The CoD:MW2 MEGA Thread

I love that film. I personally think it's better than the book, which ends rather abruptly. As for the film... well, I won't spoil it for everyone, but I think it's one of the most beautiful and iconic scenes in cinema.
Perhaps I was taking a liberty by calling DoD a better game. Heres how I see it, DoD is a simple chocolate cake where the baker ran out of frosting a third of the way through. MW2 is a fully decked out masterpiece of a carrot cake. Sure, the masterpiece carrot cake is the better cake, but its still nasty ass carrot cake. I'd rather have the half finished chocolate one.

I'm going to end this argument with that analogy. I think its stupid that we've gotten into multiquote battles over this.

Also, nobody better come in here and say that carrot cake is better than chocolate cake. I will rip your god damn face off if you do.

Yeah, okay, we each have our opinions ;).
--Spontaneously burst into "America the Beautiful", "Stars and Stripes Forever", or "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the end of Whiskey Hotel?

I wish MW2 would strangle people if they did that.
Finally got around to beating the game on veteran after a huge multiplayer run. At lvl 49 now.

The game is way easier than I thought it would be. I only had trouble on the part where you're taking back the whitehouse, because there was little to no cover at all.

Also, did anyone manage to plant the c4 on the fuel tanks without injuring/alerting someone in the blizzard? I can go through without hurting anyone, but Soap kills people when they get in your sights and I guess that ruins the achievement.

As far as SpecOps goes, I think it's completely overrated. They had like one or two unique maps/levels, but the rest were taken from the campaign or MW1's campaign. The mini missions were pretty lame. (destroy this many people here, that many people there). I thought they were going to include some awesome stuff like the Mile High fast paced mission, but I guess not.

Game is awesome though.
I quite like the SpecOps stealth missions and the gunner/infantry ones, as in where one player's a gunner, the other's on the ground.
Also, did anyone manage to plant the c4 on the fuel tanks without injuring/alerting someone in the blizzard? I can go through without hurting anyone, but Soap kills people when they get in your sights and I guess that ruins the achievement.

It didn't for me.
Finally got around to beating the game on veteran after a huge multiplayer run. At lvl 49 now.

The game is way easier than I thought it would be. I only had trouble on the part where you're taking back the whitehouse, because there was little to no cover at all.

Also, did anyone manage to plant the c4 on the fuel tanks without injuring/alerting someone in the blizzard? I can go through without hurting anyone, but Soap kills people when they get in your sights and I guess that ruins the achievement.

As far as SpecOps goes, I think it's completely overrated. They had like one or two unique maps/levels, but the rest were taken from the campaign or MW1's campaign. The mini missions were pretty lame. (destroy this many people here, that many people there). I thought they were going to include some awesome stuff like the Mile High fast paced mission, but I guess not.

Game is awesome though.

For the achievement, it only matters if you alert guards or fire your weapon. So just go to mission select, and do it on recruit. It's much easier and you only have to avoid a few guards. You can also collect the intel items on recruit, you don't even have to finish the levels. The White House was also a pain in the ass for me till I figured out I had to kill every last mother ****er before moving an inch forward .
Just completed the campaign, as per usual really enjoyed it and I really enjoyed MW1 in much the same way. It wasn't particularly different...but that's kind of what I wanted. The breach slow-mo stuff was always a delight, and the game finale (in ze eye!) I played a bit of spec-ops with someone...not really going to be for me. Might try MP for a short while but I've never been into it too much and probably won't stick with it.

For the achievement, it only matters if you alert guards or fire your weapon. So just go to mission select, and do it on recruit. It's much easier and you only have to avoid a few guards. You can also collect the intel items on recruit, you don't even have to finish the levels. The White House was also a pain in the ass for me till I figured out I had to kill every last mother ****er before moving an inch forward .

That kinda sucks. I've been through that level a few times without killing or alerting anyone and I still haven't gotten it. Lemme try it on easy then.

Edit: Got it now. I must have been doing something wrong. @_@

Up to 860 gamerscore for this game now. :D
That kinda sucks. I've been through that level a few times without killing or alerting anyone and I still haven't gotten it. Lemme try it on easy then.

Edit: Got it now. I must have been doing something wrong. @_@

Up to 860 gamerscore for this game now. :D

I'm slowly inching my way there, only gotta finish the game on veteran, only got 2 spec ops missions left on veteran, I played through High Explosive(Kill 10 juggernauts using only a knife and explosives) SOLO on Veteran, and I ****ing WON!
Heh, I haven't tried that one yet. I only did the one with all the juggernauts... where it places the weapons in front of you at the beginning. Me and my friend can't even finish that one on veteran.
This game is like Goldeneye. Akimbo weapons, heart beat sensors, lots of rockets, turrets, etc

it just reminds me a lot of that game right now online
Heh, I haven't tried that one yet. I only did the one with all the juggernauts... where it places the weapons in front of you at the beginning. Me and my friend can't even finish that one on veteran.

Playing through the Spec Ops levels on veteran is all about finding the right place to camp etc tbh, since there's very few levels that have 'infinitely' respawning enemies.

For example, with juggernauts, it's a good thing to try to find a sheltered place for one player, where the other player stands in the open shooting'em, and the first player can remain in cover but constantly revive the second player.
This thread reminds me of:

Not many people use VOIP and when people do, it's usually an older guy giving you intel on enemy whereabouts or saying "good game". Also lol at the Russian players who used hacks and probably pirated the game. :P
Ugh MP on xboxlive is horrible. Snotty British kids who shouldn't even been playing the game. DO NOT WANT.
Ugh MP on xboxlive is horrible. Snotty British kids who shouldn't even been playing the game. DO NOT WANT.

