The best times from HL1.

Feeling all alone, trying to reach the surface. I really felt that :D
Then when you encountered fellow scientist, it was always cool what they had to say, or what advise they could give. "aaah...a fellow scientist".

The cliffside also rocked..when you reached the end of a shaft, and you see a military plane fly by..with cool music beginning :D
You also see that part at the beginning of opposing force

I also liked seeing gordon multiple times in blue shift and opposing was always in the back of your mind if you would maybe see him :)

I also liked going to the alien world xen, you really felt like going to another dimension, after the whole teleporting drama with aliens suddenly showing up.
Crappy hoe, Xen is terrible :O In the 'ventilations' at Xen.. That was creepy. Those.. "Dogs" screaming at you.. *brawr* Im scared now :(
Being absolutley terrified while being chased by the garg. The feeling of panic, hopelessness, and true excitment. No other game has been able to trigger those kind of things for me.
During the accident, and you're teleported into the dark with 4 aliens standing round...

The first time I saw that I was terrified.

Xen is really pretty cool though, I think. It was incredibly alien, and I thought it made a brilliant contrast from Black Mesa, while being wonderfully self-consistent, and it made sense in itself, as well as furthering the story.
Now that you guys mention it, getting to the surface for the first time was indeed special. Of course we get chased back down underground very quickly.

Ichthyosaurs were the scariest enemies in the game. Always made me think twice before leaping into any water. They were big, mean and most of your weapons are useless in the water.

The head crabs are brilliant of course. Vent crawling always had me on the edge of my seat.

I've played the game a couple of times on hard and it makes you fear those damn crabs.
Yeah. Something tells me that you will get flashbacks from the "Accident" in Half-Life 2. Just a little feeling I have =)
estling said:
Yeah. Something tells me that you will get flashbacks from the "Accident" in Half-Life 2. Just a little feeling I have =)

Yeah but in a gloriously updated, huge textured HL2 engine.
How amazing would that look!!! :naughty:
I liked the office complex. It was dark and mysterious. I also liked the tram ride at the beginning, that was awesome. It kind of "set me in the world" so to speak. Then there was reaching the surface, that was the first goal in any FPS I really gave a crap about. I mean, how the scientists and guards kept talking about wanting to get out of there, and how the soldiers were coming to rescue you (only to find out that they were trying to kill you), created a sense of urgency.

And yeah, I think HL1 created with the Source engine would ultimately rock. Though, it would be cool if there were more scripted events in some areas, if Xen was re-worked just a bit (more interaction with characters), and maybe add a more diversity of characters. I smell a mod?.
Max35 said: I smell a mod?.
Yeah, it's on the ground. Someone chewed it up and spit it out.

Why replay HL1 when there is SO MUCH HL2!!!! :D
fightin that 3 headed beast was fun, running along the edges hoping he wont hit you.
i REALLY need to play half life 1.... Im so lazy though and i dont wanna spend any money on a 5 year old game... I bought CS retail a while back.. too bad that doesn't include HL...
Seeing the evolution of the soldiers reaction to you is great, from when they start giving you messages to surrender to "Forget about freeman". But I must say that the first time you hit the surface and when the lights turn out where great moments.

I also loved each moments when the soldiers fight the aliens, especially at the beggining of "on a rail" (or the end?) when they get killed by the giant monster.
ichysacre scrip with the siecantist getting eaten and the other scriped scen in the chapter with thouse tenticle like things, don't remember the chapter's name. ah.......... the good old times....... then again I can play it again :cool:

I saw a mod for hl2, someone is making the first half-life in the source, after I get my copy of half-life 2, am getting that mod.
slicktick said:
hl1 in the source engine has already been confirmed by valve
As a free download? As an add-onn or a bonus feature bundled with the game?
someone asked about it, and all they said was "its taken care of" or something almost exactly to that effect, so we dont know what it will be
I can't believe no one has said my favorite moment yet. When you come down a hall and see the scientist run out, saying, "For God sakes open the blast door! They're coming for us! It's the only way out!" And then the zobie pulls the security guard into the vent, he says "We're DOOMED!" That part made me realize that these Marines were not here to help us.

I don't remember the name of the chapter, but all I remember is crouching, hiding from Garg on top of a tower, hoping the AI wouldn't cheat and see right through me. It didn't, and Garg mindlessly ran around trying to find me until I got away. Good times.
I miss you Gargy.
like a few people have said already, the tram ride at the beggining just makes you feel like your really there, i love it.

