The CoD:MW2 MEGA Thread

If you think this is bad Krynn I shudder to think of how you feel about the music industry... :|
went in a match tonight with some friends, the very 1st game of the night a guy on our team dropped a nuke! it was hilarious. why didn't they add a record feature for consoles?? i may want to record some of this game someday
Alright, well, I found a place where I can get COD: MW2 for $40.00 or COD4 for $30.00.

I really don't want to get both. Would either of those be worth it at the price? If so which?

Go to

Buy a Modern Warfare key for $14.25.

*Acquire* an install disk for Modern Warfare.

Install modern warfare.

Have fun playing online.

For anyone wondering if they are legit, they are. I've used their services for several games.
Go to

Buy a Modern Warfare key for $14.25.

*Acquire* an install disk for Modern Warfare.

Install modern warfare.

Have fun playing online.

For anyone wondering if they are legit, they are. I've used their services for several games.

I noticed that website sells Borderlands CD Keys. However Borderlands doesn't require a CD key at all. Wonder what they give you if you purchase that?
lol, don't buy from CD key peddlers. There was a huge thread at steam forums about how Valve/Activision has actually taken away access to the game from people who bought just a CD key for MW2.
Don't buy any MW2 keys online. I bought one off G2play and it's been revoked on Steam. Steam is cracking down on keys bought online luckily i got a refund so i got to play the campaign for free.
God ****ing damn that game pissed me off. I hate mainstream gamers for allowing filth like this to be seen as a pinnacle of the industry. F*CK EVERYONE WHO LIKES THIS GAME I HATE YOU ALL.

Does it still do the "kill enemy behind turret - spawn enemy to replace guy - repeat for 2 minutes before you can move forward"?
I will like to have one of the old cod but I have 2 once and worked like crap on vista
Activision will most likely start charging people that want to play CoD online.


The fail is strong with Activision.

Heh, admittedly we don't know the details yet, but I think this is what officially tipped me off into not buying this game.

Does it still do the "kill enemy behind turret - spawn enemy to replace guy - repeat for 2 minutes before you can move forward"?

kind's not nearly as bad though. I remember in COD4 if you killed that 1 guy in the window, a new one would replace him in 5 seconds, so you basically had to use that 5 second window to get past.

But other games do dumb spawning like that, doom3 is the first that comes to mind. Throw grenade behind suspicious crate, clear, move forward 2 feet, rawr! monster arises from behind crate!
Well I just finished the SP.

Absolute trash.


Thats the game in one capitalized line. Probably the stupidest and most unrewarding singleplayer experience I have played in awhile. Can't speak as to the multiplayer though, as I dont give a shit about it because I only played a few minutes of it before I was reminded of the terrible fanbase with everyone being a racist ****wad and a complete piece of shit in every way.

God ****ing damn that game pissed me off. I hate mainstream gamers for allowing filth like this to be seen as a pinnacle of the industry. F*CK EVERYONE WHO LIKES THIS GAME I HATE YOU ALL.

Hmmm, You liked Darkest Of Days. Nuff said :p

Actually, what you describe does sound like my playthrough of DoD.
I wasn't too bothered hearing about no dedicated servers, or Michael Bay esque plot, however, doing some more research it sounds like this company (mind you, I've never played COD) is now a weasely piece of shit.

They all come off as a bunch of scammers.
Well I just finished the SP.

Absolute trash.


Thats the game in one capitalized line. Probably the stupidest and most unrewarding singleplayer experience I have played in awhile. Can't speak as to the multiplayer though, as I dont give a shit about it because I only played a few minutes of it before I was reminded of the terrible fanbase with everyone being a racist ****wad and a complete piece of shit in every way.

God ****ing damn that game pissed me off. I hate mainstream gamers for allowing filth like this to be seen as a pinnacle of the industry. F*CK EVERYONE WHO LIKES THIS GAME I HATE YOU ALL.

Yeah, I have similar feelings. I finished it yesterday and I felt disappointed since I was impressed by COD 4 SP.
Hmmm, You liked Darkest Of Days. Nuff said :p

Actually, what you describe does sound like my playthrough of DoD.

Really? Your playthrough of DoD was a cluster**** of infinitely respawning enemies? You played DoD multiplayer with a sampling of their fanbase who were nothing but the biggest collection of worthless scum on the planet? You played Darkest of Days when it was considered the pinnacle game of the entire gaming industry? Your playthrough consisted of shitty quicktime events to kill the main enemies in the game? Your playthrough of DoD exposed you to the shittiest story of any videogame ever, where Russia invades the United States with their entire army including tanks and helicopters without anybody in the US noticing or being able to respond until after the Russian Army is on the ground blowing the shit out of Washington DC?

I doubt it.

Darkest of Days certainly isnt the greatest game, but it is leagues ahead of COD4:MW2 in every way possible. And yet people hate DoD while they suck the curdled, STD ridden jizz out of COD's crusty cock and say its the best thing they've ever tasted.
Really? Your playthrough of DoD was a cluster**** of infinitely respawning enemies?

