That "OMFG" feeling

I went HOLY SHIT! during the car chase scene during the Matrix Reloded, that was cool....when video games can do that I'll probably be dead
Originally posted by csmighty
I went HOLY SHIT! during the car chase scene during the Matrix Reloded, that was cool....when video games can do that I'll probably be dead, it's not that far off, plan on dying early? Or are you really old..
i want a game thats so realistic you could live in it
Nah living in it would suck.. what would be cool would be if you can play games in your sleep instead of dreaming, then you can have a cool adventure and dont waste any time
Originally posted by ph34r t3h cute
What, on the hl2 videos (Not includeing the leak if you have it) gave you that "OMFG" feeling, e.g made you go "wow"

Mine had to been on the E3 video of the buggy, once he was out of it and shot down the gunship and it smashed down into the cars that flew back realisticly made me go OMFG

the buggy , and well I guess I can't say anything more about it other then racing mods for hl2 are probably gonna be fookin great. (especailly off road mods)
i had one "OMFG" feeling the first time i played max payne 2. but i got tired of messing around with the physics, so i guess no more "OMFG" felling to me because of the physics...:x
Did anyone have fun playing around with the physics in the 3dMark2001 Game demo? The old school Havok engine? It's mad as i was playing it yesterday. (Take note, i haven't seen the buggy clip, otherwise i'd probably say something about that)
When Trinity jumps out of the window in the beginning of Matrix Reloaded, with the surround sound on MAX volume! always gives me the goosebumps! :D
The reality-bending-weapon of the strider. Now THAT'S an innovative weapon idea in a computer game ;D And it looks awesome.

Me wanna wanna wanna :P
#1 - on the docs when he pulls out the crowbar. that's when I knew it was really Half-Life.

#2 - first look at new G-man

#3 - watching the combine kick down the door in traptown

#4 - zooming down the road in the buggy and wondering how the hell they managed to get all that detail in there with no map loading

#5 - watching the other guys running out of the ruins yelling 'STRIDER', thinking to myself "wtf is a strider and why is it scaring these guys this bad?", and then seeing it walk out. I mean, DAMN.