The biggest potential problem due to HL2 leak.

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People have been worried about cheats - A problem, sure, but not the biggest

People have been worried about other companies stealing ythe code - VERY unlikely. They're not going to take something that can easily be descovered like that

People have been worried about it hurting sales for valve - This is the big problem, though people don't realize the extent of it.

The leaker has released alot of the source code. He's released the source files for the current maps. He's released all of the binary files. What happens if he releases all of the source code?

We could have a potentialy large problem.

We know that he released a patch...

Operating on the basis that he will release the source code, we can assume that someone is going to start editing it, and such. We can assume others are going to look at the map sources and learn how to map using them.

We then assume they meet each other somehow.

What do we see now? People developing new versions of the game, fixing it, making it better, adding.

Next we see them start releasing patches adding things. We see people installing them.

What do we have now? A underground Half Life 2 game.

Underground, they're only limited by not getting caught. They don't have to worry about others approving their updates. They only answer to what they and their fans want.

Assume someone buys HL2 on down the road, and get tired fo it, and thei rsuggestions don't get implemented. They hear from a friend about this underground movement, they go there, and end up having a few of their suggestions added.

Now we have a consumer playing UHL2.

This continues, and spirals.

Eventually, everyone is playing UHL2. That means Valve gets no sales, and they die.

How do we solve this? I'm not quite sure.

Thinking on it, I thought about Open-Sourcing Source. Valve could release it under some sort of GPLish license, making it free to use for non-commercial use. If used commercially, they get a percentage of the royalties. Something along those lines. I highly doubt they will take this course of action.

Very unlikely that they'll be able to stop this sort of thing from happening. They take down one underground developer, another comes in and takes his place. ;(
Why would this be a problem? And why would people use the illegal, flawed version of the game for mods?

HL2 is designed to be modded... that's the entire point. I don't quite understand what you're getting at.
I would MUCH rather have a game supported by a company who releases patches I know won't have trojans, than some underground hacker group releasing stuff. It just wouldn't work.
This is science fiction.

Over 90% of people who buy HL2 wouldn't know about his crazy underground community. And those who do want to make changes to the game, will use some proper mods.

Like I said, science fiction.
We were somewhere around barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold...............
ya, that patch thing... he just re-released game data... he thought he had given the warez community an older version, when he didn't. so the patch was 100% useless, so it proves u squat to pee... wait... did that make sense?
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov
We were somewhere around barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold...............
Polokov, my dear dear Suka/Pizda, what is your point? :)
The others might not believe you friend, however, I believe that your arguments do indeed have merit. I can actually see something like that forming and being quite successful, although I do not believe that it could kill VALVe. I do think that they would have to based in a US-unfriendly country to not be shut down. It might make for an interesting game if it was not illegal. Good post, keep up the good work.
#1 Apparently VALVe is reworking the code to prevent cheats (not confirmed AFAIK)
#2 The patch is useless (already stated)
#3 Other companies could very easily steal the code and no one would ever know, as they probably don't intend to leak the source. Binaries are difficult to decipher the difference between two styles of coding...
Lets say it did happen that way (not hardly). . .who cares? All of us who buy the game will care less about some crappy, substandard hacked version of it. Furthermore, they wouldn't be able to play something like that multiplayer along with everyone else playing the real thing (if they could play MP at all).

So people will have a choice. . .play something good, clean relatively cheat free and fun OR some hodge-podge piece of crap that everyone and their grandma has messed with and is doing who-knows-what to your computer while you play or install it.

Valve has already made it clear that they will be supporting the mod community anyway. The SDK will be plenty for people to come up with good mods.
Originally posted by This_Dude
People have been worried about other companies stealing ythe code - VERY unlikely. They're not going to take something that can easily be descovered like that

It would be virtually impossible for anyone to discover that another piece of software had used parts of the source engine as they would only be releasing a compiled version (very hard to reverse-engineer) and not the source (unless they rely on microsoft products like valve).
The biggest problem isn't what the 1st poster stated.
Its the Steam source being revealed.
I'd be pretty upset to find out Osama Bin Leaker just bought a stereo with my credit card.

Also the 3rd party stuff being stolen. I could be wrong since I really have no idea, but that seems really bad.
not sure why.

oh yeah, and the potential for a cheat fest.

the list grows....
Originally posted by This_Dude
People have been worried about cheats - A problem, sure, but not the biggest

People have been worried about other companies stealing ythe code - VERY unlikely. They're not going to take something that can easily be descovered like that

People have been worried about it hurting sales for valve - This is the big problem, though people don't realize the extent of it.

The leaker has released alot of the source code. He's released the source files for the current maps. He's released all of the binary files. What happens if he releases all of the source code?

We could have a potentialy large problem.

We know that he released a patch...

Operating on the basis that he will release the source code, we can assume that someone is going to start editing it, and such. We can assume others are going to look at the map sources and learn how to map using them.

We then assume they meet each other somehow.

What do we see now? People developing new versions of the game, fixing it, making it better, adding.

Next we see them start releasing patches adding things. We see people installing them.

What do we have now? A underground Half Life 2 game.

Underground, they're only limited by not getting caught. They don't have to worry about others approving their updates. They only answer to what they and their fans want.

Assume someone buys HL2 on down the road, and get tired fo it, and thei rsuggestions don't get implemented. They hear from a friend about this underground movement, they go there, and end up having a few of their suggestions added.

Now we have a consumer playing UHL2.

This continues, and spirals.

Eventually, everyone is playing UHL2. That means Valve gets no sales, and they die.

How do we solve this? I'm not quite sure.

Thinking on it, I thought about Open-Sourcing Source. Valve could release it under some sort of GPLish license, making it free to use for non-commercial use. If used commercially, they get a percentage of the royalties. Something along those lines. I highly doubt they will take this course of action.

Very unlikely that they'll be able to stop this sort of thing from happening. They take down one underground developer, another comes in and takes his place. ;(

yeah no chance 100% wrong

'underground movement' LMAO jesus talk about mountain out of a molehill
Wow! Thanks for the damn flames guys..........

You can count on it around here. . .flaming is a certainty. Alot of a-holes on these boards. Gamers like to be pissed off at everyone for some reason. They probably need to get out some more, get laid or something who knows.

Don't read my repsonse up top as flaming btw:cheers:
i just flamed him because the whole idea of a huge underground community based on an illegal copy of a retail game is really unlikely
I can see how you got this idea, but I HIGHLY doubt it.

Why mod an unofficial not cool, not complete game when you can mod an awesome game and actually have people play it with you?
The problem with underground movements is that theyre underground. mainstream consumers wont touch it. Hackers and Warezer-ses will play it like they play hacked versions of every other game out there. "UHL2" servers will be shut down as best Valves attourneys can shut them down.

The impact on sales will be minimal, all this will really do is cause Gabe a headache and alot of bitching forumites :P

Once HL2 is released this whole fiasco will only serve as memory for Anon to escape to during his nightly prison rape.
You saw how many idiots believed the hacker when he said the beta is all that Valve has? Those same idiots will now think that, that is the state of the game, and that's how it'll ship, and they won't buy it because the graphics aren't great.

Unfortunately, there are enough idiots in this world to generate enough electricity for the entire state of California for 10 years.
Originally posted by Parasite
Once HL2 is released this whole fiasco will only serve as memory for Anon to escape to during his nightly prison rape.

now thats a quote worthy of sig status
Originally posted by BlumenKohl
You saw how many idiots believed the hacker when he said the beta is all that Valve has? Those same idiots will now think that, that is the state of the game, and that's how it'll ship, and they won't buy it because the graphics aren't great.

Unfortunately, there are enough idiots in this world to generate enough electricity for the entire state of California for 10 years.

That's just stupid. Nobody makes up their mind from an alpha or a beta, at least very few. And the graphics in the beta aren't great? It's as good as anything shown in the E3 vids. And only a few retarded people put graphics higher than gameplay anyway.
Originally posted by primalscream
That's just stupid. Nobody makes up their mind from an alpha or a beta, at least very few. And the graphics in the beta aren't great? It's as good as anything shown in the E3 vids. And only a few retarded people put graphics higher than gameplay anyway.

trust me, u'd be surprised by the number of idiots deciding on getting or not getting HL2 from a leaked version.

i would point u in the direction of the poor chap back from a few months ago that was talking about HL2 and Doom3 over at another board when Chris_D was kind enough to post part of this chap's post on here so pple here can have a good laugh..

anyway, it really just comes down to this: ur level of anticipation for HL2.. obviously if ur itching for the game, warez copies or not, chances are u have or will pre-order ur copy when its evident that HL2 is near gold status.. and if ur not too excitied about HL2, u might still get it later but probably not right away like most pple on this forum will be doing.
I liked the story but only time will tell.


how can you play uhl2 mp on the Internet? (valve may know )
Originally posted by Dr. Freeman
trust me, u'd be surprised by the number of idiots deciding on getting or not getting HL2 from a leaked version.

i would point u in the direction of the poor chap back from a few months ago that was talking about HL2 and Doom3 over at another board when Chris_D was kind enough to post part of this chap's post on here so pple here can have a good laugh..

anyway, it really just comes down to this: ur level of anticipation for HL2.. obviously if ur itching for the game, warez copies or not, chances are u have or will pre-order ur copy when its evident that HL2 is near gold status.. and if ur not too excitied about HL2, u might still get it later but probably not right away like most pple on this forum will be doing.

Trust me, you have no basis to make that comment because HL2 hasent even shipped yet, so technically, noone has decided anything. Remember, most of us are moderate to hardcore gamers, not warez monkeys, ...and seeing as this is a big part of most of our lives, and takes up a good chunk of our finances, I think most of us, (not all perhaps) are capable of making logical descisions, at least where it involves gaming...and experience has shown us, that alpha, beta and stolen versions of a game are no basis to judge the final product. Dont judge the everyone because of an experience with one idiot.
Linux is an open-source collaborative project started with code stollen from Unix, so This_Dude's theory isn't entirely unheard of. I still don't think it'll ever happen. Game technology is too contemporary.