The apartment room from hell.


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
So basically it's a journal about his distgusting roomates. I didn't read it because it's pretty late right now. I can't post anymore pics though because there are poo stains all over the bed and everything! It's just way too disgusting so nope I don't want this locked. Where is the barf avatar?
Wow, that guy is huge!

EDIT: Err, woman.
A schoolboy error.
I made the same mistake on the Sta Puff marshmallow man. :x Err girl I mean. I mean she doesn't even have any hair. Also girls are supposed to be more cleaner than men not this gross. *She has a moustache too. :x
OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD! AGGGGGH! AGGGGGGGGGRRGGGHGHGHG!! <hacks, coughs, spits up blood> Why did I look. WHY GOD, WHY DID I LOOK!? Nothing can save me now but a blunt object repeatedly to the head to wipe out any memories of what I have seen, and to tear the retinas from my eyesockets so that I may never see anything such as that again.
That is some scary stuff. I assume that woman has a condition that makes her shit uncontrollably. I don't understand why she doesn't wear an adult nappy, and why she puts it everywhere, and keeps the urine. Mental issues I guess :( Frightening internet peoples!
She shit in a bag. That isn't not being able to control it. The bitch shit in a bag.

Seeing that bag full of green shit and bottles of urine is the first time the internet has gotten to my gag reflex in years.

And I thought my college roommate leaving what looks like dried pus on the bathroom mirror was bad.
I must admit, it takes some honest to god SKILL to be that disgusting.
Meh, still not as bad as the story of the roommate from hell. I don't know if any of you had ever seen that story posted on somethingawful.
goatse ain't got nothing on this chick
Wow thats so gross. Let it just commit suicide, it will be easier to clean up.
Wow what a bitch. Shitting on peoples stuff all over, learn to either A. Learn to control your shitting, B. WEAR DAMN UNDERWEAR, or C. Just kill yourself because you cannot control your poop...
...I don't really want to know... the guesses are really hurting already.
jesus...I thought I was fat D:
she must weigh 3 time more then me.
Meh, still not as bad as the story of the roommate from hell. I don't know if any of you had ever seen that story posted on somethingawful.
Please link. I'm a glutton for this kind of punishment D:
Thanks for giving me some yummy bile to wash back down... First time internet stuff has grossed me out, honestly.
Is the roommate from hell the story of the guy who's roommate would like, hide crap in teh closet and behind the TV, and would lock him outside, so he used a remote-control car to raise a pulley that attatched to the back door's lock so he could get in? Is it that one?
Is the roommate from hell the story of the guy who's roommate would like, hide crap in teh closet and behind the TV, and would lock him outside, so he used a remote-control car to raise a pulley that attatched to the back door's lock so he could get in? Is it that one?
I've got a pretty ****ing disgusting roommate. She is a little 18 year old girl but she ****ing leaves everything all over the ****ing floor. She has the bathroom 90% occupied with all her makeup shit. She also has sugar, vinegar, and olive oil in the bathroom. I don't want to know what she used that for. She is really ****ing lacking in common sense, tries to feed her cat out of a wine glass. She can't ****ing wash dishes. Her crap piles up in the sink for over a week. Her friends are loud and obnoxious. She is loud and obnoxious and vacuous. Her mom pays for everything yet she never has enough money to buy the clothes she wants. All she does is talk about boys or bitch about girls. When she brings her fat friend over to do her homework all she does it put the other girl down and crush her self esteem. She is a ****ing waste of space. Oh yeah, and she leaves her box of tampons in the living room.
I have to say, that linked story seems much worse, not that the story the thread was originally for isn't bad.

My favourite part:

"I think he was taking sh*ts in the bathtub and covering it with newspapers, like some kind of foul lasagna."

I LOLed at that. Mental images.


"Nazi sh*tbather!"
That second linked story was ****ing awsome.

Disgusting, but AWSOME.
Both had me bordering on throwing up. Sechsellent :thumbs:
If you read the main page of the guy's blog, the fat shitting woman died.
If you read the main page of the guy's blog, the fat shitting woman died.

I'm not sure whether to be sad for the loss of a life on this earth, or just shrug and keep browsing the internet.

I think i'll do a copout and be momentarily sad, then shrug and get on with life.

On a sidenote, who activated spellcheck on this pc?