That's it! I'm done with STALKER: Delayed AGAIN!!!


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
"The most surprising delay however (well sort of), was that STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl has once again been pushed back, this time until the second half of THQ's 2007 fiscal year."

so late 2006 early 2007 if I'm correct

what's this the 4th delay?

when and if it does comes out, out of principle alone I'll wait till it hits the bargain bin

hype is one thing but this backfired in their faces big time ...their window of opportunity has closed long ago
If the game is good, I will definately buy it.

Hell, if its good I'll buy. I've got plenty of good games in the mean time.
I don't care when its out, I'l play it when its good, If its crap, I won't
It's too bad this'll probably end up a sleeper hit, I have no doubt that this will be a fun GAMEPLAY experience but with the time their spending alot of their tech'll probably be outdated when they finally release it.

I'll get it when it releases tho.
Wow, I hope they realise they're becoming something of a joke now. Second only to DNF.
Stalker wont come out till at the very earliest Oct 2006 according to THQ (GSC disputes this). If it does come out after that that means that stalker will no longer be a next gen title as dx10 would have come out by then unless they're prepared to rewrite much of the engine code to include dx10 they're screwed as they'll be competing with other games that do have dx10

I'll probably still get the game but delay after delay has killed my yearning for this game
Well, sadly, as of now, there's no other title out there in development that resembles it iirc I mean a modern-day "post-apocalyptic" FPS/RPG hybrid..:)
Everytime I hear dx10 I can't stop thinking about ways how Valve are going to implement it :p
CptStern said:
Stalker wont come out till at the very earliest Oct 2006 according to THQ (GSC disputes this). If it does come out after that that means that stalker will no longer be a next gen title as dx10 would have come out by then unless they're prepared to rewrite much of the engine code to include dx10 they're screwed as they'll be competing with other games that do have dx10

I'll probably still get the game but delay after delay has killed my yearning for this game

well...if there is a bright side to might be that there are alot of games being released between now and X-mas and some which are already released...and well.. Stalker will not be competing with all these titles.

on the other hand this is very disappointing :|
oh well this just means gamers have more money for other games right now which IMO is a good thing :thumbs:
ah freeman you're such an optomist :E ..I want it now now NOW!!!!

stalker when first announced was unique in that it was an open ended fps wont be so unique in 2006 as I'm sure other games will have the same feature
CptStern said:
stalker when first announced was unique in that it was an open ended fps wont be so unique in 2006 as I'm sure other games will have the same feature
Oh, you mean by 2006 other games will feature a 50% perfectly accurate representation of Chernobyl and the nearby area surrounding Pripyat in a sci-fi RPG with a full life simulation for the other entities(sp?) in the game?
Yeah, I guess it will not be unique then!:p:laugh:
CptStern said:
ah freeman you're such an optomist :E ..I want it now now NOW!!!!

stalker when first announced was unique in that it was an open ended fps wont be so unique in 2006 as I'm sure other games will have the same feature

hehe i dunno if im an optomist honestly...
its just that theres 2 games already available which i haven't been able to get and a few others which are going to be released soon which i want..

im guessing im not the only gamer in this situation, thats all ;)

and yeah..Stalker's uniqueness was why some people such and u and myself were excited about this title... and thats probably why its its a bitter disappointment for me right now to hear of this delay.
What big fps games are on the horizon in 2006 that can compete with stalker,i cant think of any.
Unreal 2007? Not the same style, but they'll release relatively close to each other now probably.
Dr. Freeman said:
hehe i dunno if im an optomist honestly...
its just that theres 2 games already available which i haven't been able to get and a few others which are going to be released soon which i want..

im guessing im not the only gamer in this situation, thats all ;)

and yeah..Stalker's uniqueness was why some people such and u and myself were excited about this title... and thats probably why its its a bitter disappointment for me right now to hear of this delay.

so am I ...I cant think of any other game I've anticipated so much
CptStern said:
"The most surprising delay however (well sort of), was that STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl has once again been pushed back, this time until the second half of THQ's 2007 fiscal year."

so late 2006 early 2007 if I'm correct

what's this the 4th delay?

when and if it does comes out, out of principle alone I'll wait till it hits the bargain bin

hype is one thing but this backfired in their faces big time ...their window of opportunity has closed long ago

source: ???

if true, the reason for delay it again is to update their graphics engine for next gen machine such as 7800GTX, future consols glad I never got pumped for this one. It truely is going the way of DNF.
AmishSlayer said: glad I never got pumped for this one. It truely is going the way of DNF.
same here. if i ever get it, itll be because i see it cheap at a store and the reviews are good.
no surprise. though I belive that game is going to be a utmost fantastic experience. hopefully it will be the coolest game ever. it shure has the potential.

work on GSC !

"Some positive news... Those starved for information regarding development status of S.T.A.L.K.E.R., will be happy to know that FlamingPumpkin has recently visited GSC, and brought us a very interesting report:

Stalker is already not far from being finished. One can probably say that everything is done. All that is left is minor fixes, debugging, and ballancing. There is pre-rendered video. It looks worthy.

I played multiplayer. Even though it is still being ballanced, it looks very good. Multiplayer in STALKER cannot be compared to anything, due to the peculiarities of realistic graphics. Counter Strike experience turned out to be useless. One has to search for the enemy amidst foliage and shrubs, among ruins, and in cracks. Also, special abilities make the game more complex. For example, one can get into a good position by crouching low and leaning around a corner. But at first, it is difficult to hold 3-4 buttons at once. Clearly, the hour in which we will be able to enjoy this long awaited game is close upon us.

All that is left is to watch the news, and wait for the start of the advertising campaign, and announcement of the exact release date."
I dont care when it comes out, let them take as long as they feel they have to. More time = better game or at least i hope so.
Damn it! Where can I find any leaked beta of this? I'd like to play it in this century.
Don't you guys get it? The name STALKER...and it's delaying DNF! ITS STALKING DNF! AHHH!

/tin foil hat
Could it not be that the huge delay is to actually add DX10 support/features etc? As cadaver has shown STALKER was showing signs of coming out this century and then suddenly we have another delay. It could mean he engines going under the hammer?
WTF, stalker was one of my most anticipated games! ARGH! Why the **** was it pushed back! I was a follower even when all the naysayers were going on and on about it!
Hmm, can't say I'm suprised. I think the best thing is to stop thinking and talking about it, and be suprised one day when it's released. Hopefully pleasantly suprised.

For example I no longer think about Team Fortress 2 and DNF, they have been eradicated from my mind. :O
This sucks. The engine wasnt that amazing even last year. Next year it will look like shit. They've already removed much of the stuff that I really liked... when it finally comes out it will be a outdated, ugly, repetive FPS with a few innovative monsters and large outdoor areas. That's it.
When it comes out, it'll come out, and if it's good, I'll buy it.

It's that simple, really...
wtf is that , I am getting sick of this

I hates this game because it's always delay

I don't care if they wanna release it tomorrow
If you read their updates it seems like they're always redoing some major part of the game. It's as if they only had a vague idea when they started out and have since been clumsily shaping it as they go along. I used to have high hopes for this game. But at this point I can only predict that it will come out unfinished, uneven, shoddilly put together, or all of the above.

I wish developers/publishers would keep their god damn ****ing mouths shut regarding release dates until they can announce them with a 95% certainty.
Guys, people've talked with GSC, and they said that they hadn't even been informed off this by THQ yet, Oleg and the rest of the team wants to get the game out asap, and they said themselves that it will definitely be ready quite a bit before the release date that THQ has given.

I think it's just THQ delaying it for some silly reason.. Perhaps they're afraid of competing with some major RPGs/FPSes but still, what the ****..

I mean serously, the MP beta was being talked about like more than a year ago, but THQ refuses to give them a go ahead..
It was announced at E3 2003, and was said to ship at the end of that year. 3 year + delay is just sad.
Well it's not as bad as DNF, that was scheduled end of 1998 originally.