The 1st thing starting to piss me off.


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
OK i havnt had a problem with steam at all since it 1st came out. I love it, and respect valve for everything they do. But lately iv been having to validate my hl2 files EVERYDAY. It takes 25-35-40 mins sometimes. Im really getting sick of this. Its probably my fault maybe im doing something i dont know about. But does anyone know why this is happing? Its driving me crazy.
Hmmm..that's only happened to me a couple times. I've had to validate the HL2 files. But not everyday.
WHO THE F*CK CARES!!!.....oh im sorry baby, i dindt mean it...want me to make it up to you?

Anyway so your net and everything is fine...just steam?
I think it has been happening to fair few people...or was anyway....
Well it happened to me about 3-4 days in a row. Today just now it happened again but only took about 5 mins to finish. My net is very good so thats not it.
No clue, I've only had to validate one other time besides when HL2 came out. Have you modified your files by a lot?
yep, same here, but every second day, 30 min to validate -NOT GOOD
Happens to me occasionally as well; it's either Valve doing random checkups or something, or it's a bug. I'd wager on the latter.
Hmm. Like Asus, my files were only validated once, when I installed the game. Since then it's been smooth sailing. Don't really know what advice I can give ya.
I know this happens to me at least 4 times a week and takes up to 35 minutes to validate ONE file.... what the hell!?
All I can suggest is to make sure all of your files in your steam directory are write-enabled.
Never changed any of my files but i think it happens to the people who use the sdk. (random guess) If its a valve check up i dont mind but if its something i can fix then id rather it be fixed.
WhiteZero said:
The people who have to take half an hour to validate their files every day, perhaps?
Just a thought...
k, dont take things so serious :cheers: and i had the start of happy gilmore stuck in my head....
I think they validate each time you logout and login again....

It is kind of annoying, but it doesn't take 30 minutes for me.
Couldn't you just hit cancel and re-run the game? I did that and it worked.
Asus said:
No clue, I've only had to validate one other time besides when HL2 came out. Have you modified your files by a lot?

same here...did it once, gg validate.
Once for me, it had to validate SIX files... it took over an hour. And that hour sucked.
i've never had to validate.

only unlock files, guess i'm lucky?
I use the SDK whenever i have time and extract files from source engine.gcf and half life2 content.gcf using GCFscape every day, and I've only had to validate the once, about 1 min after 12:00 PST on release day.

I don't really use hammer or modelviewer though, just hack HL2 code. mebbe that the cause?
Im preety sure it happens when someone else (or you) logs onto your steam account on another computers , and does something relates to HL2 or CS:S, then when you log back on to your account on your other computer it validates.
This is the reason (or last straw) i have removed Steam/Hl2 etc from my PC. Good thing I've finished the game, Steam drives me crazy.
happens to me also alot... dunno why maybe its cuz im running xp sp1 only dunno maybe a connection
As far as I know I have never validated my files and if I were you I'd link up with a friend and snag his gfcs or whatever there called?
This has happened to me 4 times since I bought the game. Seemed to happen after I'd been browsing the GCFs, extracting wavs or mp3s from inside.
takes me less than a minute to start HL2. i have never had any problems with Steam. i wish all game devolopers had something like Steam.
mine does this a lot, usually takes about 30-40 mins as well.

I sometimes forget to shutdown steam though, so i bet its that