The Axtinguisher is Coming


Jul 6, 2003
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Last month Valve updated it's highly successful multiplayer game Team Fortress 2 with new achievements and unlockables for the Medic class, and since the new system worked so well Valve confirmed last week to PCGamer UK that The Pyro will be the next class to get updated. Today Valve revealed one of the new unlockables for The Pyro and it called The Axtinguisher.
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Although The Axtinguisher does about half of normal damage to standard run-of-the-mill non-burning enemies, once you light someone on fire the Axtinguisher will guarantee a critical hit. Sounds good...very good.[br]

Along with all of the new content The Pyro will receive significant changes regardless of whether you have unlocked any new items.
Flick flick, 3, CRACKLE...thud. Can't wait :D

We will never be able to predict what valve will do for the classes! That sounds like the first unlock though, I'd love to know what tier 3 will be...
I hope the overall haul helps, because the enemy tends to run when on fire.
thanks for posting the picture, it wouldn't load for me.

oooh *shivers*
So what if you start hitting someone on fire and one of his normal mates gets in the way?

I won't be using it, I only use the axe as an anti-pyro weapon and if it does half damage...
It does half damage because if you hit someone thats lit on fire you do critical damage... so I guess you would end up with normal damage or more in that case?
Hitting a guy not on fire = 1/2 damage
Hitting a guy on fire = Critical damage

What's not to get.
If anything, this encourages what should already be happening!

That axe is wicked sick!
Hooray! Now I can use the axe on more then just melee maps! Only problem is why Valve took so long to do something with it. Is any other weapons less used at the moment?
It's less used because people are stupid. The axe is awesome.
The axe does the most damage per hit (non critical) if the Valve stats are correct.



Sounds great.
It's like a combo

Think about it, since it is a melee weapon you won't have to hit the person more than once. They will already be on fire so they are already damaged. A melee crit takes off around 150-190Hp.
We've spent time looking at how the recent Medic release went, and have rolled feedback from that release into... the design of the achievements required to unlock those items.
Sounds like we won't be getting a Medic-Styled-Achievements-Fiasco again. :D

If anything, this encourages what should already be happening!
It's a standard combo I use - although looking at the damage stats for Axe vs Flame I'm not sure why. Either way this is going to make getting kills with that combo so much easier... let's see who is laughing now Heavy's!

A melee crit takes off around 150-190Hp.
It's 195 damage (there is no damage variation for critical hits).
"Along with all of the new content The Pyro will receive significant changes regardless of whether you have unlocked any new items."

This is worrying, are they going to mess about with the pyro to make him less effective? Please dont do that.
"Along with all of the new content The Pyro will receive significant changes regardless of whether you have unlocked any new items."

This is worrying, are they going to mess about with the pyro to make him less effective? Please dont do that.

No, they are buffing the Pyro. It is for people that can't actually play Pyro and complain about how 'bad' the Pyro is when in actuality, if you know how to play Pyro, you can do a pretty damn good job at it. Many a time have I ranked the top in a match.
This will strike fear into the hearts of heavys. Mark my words.
So when she plays the axtinguisher during a taunt, will it make sound now?
Holy jesus on a stick, this looks ridiculously good.:flame::flame::flame::flame::flame: