The Axtinguisher is Coming

LOL! This looks amazing, can't wait. Looking forward to the Pyro-fest
Great concept except whenever I manage to burn someone they run like hell. That and with it only doing half damage normally means I will NOT be using the Axtinguisher much.
This is awesome. Cannot wait for the Pyro update.

I love Pyro <3
It was strange. I was playing Pyro today, and everytime I ax'd someone I set on fire, it was a critical. Maybe I already unlocked this. :P
I would have thought this would be the first unlock, personally.
Am I the only one who isn't all that excited for this? I mean, I understand critical melee attacks do a lot of damage, but so does a point blank flamethrower. If you're right next to a guy and you have time to flame them briefly, why would you bother switching to the Axtinguisher, except for its novelty? Besides, most classes are able to run away once engulfed in flame, so I fail to see how this will be more effective than flaming a person and then shotgunning them.

Sorry to be such a downer. :/

The concept art looks cool though...and I'll still use the Axtinguisher over the default fireaxe anyday, but some people are making it sound like the second coming of Christ. Let's see the other unlocks!
It's going to be total hell for Spies once these come out. Ugh.
If you're right next to a guy and you have time to flame them briefly, why would you bother switching to the Axtinguisher, except for its novelty? Besides, most classes are able to run away once engulfed in flame, so I fail to see how this will be more effective than flaming a person and then shotgunning them.

The pyro doesn't do that much damage at point blank range. It still takes a few seconds to finish off someone entirely; valuable seconds. Instead you can simply switch to the ax and finish them off. Far less time for far more damage. I can think of several instances in which it would be useful, including heavies. If a heavy's on fire, just sneak up behind them and ax. By having to flame them, you give them the valuable seconds to turn around and shoot you down.

And I believe the "updates for everyone" will be a points system based on number of people lit up. Say for every ten people you light on fire, you get a point.
It's going to be total hell for Spies once these come out. Ugh.
Disguise as pyro, everyone will be playing pyro on the opening weekend just like medic. I had a great easy to blend in.
I always disguise as pyro, anyway. Reason being, medics, heavies, scouts and spies are far too obvious or conspicuous. Sniper's only useful when you've cleared out or going for a sniper. As a pyro, no-one expects you to shoot at a distance, so the fact you're not firing is less conspicious, and if you meet a pyro, you're buggered, whether you have a name above your head or not.
Am I the only one who isn't all that excited for this? I mean, I understand critical melee attacks do a lot of damage, but so does a point blank flamethrower. If you're right next to a guy and you have time to flame them briefly, why would you bother switching to the Axtinguisher, except for its novelty? Besides, most classes are able to run away once engulfed in flame, so I fail to see how this will be more effective than flaming a person and then shotgunning them.

Sorry to be such a downer. :/

The concept art looks cool though...and I'll still use the Axtinguisher over the default fireaxe anyday, but some people are making it sound like the second coming of Christ. Let's see the other unlocks!

I completely agree.

People will be switching to the axe 'for the sake of it'. I'd much rather play it safe and just flame em.
When you consider how seldom used the regular axe is, it doesn't really matter. And I always disguise as pyro anyway, for all the reasons drookles said.
Sniper a is very useful disguise sometimes (eg, when playing as Red in Goldrush).
I was joking earlier about how awesome it'll be when the Spy achievements come out.

guy has joined Server
guy: ...Hello?
GUY2 Has received 250 HLXPoints for backstabbing guy.
It's 195 damage (there is no damage variation for critical hits).


I thought there was.

There definatley is for different melee weapons but Im not sure about variation of the same weapon.
Disguise as pyro, everyone will be playing pyro on the opening weekend just like medic. I had a great easy to blend in.
Yeah, but there'll be a lot more fire around, and the one person who stays on fire will be that much more conspicuous.
I completely agree.

People will be switching to the axe 'for the sake of it'. I'd much rather play it safe and just flame em.

Real Pyros AXE anyway.
Medic will have a field day with the Blutsauger. And all the flaming people to heal.
The pyro doesn't do that much damage at point blank range. It still takes a few seconds to finish off someone entirely; valuable seconds. Instead you can simply switch to the ax and finish them off. Far less time for far more damage. I can think of several instances in which it would be useful, including heavies. If a heavy's on fire, just sneak up behind them and ax. By having to flame them, you give them the valuable seconds to turn around and shoot you down.

And I believe the "updates for everyone" will be a points system based on number of people lit up. Say for every ten people you light on fire, you get a point.

Well, the way I see it, the Axtinguisher will be a valuable tool when soloing an unsuspecting Heavy, or someone in a similar situation, however, if you're able to get the drop on a few people, presumably in a small to large group, your objective as a Pyro should be to piss off the enemy as much as possible. If you can scorch a group of enemies, rather than focus on killing just one, you are considered more effective.

Therefore, being the typical situation is "one Pyro vs. medium-sized group," it seems silly to light one guy on fire, then switch to your Axtinguisher to finish him off, and in the process die, where you could have just as easily engulfed several enemies in flames, causing panic.

Once again, I like new content. I just think the majority of people are wetting themselves over nothing. :sleep:
Therefore, being the typical situation is "one Pyro vs. medium-sized group," it seems silly to light one guy on fire, then switch to your Axtinguisher to finish him off, and in the process die, where you could have just as easily engulfed several enemies in flames, causing panic.

You're assuming the typical situation is one Pyro vs a medium-sized group. That's not the case at all! You fight whoever you wish to fight. Of course you wouldn't use an axe in the middle of a group, but then you wouldn't have used an axe anyway, and you probably aren't going to live too long to get back out whatever the outcome.

As pyro, you end up fighting whoever you chose to go into battle with, and there are plenty of times it's just you against one person, particularly one unaware person. At that point it gives you the edge. I can't see how you can't see how useful it is. Either you don't play as Pyro enough, or you're just not a particularly effective Pyro. Lighting as many people as you can on fire while might be fun and get you a few assists (indubitably giving you points when the update comes out), it's not helpful for your team.