The biggest disappointment of Half-Life 2

The biggest disappointment of Half-Life 2

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My biggest disappointment was the main combine facility (the ending levels)... the look of it was pretty cool, but I was hoping to see alot more eyecandy and amazing in the concept art.

It was just a bunch of big walls and body transport things going around...
The ending. A little dissapointed that I played all of HL2 just to be put back in the fridge. :|
this poll should have multiple choice....

well as most of u guys said the AI is kinda dissapointing also
the many loading times (water hazard) pulled me away from the action quite abit
Wicked Spider said:
this poll should have multiple choice....

well as most of u guys said the AI is kinda dissapointing also
the many loading times (water hazard) pulled me away from the action quite abit
I chose for the poll to not be multiple choice because, as the title says, the BIGGEST. Meaning one and one only. ;)
Of the options available, I said the Squadmates getting in your way. Many times I would sit and curse their blocking, their pushing and their overall stupidity.

My biggest disappointment with HL2 has to be how short it was.
The last two actual chapters together (ie not including Chapter 15 which was just credits. I felt really gypped by that) were shorter than any other single chapter and consisted mostly of being ferried around on autopilot.

Just the fact that I thought there was another playable chapter which turned out to be credits was very disappointing.

But the game itself is brilliant, I am on my third run though now and enjoying it just as much as I did the first time through.

Until I get to the squadmates.
The story parts or pretty much the things that got cut.
"Headcrab Zombies can only be sliced in two, at the waist" and the ending.
I didnt hate the ending, it was just abit disappointing.
problem was, it just wasnt ver 'halflifeish'. I felt like i was playing a vgood, but different game to half-life 1. The driving levels were the most action packed, but felt too foreign to a halflife player's weathered hands. :=)
when you kill a zombie in the waiste the headcrab dies for some reason, and sometimes the foot too
The enemy A.I is good, but it would be alot better if they could assess the situation faster. For example, taking cover quicker, and flanking you faster.

When ever they begin taking cover, i knew someone was trying to flank me so i had to watch my step.

Also it would've been good if there were larger fights with more enemies. Most fights were just 4-8 combine/metrocops and that was it. It would be cool if it was like 8-14 or sometime big.
i didnt really hate how the npc's get in your way, i mean what game doesnt have that? and most of the time i knew where i was going and they were just following me (not blocking)

i also hate that you can only have up to 4 people following you (including barney) i was hoping i could save up and get maybe 10 people party following you and trying to make none of them die, but i hate finding the 5th person and leaving him behind as he just stares at a wall or something
"Headcrab Zombies can only be sliced in two, at the waist"

Nah, they can be sliced into three. Legs off and then head off.
I guess that's not really slicing though, if the crab jumps off voluntarily.

Also, pretty much every level shown in the binks made the cut. They were just dramatically improved and much less scripted.

the ending was basically a fancy version of saying "to be continued", which I can deal with, since it means I get HL3. :P

All of those other things were noticable, but hardly disappointing to me. You expect those sorts of bugs from any game, and they showed up much less in HL2's case.

The only missing weapon advertised, I think, was the OICW. but really, it's just the best aspects of the pulse rifle and the MP7 combined into one super-unbalanced gun. And with multiple secondary modes, it would probably be unwieldly to use.

I guess my biggest gripe was not meeting the fabled "cremator", but he was never advertised anyways. Since we saw his head in a jar, that leaves hope of eventually meeting him in an expansion pack or something.
1) Enemy's radar AI. I didn't like the fact that I didn't need to look for enemies, they'd see me well before I could see them. I missed having sneak as an option.

2) Enemy snipers that could only be naded, not shot. A different method of attack is fine, but being forced into a 'scripted' sequence by inoperative weapons annoyed me. I must have unloaded a couple of clips into one of those black hole windows before I figured out the enemy couldn't be shot.