Also the tentacles was a memorable moment. it scared the crap out of me. I remember being so freaking scared when i had to creep in its lair without being noticed. great stuff.
The only good parts in xen that I liked was when you had to shoot the big spider where it lays eggs, and when you get the grenade launcher and blow up those huge terrifiying and scary Gargs.(are gargs those monsters that are huge and have a big red eye?)
The biggest impressions were the train ride (I just went through with my mouth open like a little kiddie, nothing seen like that before), Xen (nothing seen like that before, because it's really alien-like enviroment and you don't know what to do exactly), although I didn't like it much after playin it. There was too much platforming. But I was thinking to make a mod where marines invade Xen, but get their asses kicked (kind of Stargate series).
The sound of your feet on metal as you walked through the vents, totally black except for that small beam of your flashlight. Hunched over in your chair, looking for any sign of movement, walking forward. Thinking it's safe, there's nothing there, then WHAM! there's a headcrab illuminated in your flashlight beam, flying straight for your face. Still made me jump when I played through it again last year.

My other favorite moment is when you're riding the elevator to the rooftop (I think it might be the very first time you get a glimpse of the sky after the tram ride). All of the sudden some cool upbeat music kicks in, and you know something's about to happen. You get up top, and there's a bunch of marines coming for ya. Helicopters buzzing around outside. Good times...
Hah, probably the encounter with the tentacles from blast pit. First realizing that it was impossible to kill the tentacles by traditional means (that is, after wasting copious amounts of ammo). After that, watching the suckers burn after the tedious process of setting up the rocket (or whatever that thing was). Heh, I think I actually moved around those things both while crouched and walking at the same time -- talk about slow.
Comreak said:
Hah, probably the encounter with the tentacles from blast pit. First realizing that it was impossible to kill the tentacles by traditional means (that is, after wasting copious amounts of ammo). After that, watching the suckers burn after the tedious process of setting up the rocket (or whatever that thing was). Heh, I think I actually moved around those things both while crouched and walking at the same time -- talk about slow.

HAHAHHA ;D Really slow :-)

One other thing to remember from HL1 is when you sitting in the train, hearing that female voice in the speakers, seeing barney banging on the door and a light breaks behind you.. You notice something is wrong and 'Why oh why did I pull on the HEV suit'

After the 'accident' you see blood in the cafeteria.. that's creepy. Really creepy.
There were also some excellent moments in OP4, notably the first time you see one of the race x creatures in the dark room and the cool xen "biodomes".

In HL what really freaked me out were the barnacles. It was a long time before I stopped checking the roof in FPS games!
It's true, the Garg was great - I love the bit in Op4 when the grunts have one tied up on the dam and the dynamite attached :)
But did anyone see the original design for the it? I really have to say I preferred that - it's in the manual (definitely for the American one - not sure elsewhere) as a concept drawing. I'd love it for that to return as a fully-fledged enemy all of its very own <sighs>
"So... who is this Freeman guy, anyway?"

"Science team... think he was responsible, sabotage, maybe?"

"Yeah, maybe... all I know for sure is he's been killing my buddies."

"Oh yeah, he'll pay... he will definitely pay."

What they don't know is that I already have a satchel charge placed between the two of them ;).

Other than that, I can't think of a single favourite moment. Perhaps at the beginning of "We've Got Hostiles," and you see and hear increasing signs of the Marines, but don't see them until one shoots the scientist. They are against me, too! :(
Hmm, soon we have wrote so many parts we have the whole game in the thread ;)

I love the part when you're captured and they put you inside this.. 'room' with moving walls. It took me ages to findout how to make it. Now-days I laugh at my self not seeing the 'climbable' crates :hot:
My favorite part was in OP4 when u get in the one room and it starts filling up with toxic sludge, i kept reloading it thinking i did something wrong,after 2 days i finally figured it out.
el Chi said:
It's true, the Garg was great - I love the bit in Op4 when the grunts have one tied up on the dam and the dynamite attached :)

Never, ever saw/noticed that...

Never. Please, do tell...
It's after the pitch black sewer + votiganuhts (sp) section, and just before the fight with the black ops with the mounted gun and crashed Osprey. I'm suprised anyone would forget that, it's one of the best moments in the game.
that part with the toxic waste room was cool in op4. but another thing i remembered about that part when the barney gets pulled into the vent and the scientist says were doomed b/c the blast doors were the only way out. if you pay attention, you hear the cool announcement system say "black mesa announcement system now under military control" and stuff like "all science personel report topside for interrogation." little touches like that made this the best game ever.

Votiganuhts... gonna hafta remember that one :E.

Anyway, no, I didn't remember that part. So they actually had a Garg tied up on the dam, with dynamite around it? I feel a reinstall of HL and OP4 coming on...
you should do it. i replayed them again just recently. i beat op4, but i left my other game in xen. this way, ill be able to get to the end and beat it moments before going to pick up HL2 at a store and start right from where i left off...assuming i dont kill myself as i drive home from the mall at unsafe speeds.
Hahaha, you better.. teleport yourself. But not into Xen :o
The part I remember the most is after the tram ride... walking up to the front desk and having the security guard say:

"Good morning Mr. Freeman, Ah, I had a bunch of messages for you, but we had a system crash about twenty minutes ago and I'm still trying to find my files. Just one of those days I guess."
Brian Damage said:
Never, ever saw/noticed that...

Never. Please, do tell...
So very very good.
Sorry the scan's a bit rubbish.