The CNC series


Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
I love all of the Command and Conquer games, anyone up for some multiplayer?

I have all of them except for Renegade, CNC3:Kanes Wrath, and RA3: Uprising :D
Got all but the latest C&C Red Alert 3 series. Favorite is still Generals: Zero Hour. Awesome fun multiplayer at LANS back in the day.
I hate multiplayer RTS. But Command & Conquer is the best RTS franchise there is.
Whole series is rather meh to me.
I don't like games CNC titles released after Generals (including Generals too, I guess).
Eh, CNC recently has been boring me to tears.
Musk, wanna play some original CNC or Red Alert?

I don't mind. I still play C&C 3 online with friends on Thursdays. Only C&C game I still bother to play really. Where you playing from?
I used to play CnC3 2vs2 games with a friend against randoms online quite alot. It was rather fun, but then they patched it and you can't tower rush anymore. :x
One of the best strategy series. Have played lots of 'em. Exept the original and red alert 1.

I think RA3 is awesome. Campaign I don't play but skrimish is fun and fast.