That someone


Space Core
Aug 16, 2006
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Having chatting to a mate last night about relationships (it was late and dull), well he is hoping to finally ask this girl out who he has been friends with for ages, as he believe her to be the perfect girl for him as he believes that there is a perfect opposite for everyone and its only a matter of time before you meet them.

Now I dont know if I believe that, I haven't been in relationship in a long time (3 years) and they didn't really last long anyway, but my music and mates did a great job of distracting me from the feeling of being completely alone for a long time. But as my pals have gone off to uni, seems a lot of them are in fully fledged relationships and they are incredibly happy with their partners. At the time I wasn't really interested, whereas a lot of my mates have all had long periods of some form of depression, I have always been resiliant to it, as I can usually take anything on the chin and just get on with it. But lately I have been getting incredibly frustrated with everything, like if I head home once from uni, I would have massive goes at parents for the slightest things, I seem to miss of lectures because I dont see any will power, and then when my subject tutor asked to see me, I had a go at him saying that he was just picking on me and that he should look at everyone else who does it.

I mean I can paint a picture of my perfect lady like anyone can, but I have been through high school for 5 years, college for 2 years and now im at uni and there still doesn't like there anyone im romotely interested in. Personally I think im destined to never find that person, and if I do, i doubt the odds that she would be interested in me lol.

Your views?
I've only ever had one girlfriend and I'm 16. It's just that I'm not particularly interested for some reason. :/

The perfect women doesn't exist. You know that people get married and a few years down the line they start arguing over petty things even though they were "meant for each other".

Just find a women with the same interests and how to god she doesn't annoy the shit out of you after a few months. :P
Is that supposed to be abnormal? Most people tend to not get involved in anything like that during high school, though there certainly are a lot that do. They tend to be more visible than the ones that don't, for obvious reasons.

Some people I know seem to think so. Meh. :/
I'm kinda like sea in that I've never had a relationship, and apparently I have come close many times but just never noticed it.

Made lots of friends though.
I've been in one relationship, it was alright but I don't talk to her anymore. Apparently I've had many chances at relationships, but I was only aware of two of them when I had the chance and I pussied out. Hooray for not being able to read body language and subtle hints :sleep:
I've been in one relationship, it was alright but I don't talk to her anymore. Apparently I've had many chances at relationships, but I was only aware of two of them when I had the chance and I pussied out. Hooray for not being able to read body language and subtle hints :sleep:


No, seriously?!
I've only had one or two (one of them was kinda strange) and those were ages ago. I never felt I had missed out on much, seeing as how I'd gotten most of my play from various one-night stands and the like. And I just generally don't know a lot of people I'd be interested in.

There's one, maybe. Kinda strange and crazed like me, which is good. But it seems like we're both just kind of pussyfooting around hooking up for some reason. I should probably confront her one day and dick her.
I should probably confront her one day and dick her.
"Tonight... YOU."

[edit] I should probably clarify that I do not in fact have Asperger's Syndrome. I just have an inexplicable problem with telling whether or not a girl wants me to do her, and that problem spans from her body language to her actual use of words. Basically, if I'm talking to someone who isn't a hot girl, I have no problem with understanding body language.
I should probably confront her one day and dick her. --
Yeah, usually they need to sit practically on top of me before I get the hint.

ADDED: See, I knew this was a kickass avatar. That's twice now it's gone so well with my posts.
i dont know about me, so far i havent met a girl that has the perfect personality and mentality that i seek. Hopefully someday in the future i will find one but its so incredibly hard to find someone with my kind of views and ideas and philosophies about things, if i can find someone who is close to it and willing to have me share my knowledge then thats great but as you know that would never work out when you meet a girl :/ . My best friends all get perfect girls, im not jelous or anything, i dont want what they got, its just that they got what they want, but i havent gotten what i want yet (sounds confusing). my views about specific things are kind of radical and extreme, which could often scare away girls before they understand the meaning of it. I refuse to go out with a girl only cuz of looks and/or sex. Well...actually a sex relationship would be nice, but im just scared it would damage me in a sense that i after that relationship i wouldnt know how a real relationship works.

its all very confusing...just waiting and waiting, but dont ONLY wait, also search.

I hear you stigmata on not being able to read body language etc
I know your feeling shift. I have only ever had a few girlfriends, and these weren't really proper relationships.
Also, absinthe, quit smoking and I'll trade lives with you. Yours sounds so cool.
Nah, not really.

Besides, even if I did quit smoking, you'd just end up starting it again considering the people I meet and places I go...
It gets more complicated than that guys. You finally meet the right person, live with them for years and years, and discover one morning that you're both completely different to how you were when you met. If you're lucky you'll still be compatible, otherwise you have to start all over again!

Have a nice day :)
I've had a fair slew of girlfriends in the past and yet none have felt as amazing as my friends seem to find their relationships. My record is 3 months and that really sort of got boring after 2 months. I don't get how people have been going for 2 years and still be enjoying it. Having said that, I met a nice girl a couple of weeks ago and have been seeing a fair bit of her recently and she and I are going up to London not this weekend but next. Could be the start of something. :bounce:
I've had several relationships - I guess probably five or so - a few of which were somewhat serious, but I get bored easily.

