other and "inch" my way across saving all the way.

Oh No, as I am typing this I realise its just what he was saying!!!!!!!!! what a "Prat" I was actualy laughing at his mail too.

Can somone tell me please, is that Jetboat BEFORE you go through that tunnel thing

My mate and I just spent ovet 2 hours trying to navigate that thing..

Best Regards Ronnie.

PS, It is still the best game I have ever seen or played, I hate the Steam thing but wow it make sup for it.R.
wow. someone calls out your name to get your attention and tells you to get into the boat. i don't see how you guys are missing it. perhaps you should turn your sound up or either that you are rushing through the game. :p
hahahaha o man, that was the funniest thing i ever read. but how did u miss the boat they were trying ti give you?
Hahahahahahahaha I am laughing the shit out of me now. That's so funny. Can I be you?
Well I suppose if you don't pay any attention to what your allies are saying, then you could easily just wander on past the boat thinking it was just some junk lying about like all the cars n stuff we had seen earlier...

Then again I try to enter every vehicle I find... I even tried to hop into the combine APC that fires rockets and a machine gun when I found one parked up on the airboat level!

i know why you missed the boat !!!
I actually heard the rebel say : get in the boat, but there
wasn't any boat around.
Then when I approached the edge of the water I bumped into
an invisible obstacle...
WTF !? the textures of the boat are missing...
I can drive it, but the only thing I can see is shadow.
I'm not sure if screwing around with my drivers will help for this one. I guess, there must be some files missing in the install folder. Btw, i downloaded the game trough steam.
If anyone found a solution to this problem, let me know
If the created airboat doesn't have the guns, then you can always load the next part of the level, and the boat will be right in front of you, either with the gun on it or equipable. I ended up having to do that because my boat simply wouldn't make the jump into the helicopter arena. It sucked even more because then I had no spare ammunition, which would have been very handy in zombieville, where i ended up with nothing but the crowbar and grav gun more than a few times. I didn't get killed in it once, but damn did i come close.
i can't help but laugh at your misfortune.

how did you manage to miss the airboat ? :X
I too cant jump that section. :eek: You can walk it for a little while but the heli pounds your ass! Apparently the shift key is turbo on vehicles?? Well I've tried that too and there is absolutely no difference in speed. I allocated boost(shift) to another key and still doesn't seem to boost(turbo). Wondering if you only get one turbo with the boat and that I may have accidentialy fired it off ages ago. Although I still didn't see any speed difference. So If anyone knows wtf is going on please let me know.


Frustrated... :flame:
The airboat doesn't have turbo; at least, if it does, it's broken. The only thing I can think of is going back along the path under the docks to where the shipping crate has busted through, and shooting the barrels inside to blow the door off it. I don't think Valve meant for you to get under there any other way, so maybe the barrels are a trigger or something.
Airboat jump before helos arena solved!

:cheers: Horray it worked! Thanks dude! I had no idead you could get underneath by blowing the doors off the container. Thank you valve for keeping it real and being tricky. I did get underneath the dock without the doors blown. It's not easy and my poor airboat got a bit scratched up. I love you all :imu: and so does Michael Jackson :x
I did the same thing; rammed my airboat over the top of the jump... Then I was making my way down that little alley to get a good run-up, saw the container and barrels, and proceeded to smash my head into the nearest wall for being so stupid... :LOL:
BS Richy Benaud said:
:cheers: Horray it worked! Thanks dude! I had no idead you could get underneath by blowing the doors off the container. Thank you valve for keeping it real and being tricky. I did get underneath the dock without the doors blown. It's not easy and my poor airboat got a bit scratched up. I love you all :imu: and so does Michael Jackson :x

lol, I had my friend on the phone last night asking how to do this bit. Apparently he had managed to jump the gap without going through the container, seems when you do that a gunship kills you every time or something. lol.
So How do u activate the air boat cheat? And when does the boat appear. Didnt know u had to use the air boat throughout the canal level. Just kept running away from the helicopter and getting killed by that or the toxic sludge.

awww you poor guy.. I want to laugh but I stop when I think any of us could have done that.. Oh well, its a different way of playing thats for sure. Might try it sometime
I might aswell restart the level and stick to the air boat throughout. :sniper:
This reminds me of the buggy level. I got about half-way through the buggy section then came to a blue force-field, so I got off the buggy and continued on foot for about 2 more loads until I realized that I probably needed the buggy. So i just used "noclip" to skip it. The buggy section was wayyy too long anyway, at least the hovercraft was fun.

Geez it just gets funnier and funnier. Glad I wasn't the only one with boat rage. How the hell can you not want to jump out your window or even flush your head 40 times in the toilet for missing the boat people. No, not boat people but boat - people!! You have an unimaginable amout of patience! Sif try hide from helos, that is way to painful..hahahaR!

Elf is that you in your avatar or is it your mum? Is she seeing :naughty:
Ok, I'm at the airboat level and got to a situation I couldn't resolve. I entered the area where the heli starts to pound your a** and the really big gates are closed. I pulled under a dock and got out. Blasted the lock off a door and went inside. Eventually I end up running around some shipping containers while the heli dogs me mercilessly and I run into a warehouse with about 10 Combine and 5 manhacks. What are your techniques for fighting both at the same time? Those friggen manhacks wear me out, but when I'm whacking them with the crowbar (they take too much ammo) then the Combines are shooting me full of holes! Is there a way to even go through this w/o leaving the airboat? (but I did get a .357 along the way :) )
Oh, it's probably obvious, but I suck at this, so replying: Just shoot them all you ****in noob! won't be helpful! ;)
I didn't bother attack the helicopter (there's mounted guns later for that), but attacking the combine in that warehouse I did my usual save-shoot gun-kill a guy-save-i've been hit-reload save etc, over and over and over again! I can't help but do that SO much in games! It's f*cking annoying!
There mounted guns in a turrent in the warehouse, you just have to battle it out till you find them. So you get shot, theres plenty of med packs all over the place.

OrphanBoy your pic is quite ummmm
nice?....nt lol
Stay under the elevated platforms when in the warehouse. Then the combine have trouble hitting you.

Use the magnum for kills.
As for the boat, when you first incounter the toxic sludge in large ammounts (like RIVERS) take a left instead of making a right and building a makshift bridge over it.

Don't worry though, I got stuck on the one airboat part where your trying to get that ramp up, I thought you piled the stuff on top of it instead of that little net thing.
Oh god, this is so fricking funny. I cant believe you made it all that way without the boat. LOL
That most have been so painful, I might even go back after Im done and try it that way just for fun.
Like alot of people, I think the airboat section was just a tad to long, however, you have to admit, reading through all the different threads here, it looks like it is giving us some really hilarious moments. ROFL, I love it.