The Big DM map thread

Hey everyone.

Just thought I'd post about my map here.

Creator: Gareth P

Map Name : dm_cows (currently called dm_cows_b1)




More Screens :

Download Link:

Feel free to PM / email me if you want to ask anything about the map. Also if you do put it on your server I'd really like it if you told me, haven't got to play this map with more than a couple of people.

Thanks for looking.







Small DM map suitable for max 4 people , best is 1on1 !
Have fun and please give some feedback ! :smoking:

Ported by: Kusa
Map Name: tdm_2fort_b3
Style: Capture The Flag
Screenshots: (Attached)
Download URL:
Instructions: Take enemy's flag and bring it back to your team's battlements(sniper nest). CTF logic source available with .vmt file.
Servers: Sorry, but too small server to open to public


  • tdm_2fort_b30000.jpg
    39.8 KB · Views: 442

After our first attempt at mapping by converting Castle Overload from HL1 to HL2, Captain Hornet and I have now finished our first map from scratch.

It's called dm_sanctuary and you can view screen shots and download the map from here:

This map has more to it than at first meets the eye, and needs exploration, and players need to be wary. ;)

Hope you like it :)
4 Flyable Planes Map

By Rickler

Map with four flyable planes. They have guns and drop bombs. Please get this running on servers.

"There are 2 a10 thunderbolt's in this map as well as the learjet from my last version.
The first a10 which can be controled inside or by the screen fires a minugun, and the 2nd (which is on the other side of the map) drops bombs. Right click to do so...
planes can be shot down if you hit the engines 48 times. "

Screenies here


replace ******** with hl2world
The most satisfying map that I'VE tryed so far, is this new dm_swamp map, its total awesomeness, and the mapper is a frigin n00b, how do these guyz do it?
HI, i need some help please guys how can i post a picture like tynan??.
the most amazimg map's is killbox type i really like this type of map.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
Yea, too bad 46 of them are piece of grabage.

Too true. Nowadays when I'm playing HL2DM, I get on, and all I see are hoardes and hoardes of servers playing all these terrible maps.

It's now an EFFORT to find some good ol' Lockdown among the trash. I wish Valve had a way to screen "unfinished" maps from appearing in the server browser, because I don't want to wait 5 minutes to connect to a server with a stupid map.

Anyway, here's my map. It's not released yet; I'm first waiting to see if it's a winner in the contest (which I dont think it is), then I'm gonna do a little online testing, then I'll release it.

It's called dm_plaza17:




Map Name:

??? Hmm not sure. Maybe somebody can tell me.

Screenshots & Download URL:
Map Webpage

- Download and unzip the .bsp and .cache files. The bsp will go in your hl2dm/maps dir and the cache in the hl2dm/maps/soundcache dir. You don't have to download the sound cache if you just run the map yourself once first.

- I like to run this map with the flashlight enabled but it isn't necessary.

A relatively small map designed for no more than 10 players.

My plan was to create a HL2DM map that I actually enjoyed playing on... i find the maps that are out there for HL2DM are just uninspiring when you compare them to maps out for other games.

BTW, those things with the blue beam arcing on them are teleporters. You step in one with a blue beam and you come out on one without a blue beam.

The Map: Files/maps&


Im running a test server at, but im only running it for a couple of days. (if someone else wanted to put it into their map rotation that'd be great :))
Got it resolved... Apparently that skybox is from the beta of the map. Afterward he made his own skybox...

Still, a buddy of his gave him my skybox for use, as if it's popcorn.
I hope his buddy realizes you need to ask before doing quite obviously stupid things like giving out other people's stuff.

I don't care that much, but it's a bit annoying...
well i have made a new map its an team deatmatch map called rebels.
its my first beta i release. prettey big and almost complete for an beta tough :D but i dont got time now for finnish it. will finnish it later

dl the map here:

screens section: <- rebel´s start location <- Combine´s start location
i need help, i downloaded all 4 map packs, but theres more in there theb just maps, there are stuff that i dont even know were to place.

can tell me step by step what to do.

i know the maps are sopose to go to the map file right? what about the rest of the content?
Dario D. said:
Kelso... brighter! More beautifying light! :cheers:

the screens are crappy.. its bright as hell when u play it i swear.. dunno whats wrong with the screeinies.. my friend said also that the map was dark on the screens but light in game
kelso said:
the screens are crappy.. its bright as hell when u play it i swear.. dunno whats wrong with the screeinies.. my friend said also that the map was dark on the screens but light in game
Well why are you posting "crappy" screens to publicize your map? Fix the problem.
Now now Lanthanide...

- - -

I played DM_Avalon the other day. It was pretty good, and high quality - in the style of UT2004's crazy maps (floating island with strange architecture), and, as with all small, circular-central maps, loud as heck.
Lanthanide said:
Well why are you posting "crappy" screens to publicize your map? Fix the problem.

well i dunno what to do.. i just press f5 then copying the screens to my ftp. so i dont know what to do.. the way i see in game is much much brighter than on screens :S
Released! CTF_Secterra_ridge - Destructible buildings - Artillery - For HL2:DM




Synopsis: Capture the Flag, Combine vs. Rebels. Includes fully destructible buildings and working artillery. For HL2M.

Details: There are four houses on the map, the two with red roofs belong to Team Rebel and the two with black roofs belong to Team Combine. In the basement of the houses closest to each team's bunker resides their flag. Capture the enemy flag and return it to your base to score. First team to 5 wins.

- Server must be run in Team Deathmatch mode (mp_teamplay 1).
- Artillery is friendly fire regardless of server settings, watch who you're firing at.
- Players can destroy enemy buildings (but not their own) with frag grenades, rpg, smg grenades, or the Slam weapon.
- On the left side of both bunkers is a small weapons locker containing grenades, rpg, revolver, and combine-ball rounds. When a team scores their locker is opened for 60 seconds.

Have fun! Visit us at for downloads, forums, and info on Secterra the mod.

My server is running the map 24/7 at I suggest you download the zip file from first though, it's much faster than downloading the uncompressed map from the game server.
I cannot wait for Dario D's map dm_plaza17. From those screens it looks like the best non-valve thing I've ever seen. Hell, it looks better than steamlabs any day :imu:
I know you guys arent much help, but i'm gonna give you all a second chance, here we go:

I downloaded the map packs 1 to 4 and placed the maps in hl2dm/maps.
yet i still find myself downloading maps before playing.

why is that?
I found a new site for Micro sized maps... NoMaD makes a few... dm_roaches & dm_bellas_room are 2 that I love. Here is the website with screenshots, downloads, forum.... etc:

Thought it was worth mentioning as I love playing the maps!

Chraggle :cheers:
wow there are so many amazing maps! I wish that whatever that guy said came true, about filtering unfinished maps or publicizing the finished maps that have somehow been thought to be very good.
FilePlanet has just released their #1 map pack for HL2DM :E . Of course, you have to be registered, but you don't need to be a subscriber. Maps are really nice (but two of them will be included in next week HL2DM Update - Avalon and Underpass, so you don't have to download them right now). Access it here:
wlodi said:
FilePlanet has just released their #1 map pack for HL2DM :E . Of course, you have to be registered, but you don't need to be a subscriber. Maps are really nice (but two of them will be included in next week HL2DM Update - Avalon and Underpass, so you don't have to download them right now). Access it here:

My Forsaken Monument 2 map is also part of that pack so go get it :p