The Cat????



Barney keeps mentioning things about a cat... What cat????
I think its the cat they first used to test thier teleportation tech back at black mesa, suffice to say, i dont think they saw the cat again.
I think the problem is that they did see the cat again... <Shudders>
that would be sick...
maybe its internal organs got teleported, but the rest of it didnt...
Or maybe it teleported well but they were just surprised that they did teleported a cat, because cats have all disappeared since the 7 hours war.

*slaps myself*
Maybe when they teleported Barny he ran into a giant angry cat on a different planet and it tried to attack him.
yeah, thats the most reasonible. :p

But nah, its just the cat they experimented on with the teleportation devide and it went...wrong.
JrdnGrn said:
yeah, thats the most reasonible. :p

But nah, its just the cat they experimented on with the teleportation devide and it went...wrong.

Shhhh... no no no. Think outside the box.
k to tell u the truth..heres what i thought.

Okay when ur in city 17 and at a part where barney has to open a door for you..he said "did you hear that cat?" (something like that.) Well I had forgotten about the cat in kleiners lab..and immediately thought of deja vu (how barney opened doors for gordon in hl1). Thats just my opinion..but then i later realised he was still haunted by the cat.
More than likely they used a cat as a test subject for the rebuilt teleporter in Dr. Kliener's lab and needless to say it didn't turn out too well.
I still dont know were you guys are getting this from.

I always thought that he ment llamar.
When the guys are about to teleport you [freeman] for the first time. Barney starts saying to kleiner "Is this going to work? Because i still have nightmares about that cat.." Then alyx says "What cat?"
Jeez if you can't notice these little jokes, Your attention span can't be any longer than the time it takes to kill a strider.
That is ownage, Kyo and Kwilson... I never understood the whole cat thing anyway, I thought it would be irrelevant
Kyo said:
Jeez if you can't notice these little jokes, Your attention span can't be any longer than the time it takes to kill a strider.

Exactly, its so easy put it together. I mean just pay attention and you'll get it.
In Follow Freeman Barney says
"Do you hear a cat? That damn thing still haunts me."lol :LOL:
actully, during that part, it reminded me throughout the game that I remember hearing a meowing sound..
Really? Dont recall a miaow in the .gcf but maybe I missed it. If anyones seen The Fly, the part where the chimp turns inside out, Im guessing thats what happened to the cat.
Maybe in his dreams he saw that black cat cross his path, and started to become a bit paranoid bout getting into deep trouble again?

Or maybe Barney was just simply drunk or high or somthing. :rolling: