The armor of tomorrow!

When I look at that nano-armor, all I can think of is, "Hail, Caesar!" Also, the term "nano-based lubricant" makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.

Dalamari, what's that picture from? It's awesome.
Yeah, been reading about those exoskeletons for awhile now. Don't much care for them, even though they will serve an important purpose on tomorrow's battlefield. I'd rather see battlemechs than exo-suits though. (Despite all the reasons that will never happen) :p

That black armor in the second link, It's beautiful. Thing is though, with this and the OP's link, and the talk about I'm not behind that at all. I'm one of those people who worry about the grey goo problem, so I personally believe we should abandon nanotech. But, that's probably the unpopular opinion, in light of all the benefits vs. a hypothetical disaster scenario.
Well battle mechs are possible to build right now with present technology, but the military doesn't for very good reasons: it would be a very complicated and expensive machine, it wouldn't be very agile oh yeah and it wouldn't be good on a battle field simply because it would go down at the first well aimed rocket at one of it's feet. Personally I believe the future lies in combat vehicles similar to the chopper fast agile with a hell of a lot of fire power. That's what I think anyway, who knows what the future will bring.

As for nanotech, it's far to valuable to abandon because some people have doom's day scenarios. Personally I find the "grey goo" scenario not impossible but highly unlikely. Like someone said "With nanothech we will make the leap from being able to do almost nothing, to being able to do almost anything".
CptStern said:
pfft ..all these stories about what the soldier of tommorrow will wear is just speculative nonsense. In reality they're never cool looking, they're functional, that's it:

my guess is that a lot of these fictional uber-soldiers suits of armor are more for PR than for practical use ..easier to recruit people if they think they'll get to wear cutting edge equipment that looks like it stepped out of City 17 ...but the reality isnt even remotely similiar

infantry have always been dispensible ..I predict the future will do little to change that

they should all swicth over to Hk made weapons
RakuraiTenjin said:
Typical total gear for one soldier runs up to a HELL of a lot more than $30,000.

Really? Ouch.

Oh, and I misquoted it...

[concerning the Nomex Advance Infrantry Survival suit]
Bruce Wayne: Why didn't they put it into production?
Lucius Fox: Bean counters didn't think a soldier's life was worth 300 grand.
Darkside55 said:
Dalamari, what's that picture from? It's awesome.

I think it is part of the future warrior project.


I think it looks like something out of a bad 70's sci-fi movie.