3) Lack of computer interaction. I would have liked to see more operable cameras, turrets, teleporters etc. Most events where you used these items were scripted. It would have further added to the immersion in the world.

4) I wanted a scoped rifle for at least one mission. The cross bow didn't cut it for me, though I used it a few times. Though I wonder how useful a scope would be if the enemy always knows where you are?

5) I felt that the gravity gun could have held the physics object a little lower in your FOV. Because gravity gun held objects are held central to your window, even small objects block too much FOV. It took some fun outta the gun for me.

6) Amazing textures throughout, except for the rubble textures. There could have been more detail there.

7) Both Half-Life 2 and Counterstrike:Source need player leaning. In HL2 it's not so important as the enemy AI sees you too easily, but in Counterstrike it's essential. CS:S would be a LOT better if the player could peek well.

8) While we're on CS:S, I think iron sights should be considered for every multiplayer FPS released from now on. They add a lot more tactics to live play and really have no downsides.

I still love the game, but there's always room for improvement.
The ending. They might as well have just scrolled "GET READY FOR HALF-LIFE 3" across the screen instead. Very poor.

The only other disappointment for me was the enemy AI. I think I've said this already, but I was hoping for the same leap forward achieved in the original HL. AI in computer games has always been underdeveloped, and with the complexity modern games are achieving, opponents who still cannot manage simple tasks like climbing ladders or overcoming knee-high obstructions are becoming for me the biggest threat to suspension of disbelief.
what i wanted and valve scrapped. the game still rocks but these were needed:

1. a new multiplayer. cause cs: s just is a lame excuse to take up development time
2. source ports. 6 years later who cares.. i want something new. spend the dev time on that valve.
3. the ending. i wanted a 20 min speach from the gman. not wait another 4 years gordon.
4. limited enemies
5. st st st stuttering (play testing not pick that out?)
dæmon said:
There are no special ways to destroy striders.
yeah that sucked, i was hoping for ways to get rid of gunships, or striders, i was also hoping taht you could take out, say, a striders leg, or the gunships fan thing
Yeah I got a good list of things that bug the hell out of me, and they are all down to the AI.

The single biggest improvement I could think of for all AI is having them always attempting to get out of each other's and everyone else's way, long before somebody bumps into them. If all AI stuck to the sides of rooms and corridors and left the center for traffic moving through, and if when entering rooms they fanned out as soon as they entered, they'd generally all move faster and be able to quickly fill rooms with their troops instead of waiting for the guy infront of them to die before they try to enter.

I'd also recommend a huge speed up in reaction times. While I can understand such a long reaction when the NPC first sees the player (due to surprise), I don't see why that NPC would be slow to react when he's specifically on the look out for a man in an bright orange armour plated suit and already knows roughly where he is.
I think the most disappointing thing for me was wood that didn't actually break where you shot it. And I remember in an interview with a Valve developer that each and every NPC that fought along with you or you met along the way would each look distinctly different. I can only recall like 5 different looking NPCs.
Everything that was targeted to be cut out of the game before the offical screenshots were released that showed those things that were very hyped about.
The Striders weren't as impressive as they could have been, except ironically the last one. That was cool, the others were just your average boss, run from ammo crate to ammo crate until it was down.
Citizen 1150421 said:
3. the ending. i wanted a 20 min speach from the gman. not wait another 4 years gordon.
I personally thought the ending rocked when i first saw it, but yeah, i loved how the long the speech from Gman was at the end of the first game, it intrigued me soooo much at the time.
The fighting - rather repetitive and easy.

I'm not to keen on the weapons either - which feel rather puny/clumsey (except the Magnum, Shotgun and Rocket Launcher :))

The story is fine imo - but the lack of plot details ("go here" isn't enough) did grate a little too.

Other than this HL2 is a fantastic game :) certainly one of my faves.
Personally I didn't feel the weapons were clumsy at all, to me the shotgun and magnum felt overpowering. Also the sub-machine gun and plasma rifle were exactly what i was expecting, the sub feels more stable and long lasting and the rifle feels more powerful. The only weapon I did not like was the crowbar. Just wasn't it =(
To short, 7 years in the making, plus not as many weapons as Hl1.

We could say that Valve scammed us, they promised a lot of stuff, and all of it got cut out...
Adrien C said:
To short, 7 years in the making, plus not as many weapons as Hl1.

We could say that Valve scammed us, they promised a lot of stuff, and all of it got cut out...

I suppose you could say that...

...but you'd be wrong as I don't recall ever being "promised" anything from Valve except a high quality, fun game which they more than delivered.
I can't believe lots of people who respond misses the most important disappointment: No MP!!!
By the way I don't count CS:S as new material.
Others include: no oicw, no traptown, low-than-expected-ai..
I thought the allies getting in my way was my biggest annoyance with the game. They should stay where I order them to stay and come when I order them to come.

Note about supposed crappy enemy AI. There were two times that the fast zombie took an alternate, less direct route to get to me, both in the fantastic Ravenholm level. The most shocking one was when I was on top of the building with an elevator. I activated the elevator so it would go to the top floor when I spotted several fast zombies running around. I go to block the door with a crate and proceed to shoot two of the zombies. The last zombie paces a couple of times then heads up to the roof where it starts smashing the window. I was so friggin horrified when that thing dropped from the ceiling that it took me a couple seconds to get my shotgun aimed to kill it. That was a special moment.
I voted for the ending.

No, I didn't vote for it because of the reason you think I did.

I voted for the ending just because the game was so damn great and the ending means there supposed to be more... The only problem is that it will take at least 2-3 more years before I can play the next part of the game.
Most disappointing thing must be that it was so damn easy to complete. There wasn't really any very hard places. .(
FarmerJoe said:
Most disappointing thing must be that it was so damn easy to complete. There wasn't really any very hard places. .(

I bet you played on "Easy". :|

Try playing the game all over again on Hard and see how hard it is. :O
I'm playing on Hard and it's taken me 11 hours to get to Ravenholm!
1) No recoil on any of the weapons
2) Slight floaty/skatey feeling when moving around.
3) Weapons were pretty basic, none of the cool high tech or alien weapons like in HL. (save for the GG of course)
4) Not enough variety of enemies, all zombies and combine.
5) Frustrating friendly AI. Both bunching up around you, and not taking cover properly when under fire.
6) Wasn't as scary as I hoped it'd be. Perhaps i'm hardened a bit after doom 3, but there just weren't that many jumpy moments. Getting scared witless and killing yourself with a grenade is great :)
7) Would've liked a few more puzzles, but I guess it's just not suited to the fast style of the game.
8) Only just started fighting against the ant-lions and all of a sudden I can control them, would've liked just a little longer to fight against them.
9) Would've liked more indoor sections, those were the best parts of the game imo.
10) Too easy, give me an insane mode or something! :)

After reading all that, you might be surprised to hear I loved HL2 and was quite sorry when it ended. I guess that the more you enjoy a game, the more you want it to be even better.
The Ending of course!!!!!
I was so engrosed in the game and then it ends just like that? Man Valve you really know how to keep us coming back........... then again Damnit Valve why couldn't we have more......... we waited for so long for something that is great (greedy) and we need more. Most posibily without paying for it. I mean come'on we waited and got good gameplay but the wait (so far) isn't worth the price we paid. I hate Doom3 with a passion but at least I got more game play from it. I even traded Doom3 in for HL2 (props). Please give us more, we the comunity desirve(sp) it. I have supported CS since the damn thing was released!
Be thankful, Halo 2 was way shorter and way easier. After finishing it I felt the same way I did after watching Matrix:Reloaded, 'WTH?!'.
Biggest disappointment for me... Kleiner never found his heady :(
The stuttering done it for me, GRRRR! Btw half-life 2 has a manual