The apartment room from hell.

The pictures weren't that bad... until the shit in the bag.

Second one is a cool one, read that a while back :D

The first one :blegh:
I had to stop looking at the pictures because I actually thought I was going to throw up. I don't know why, but this is worse than ******* (t u b g i r l).
Christ... she is the Devil. :| Seriously, I couldn't even get past the first 7 or so pictures.

:| :| :|

You know that feeling, when you just KNOW you are going to throw up? Usually happens after alot of drinking, and theres nothing you can do about it? You can just feel it there, swelling up inside you? Yeah, I feel like that. I'm afrad to keep my mouth open.
Anyone else getting a craving for chocolate?

(JK) :p
*vomits on floor*
I've got a pretty ****ing disgusting roommate. She is a little 18 year old girl but she ****ing leaves everything all over the ****ing floor. She has the bathroom 90% occupied with all her makeup shit. She also has sugar, vinegar, and olive oil in the bathroom. I don't want to know what she used that for. She is really ****ing lacking in common sense, tries to feed her cat out of a wine glass. She can't ****ing wash dishes. Her crap piles up in the sink for over a week. Her friends are loud and obnoxious. She is loud and obnoxious and vacuous. Her mom pays for everything yet she never has enough money to buy the clothes she wants. All she does is talk about boys or bitch about girls. When she brings her fat friend over to do her homework all she does it put the other girl down and crush her self esteem. She is a ****ing waste of space. Oh yeah, and she leaves her box of tampons in the living room.

The Olive Oil is a hair thing. Some girls use it to make their hair look shinier (in very small amounts mind you).
Moral of the stories present here in this thread:

Don't live with roommates who you aren't BEST friends with.
That second story was ****ing crazy.

I lol'd at this.

anus_presley came out of the closet to say:
I hope someone makes a Doom3 mod based upon this story.
What the shit!?

Haha, my dad was walking by and he caught a glimpse of the shitted bag and bottles of urine. He said, "Hey cool! Let me see that drawing again." I said, "shit, uh... ok..." I then opened this window and he said, "No, the other one." I put Limewire. Then again, except I put WMP on SoftSkies.

Yes, he thought the shit was a drawing.
I thought Goatse was worse than that. still, pretty damn ****ing gross. Puts my non-dishwashing or any cleaning housemate in perspective.
Hm, I read the first story and I'm not going to throw up, but my stomach kinda hurts :| How the hell can you sleep on your own shit and have it dripping down your bed?
Is this sick shit even allowed to be posted on our respected forums? I mean the story is one thing but I'm reading there are pictures? I haven't looked but I don't think I can resist much longer if this thread stays open D:

I remember reading the second story, that was a good one.
ZOMG, SICK, what shasta siad, awesome. in a negative way
I am a leg of that lady. She could eat me.

If you read the main page of the guy's blog, the fat shitting woman died.
They should send her to ethiopia. They could live off that for a year.
The pictures weren't that bad... until the shit in the bag.


Agreed. The shit in the bag was the worst... but I've seen this kind of stuff before... having worked, and spent a lot of time in a hospital. So I wasn't that freaked out by it...

Granted it is fvcking disgusting.
That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.

Ugh, that made me gag more than seeing a blown-up head.
I've got a pretty ****ing disgusting roommate. She is a little 18 year old girl but she ****ing leaves everything all over the ****ing floor. She has the bathroom 90% occupied with all her makeup shit. She also has sugar, vinegar, and olive oil in the bathroom. I don't want to know what she used that for. She is really ****ing lacking in common sense, tries to feed her cat out of a wine glass. She can't ****ing wash dishes. Her crap piles up in the sink for over a week. Her friends are loud and obnoxious. She is loud and obnoxious and vacuous. Her mom pays for everything yet she never has enough money to buy the clothes she wants. All she does is talk about boys or bitch about girls. When she brings her fat friend over to do her homework all she does it put the other girl down and crush her self esteem. She is a ****ing waste of space. Oh yeah, and she leaves her box of tampons in the living room.

is she hot?
"Now, many of you have heard of Shay. She is the villain of this story."

I thought that was a guy