The 2nd Presidential Debate

Joeslucky22 said:

Both sides do the same thing, so it's pretty much the same if they did it or not.

An instant ABC News poll suggested that the voters who tuned in for the Friday night debate picked Kerry the winner by a narrower margin than the first debate. This time, the quick poll showed 44 percent of voters saying Kerry won, 41 percent favoring Bush and 13 percent declaring a tie. The two men fared about equally in a poll of debate viewers by CNN-USA Today-Gallup. Asked who did a better job, 47 percent said Kerry and 45 percent said Bush.

So, yeah, pretty much a tie.
Joeslucky22 said:
my point - polls are not to be used as valid information.

yes, they are. They are the opinion of the people.

If there are 500 radicals each side, it'll just level up and then the independents get the polls right.

If there are more radicals in one side then the other, then that's also a valid point-

and then there's still the huge "possible difference"
what... switch the amounts of vote for kerry with the amount of votes for bush?
Joeslucky22 said:
Just watched the debate.

How can you guys say Kerry won?

Kerry looked like a GOON on stage because bush finaly got assertive and took down his opponent using tactics kerry used against bush (blaming and acusing).

Kerry has "plans". well plans look good on paper but you know what? news flash: Plans CHANGE!

and what good is his plan if we dont even know wtf the plan is?

You guys watch cnn, msnbc, or fox news?

well even those news stations are critiquing the debate and pulling out the pros and cons of each canidate, but so far all those stations have been saying bush was the stronger debater in this debate.

Kerry has that satanic grin on his face all the time, kinda makes me puke a little in my mouth.
bush's tactics play differently for different people. to me he seemed like a man who was angry and frustrated. it's as if you've taken a self-important athlete from high-school, a "big man on campus" type guy, and thrown him in a situation where he suddenly has to think. he tries to use his only talents (agressiveness and repetition) to cover his deficiencies.

i watched the debate itself on both cspan and nbc, i watched some of the post debate 'analysis' on msnbc, fox, cnn, nbc and i watched some of the call-in on cspan. imo, no one won the debate in terms of grabbing swing voters. i think kerry made better points than bush, and bush just played to the lowest common denominator. kerry scored big points with me on his explanation of his abortion stance (which was something we didn't hear about in the last debate).

some polls: said:
A CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll taken right after the town hall meeting-style debate found respondents giving a slight, statistically insignificant edge to Kerry over Bush: 47 percent of them went for Kerry and 45 percent for Bush.

Joeslucky22 said:
thanks for the link ;)
I don't put too much stock in polls, in general.

That's because if someone calls me up and says "I'm from *such and such a place* and we would like to talk to you about *this*".
If I tell them no and tell them I'm not interested, they can count that for their poll. Though they never gave me nor did I give them any information about the subject.

And online polls are generally from a certain crowd. The younger savy crowd has a big influence here and they generally are more liberal.