I'm honestly not really that interested in having a relationship - it feels like there aren't many women that I would honestly find fascinating enough to do that with. I'd rather just keep with the random hookups.
Nah, not really.

Besides, even if I did quit smoking, you'd just end up starting it again considering the people I meet and places I go...

Smoking is one more way to meet new chicks.

..And avoid the self-righteous, hippy bitches.
Having chatting to a mate last night about relationships (it was late and dull), well he is hoping to finally ask this girl out who he has been friends with for ages, as he believe her to be the perfect girl for him as he believes that there is a perfect opposite for everyone and its only a matter of time before you meet them.

Now I dont know if I believe that, I haven't been in relationship in a long time (3 years) and they didn't really last long anyway, but my music and mates did a great job of distracting me from the feeling of being completely alone for a long time. But as my pals have gone off to uni, seems a lot of them are in fully fledged relationships and they are incredibly happy with their partners. At the time I wasn't really interested, whereas a lot of my mates have all had long periods of some form of depression, I have always been resiliant to it, as I can usually take anything on the chin and just get on with it. But lately I have been getting incredibly frustrated with everything, like if I head home once from uni, I would have massive goes at parents for the slightest things, I seem to miss of lectures because I dont see any will power, and then when my subject tutor asked to see me, I had a go at him saying that he was just picking on me and that he should look at everyone else who does it.

I mean I can paint a picture of my perfect lady like anyone can, but I have been through high school for 5 years, college for 2 years and now im at uni and there still doesn't like there anyone im romotely interested in. Personally I think im destined to never find that person, and if I do, i doubt the odds that she would be interested in me lol.

Your views?

I have been going out with a girl for the last few weeks. She is nice, very pretty, has a sense of humor, and isn't a feminist (she's from Hong Kong so she doesn't have annoying American mentalities). She is not perfect. She smokes and gets drunk way too easily. However, she is definitely good enough for me. I haven't dated anyone before her since high school (I'm a junior in uni now), so this is a surprising change. Unless she does something totally stupid, I plan on staying with her.

The funny thing is that she contacted me first. I hardly even had my eye on her... I had met her two nights before. My roommate was gone, so we drank a little in my room, watched tv, made out, did some more stuff :D, and I walked her home. The next night we had dinner.

Basically, you need to get to know lots of girls, flirt with them, and not really care if they like you back or not. Eventually one will like you. There's lots of other things that can help. Be confident, shower every day, don't dress like a bum, have solid friends you can go out with on weekends (girls don't like loners), etc. Make sure you have a good room where people would like to hang out. My room used to suck, so I bought some decorations, a new flat screen tv, and a fridge. It definitely helps. I'm not an expert here, but this is my advice, so take it or leave it :p.

Lastly, you don't need someone "perfect". Nobody is perfect. Loving someone involves getting to know them, understanding their flaws, and still accepting them regardless. If two people mutually love each other and are loyal, then that is likely enough.
I don't think there's any such thing as two people who are perfect for each other. There are, of course, people who are extremely compatable, but a 'perfect' fit, I think not.

Edit: Oh, and I've never actually been in any sort of relationship :(
I'll have been together with the only woman I've ever loved for 5 years on Nov 1st. I still could not see myself with anyone else. We have a playful, loving, and respectful relationship that just feels so right. Hell, I don't even consider other women, and I've never gawked over celebrities or models.. it's just not me. The funny thing is, we both bought each other orange boxed as an early anniversary gift. :E

There may not be such a thing as a perfect match, but you can always find someone who will love you if you treat them right.
Been in three relationships, first was plainly wrong for me but no harm done, second one ended up messy =/

Third one is my current one, been with my girlfriend for nearly a year, and I am very happy with her and love her. We met at a club on Halloween last year after randomly starting to dance with each other. From there we just clicked.

I wouldn't worry about not being in a relationship, just keep yourself well groomed, go out to places with a group of good mates, try and relax.

Oh and those of you who didn't get hints....damn I probably fell into that category when I was younger....maybe not actually but who knows :p
See its not talking to women or asking women out thats my trouble lol, I can even tell when a girl likes you, MY problem is, meeting someone I do like, met loads of girls, but they all seem the bloody same to me, just saw as mates. Just trying to find someone for once that could get me feeling differently like, "hey she seems really interesting" without having to look down first and thinking, "wow she's hot" lol.
finding a girl is easy, finding the right girl is so ****ing hard i cba to think about it. all the mates' gf's are egotastic she-devils, pub girls are nice.. for the night or so. mañana mañana, whats a brotha gonna do..
I've had one serious relationship and a half dozen 3-4 week things. Humans don't like being alone- find a friend or a partner.
I mean I can paint a picture of my perfect lady like anyone can, but I have been through high school for 5 years, college for 2 years and now im at uni and there still doesn't like there anyone im romotely interested in. Personally I think im destined to never find that person, and if I do, i doubt the odds that she would be interested in me lol.

Im pretty much the same, but even more so. Ive never had a serious relationship. Im simply not interested in any girl Ive meet really. What makes it even worse (well, "worse" isnt really what i mean) is that im not lonely or anything, and thus not motivated to try and find someone. Im perfectly happy without anyone. So idunno, maybe somethings broke in me.