Funny you'd say that, I just had to deal with that, was playing Search and Destroy Hardcore with a bunch of friends, we get teamed up against a group of British chavs, they only use noobtubes(grenade launchers) then trashtalk about how they owned us during every intermission, then when I kill one of'em with a lucky grenade throw(throw it across half of the Favela MP map, through a crack in the roof, and kill one of'em), they send me a message saying they're gonna kill me and my family and shit.

Honestly, I would love for there to be a "Seperate" XBL community that you could only become a member of if you could prove(via social security number or shit like that) that you are legally an adult.

I've had generally good fun with CoDMW2 even on XBL, but you just get so tired when you run into kids like that.

Filed charges against'em with MS because of the death threats but doubt it'll lead to anything eh, it's just the internet afterall.

By the way Jimbo, do you have me on XBL? If not, add me, my GT's Gargantou.
Funny you'd say that, I just had to deal with that, was playing Search and Destroy Hardcore with a bunch of friends, we get teamed up against a group of British chavs, they only use noobtubes(grenade launchers) then trashtalk about how they owned us during every intermission, then when I kill one of'em with a lucky grenade throw(throw it across half of the Favela MP map, through a crack in the roof, and kill one of'em), they send me a message saying they're gonna kill me and my family and shit.

Honestly, I would love for there to be a "Seperate" XBL community that you could only become a member of if you could prove(via social security number or shit like that) that you are legally an adult.

I've had generally good fun with CoDMW2 even on XBL, but you just get so tired when you run into kids like that.

Filed charges against'em with MS because of the death threats but doubt it'll lead to anything eh, it's just the internet afterall.

By the way Jimbo, do you have me on XBL? If not, add me, my GT's Gargantou.

That kind of behaviour is the reason I will never have Xbox Live. Too many dickheads.
That kind of behaviour is the reason I will never have Xbox Live. Too many dickheads.

Sadly the same is true for any other gaming platform, be it PSN or Steam, thing is, on Steam/PC it's usually far easier to get rid of the dicks thanks to good and easy to use kick/voteban systems. As well as active admins on DEDICATED servers.
Sadly the same is true for any other gaming platform, be it PSN or Steam, thing is, on Steam/PC it's usually far easier to get rid of the dicks thanks to good and easy to use kick/voteban systems. As well as active admins on DEDICATED servers.

While admittedly suffering one or two complete pillocks on PC multi games, The majority seem to be the same as me, wanting to have a good game online. I watch some of the videos on Youtube sometimes of people playing Xbox live and some of them you can't believe are how these people really are. Complete morons. My step son always wonders why he can't have Xbox Live and this is the precise reason.
While admittedly suffering one or two complete pillocks on PC multi games, The majority seem to be the same as me, wanting to have a good game online. I watch some of the videos on Youtube sometimes of people playing Xbox live and some of them you can't believe are how these people really are. Complete morons. My step son always wonders why he can't have Xbox Live and this is the precise reason.

The problem is really the gaming stores and irresponsible parents, CoDMW2 has an age-rating of 18+ here in Europe, yet I constantly encounter 13 year olds playing it.

To be honest I run into just as many assholes when playing TF2 on Steam etc, the thing is they aren't as noticable because they don't have mics, and it's very very easy to ignore the text-chats in for example TF2, not quite so easy to ignore a bunch of british chavs screaming their lungs off.

But I won't lie, I generally detest multiplayer gaming, be it on the PC or the consoles, at least on public servers, because let's face it, a vast majority of people in the world, especially on the internet, myself included, are jackasses.

I prefer playing in parties with my friends etc.
I need three more achievements.

- Get one star on each Spec Ops mission.

- Get four kills while downed in Spec Ops


- Get all 69 stars in Spec Ops.

I need a skilled player for co-op SpecOps.
I need three more achievements.

- Get one star on each Spec Ops mission.

- Get four kills while downed in Spec Ops


- Get all 69 stars in Spec Ops.

I need a skilled player for co-op SpecOps.

I need those three as well :O
so everytime i go online now i get rocked. can't wait till christmas week when more noobs arrive and i can kill some more
anyone else think people look ridiculous running around with akimbo shotguns?
so goofy
and OP'd
I harass everyone that uses them online.

They make me want to punch babies.
I need three more achievements.

- Get one star on each Spec Ops mission.

- Get four kills while downed in Spec Ops


- Get all 69 stars in Spec Ops.

I need a skilled player for co-op SpecOps.
I only need - Get four kills while downed in Spec Ops.

Got the other two yesterday, not sure if I'm gonna be playing CoDMW2 again anytime soon though, at least not SP, got many other games I need to play.

Heck, the last few missions I got help from a Swedish buddy on my friendslist, he basically just raped the NPCs and the levels were a breeze with him, he knew exactly what to do and what tactics to use etc.

Try to find someone like that on XBL, or even better, simply get a friend IRL to play splitscreen with you(if you have the console versions that is), most of the missions are fairly easy in co-op, it's just a matter of finding the right place to camp.

Protip: Only wave-defence missions have 'infinitely' respawning enemies, the rest of the missions have a limited number, and since the AI is generally set to automatically seek you out, it's just a matter of patience.

Also I hate everyone that uses Akimbos, period.

Long live single-wielding!
the following suggestion is horrible and anyone who does it will feel bad immediately afterwards, but it's still cool

play 'No Russian' while playing Queen's Don't Stop Me Now in the background
I'm just dropping in to say that any one who payed $60 dollars for the single player of this needs to either rethink their life or give their money to charity.