I doubt it.

Erm yes, actually. Also, the story, even though quite daft was 10x better than the shit fest of DoD. Which yes, was one of the shittiest, poorly written and badly told stories I have played in a game.
Also, at what point in MW2 did you find any quicktime events?

Darkest of Days certainly isnt the greatest game, but it is leagues ahead of COD4:MW2 in every way possible.

You really cannot believe this. :o

Darkest Of Days was a sloppily coded, badly programmed and poorly conceived unoptimised bug fest which should have been no more than a £6.99 game at best. MW2 is overpriced with a silly story, but at least it's competent and tightly coded with some quite brilliant set pieces of gameplay, with a multiplayer side and co-op campaign in the package. I also don't care if the creators of DoD were an indie group deving their first big release, they thought they could compete with the AAA titles when they priced the game as they did.

Darkest Of Days could never be at the level of MW2, let alone leagues ahead of it. What a ridiculous thing to say.

A sequence of gameplay from DoD:-

It's funny, the whole walk through the corn field is scripted so you can't even move. Even shooting the enemies you're rooted to the spot.

Now from MW2:-

It's quite clear which one is leagues ahead.
Stemot wtf are you smoking. One game is about the revolutionary war in which they had flint-lock rifles and the other has AC130 pilots in the air providing support with heat sink signatures on the ground below! :laugh:

Seriously though that game looks pretty cool. I recorded the start of the Gulag mission:

I realized why I felt so hyped and didn't know what happened at the end. Yes the story is bad. But every mission is a movie. If you look at it that way, the game is pretty good.
I still haven't finished my free copy of Darkest of Days, it gave me headaches, reminded me of 1997's gaming and had the same noises over and over again. a few battles were fun but more are frustratingly boring and tougher than pulling a golf ball through a garden hose. i died a bajillion times in both games but DoD was like mentioned above, poorly coded and could have used some heavy updates.
so am i the only person who gets an error which makes me have to exit out of the game?

this is a ****ing pain in the one seems to have the same issue...and now i found that it happens sometimes when playing multiplayer...what the hell.
Same thing is happening to me, buddy. I have no idea why and I have found no fix for it. It sucks since I can't finish the game and, yes, it even happens in MP.
I played 'No Russian' as well as the missions before it. Pretty good, although I wish it would run better. That's why I'm buying this new graphics card, though.
Erm yes, actually. Also, the story, even though quite daft was 10x better than the shit fest of DoD. Which yes, was one of the shittiest, poorly written and badly told stories I have played in a game.
Also, at what point in MW2 did you find any quicktime events?

1. Ok, I had forgotten about the portal things that infinitely spawn enemies, so I guess you're right. But at least you could shut those down. And they only showed up in the later levels. In all the earlier levels there were tons of guys spawned, but you could kill them all, and no more would spawn.
2. The story was pretty bad. I dont deny. But relative to MW2, its a god damn masterpiece.
3. The entire last battle.

You really cannot believe this. :o

I do.

Darkest Of Days was a sloppily coded, badly programmed and poorly conceived unoptimised bug fest which should have been no more than a £6.99 game at best. MW2 is overpriced with a silly story, but at least it's competent and tightly coded with some quite brilliant set pieces of gameplay, with a multiplayer side and co-op campaign in the package. I also don't care if the creators of DoD were an indie group deving their first big release, they thought they could compete with the AAA titles when they priced the game as they did.

I ran into exactly one bug in the entire game, and I had perfectly solid framerates the entire time. MW2 was well coded, I give you that, but the set pieces were beyond ridiculous. Nothing but Michael Bay shit, which anyone modicum of intelligence would find absolutely absurd and beyond stupid. DoD had one ridiculous set (zeppelin) versus MW2's entire game of stupid setpieces. The fact that you call these "brilliant pieces of gamplay" tells me that you have no idea what you're talking about, and that your taste is horrid.

Darkest Of Days could never be at the level of MW2, let alone leagues ahead of it. What a ridiculous thing to say.
Had DoD gotten the same kind of financing MW2 did, we'd have an amazing game. But it didn't, and instead we got MW2 which is trash. To consider MW2 a better game seems ridiculous to me, but then apparently all you care about is the polish they put on the turd, and you can ignore the fact that its nothing more than a highly polished piece of shit.

A sequence of gameplay from DoD:-

That is one,
It's funny, the whole walk through the corn field is scripted so you can't even move. Even shooting the enemies you're rooted to the spot.
Certainly a fair comparison. You take the second mission of the game (set in the civil war, with period guns) and rag on the <2 minutes of scripted movement in the entire game.

Now from MW2:-

It's quite clear which one is leagues ahead.

Oh, yes its quite clear. For the entire first minute of that video, hes just shooting grenades in the same exact spot, over and over again (because thats where they spawn, OMG SO GOD DAMN EXCITING I CAN NADE SPAM A SPAWNPOINT GOOD GAMEPLAY LAWLS). Oh, and guess what? You can't really move anywhere during that sequence either, not until the bridge is laid out. But DoD does the same damn thing for the same f*cking amount of time and HOLY F*CK ITS SO SHITTY. Oh, and look, an On-Rails segment where you go at a constant speed through the city just shooting a turret. HOLY GOD DAMN F*CKTITS BATMAN, THAT GAMEPLAY IS LEAGUES AHEAD OF GAMES FROM 1997!
Sucked online tonight. When you get less than 4 hrs of sleep its best not to play until your well rested. also the entire enemy team was noob tubing it and it was really frustrating. i still love the online, even more than L4D2 but some days are better than others.


****ing hypocrites!
1. Ok, I had forgotten about the portal things that infinitely spawn enemies, so I guess you're right. But at least you could shut those down. And they only showed up in the later levels. In all the earlier levels there were tons of guys spawned, but you could kill them all, and no more would spawn.

Which you can do in every mission in MW2 except the start of the Favella, the rest of the missions have exhaustive spawns. It's not like CoD 4.

2. The story was pretty bad. I dont deny. But relative to MW2, its a god damn masterpiece.

Oh dear god, so a future agency that can pick people up from time before they die, take them to the future so they can send them back in time with modern weapons to correct history is a better than MW2? The plot holes alone make it ridiculous. Your trying to put history on the right track, yet you use modern weapons and the people of that era do not bat an eyelid, as if it's all perfectly normal. It's trying to portray histroy correctly even with the sci-fi mumbo jumbo it provides then completely falls on it's arse by letting you weld weapons which don't belong to the era without worrying about the inevitable witnesses. Yeah, great. Not to mention the way the end makes you just watch while the bad guy you've been after the whole time executes the boss who just had to have his little "holiday in time". Absolutely trash. MW2 story is junk, but DoD story is in no way better.

3. The entire last battle.

I would disagree that the last battle was a QTE due to the fact you are controlling the character in a logical way rather than pressing a button to make him somersault and land on a tank then open fire on it. Also, the last bit was not a QTE due to you having full mouse look movement with no scripted camera movement. Even if you say yes, okay, they are quicktime events, then that consistes of two. That hardly makes the game full of them does it?

That's just silly.

I ran into exactly one bug in the entire game, and I had perfectly solid framerates the entire time. MW2 was well coded, I give you that, but the set pieces were beyond ridiculous. Nothing but Michael Bay shit, which anyone modicum of intelligence would find absolutely absurd and beyond stupid. DoD had one ridiculous set (zeppelin) versus MW2's entire game of stupid setpieces. The fact that you call these "brilliant pieces of gamplay" tells me that you have no idea what you're talking about, and that your taste is horrid.

Your one of the lucky ones then. The framerates were crap. 20 FPS for a game that looks like nowhere near as good as current gen titles, which are even worse on the console versions. Enemies that stand and look at you for 5 seconds before they decide they are going to shoot. Team mates who get stuck running on the scenery and can't get away. Falls through the maps. If you don't believe the game has these issues then check out the multitude of reviews for the PC version. MW2 had none of these things. The AI at times flanks well enough and can genuinely be rather smart. The oil rig and favella missions are examples of this. The "Micheal Bay shit" as you put it was what made the game so enjoyable. I'd much rather snow mobile down a mountain with enemies firing on me than be stood in another field in DoD with a futuristic shotgun taking on another batch of dumb AI for the twelve successive time with no other variations on the gameplay. MW2 is ten times more fun. I also can't believe that someone who found DoD an enjoyable game is telling me my taste is horrid.

Had DoD gotten the same kind of financing MW2 did, we'd have an amazing game. But it didn't, and instead we got MW2 which is trash. To consider MW2 a better game seems ridiculous to me, but then apparently all you care about is the polish they put on the turd, and you can ignore the fact that its nothing more than a highly polished piece of shit.

But DoD didn't get the financing, and they created a sub par product filled with bugs that they decided was good enough to sell at full price. It wasn't. What I care about is a game that runs well, if it has team mates then doesn't make them so stupid they have difficulty navigating the map and whose gameplay mechanics actually work the way they were intended. DoD has none of these. Also the dialogue is so bad it sounds like me and my mates recorded it.
I do care about polish when the devs think it's fine to charge me £29.99 when that's the exact price I payed for MW2. To say that MW2 is shit while using the mess of DoD to benchmark it is unbelievable.

Certainly a fair comparison. You take the second mission of the game (set in the civil war, with period guns) and rag on the <2 minutes of scripted movement in the entire game.

No. I took a video of some of the best action in the game. I was actually trying to do the game a favour. Some of the Youtube vids are awful. Also, watch the video enough and the future weapons turn up. As for it being the only scripted movement, did I imagine the scripted movement during the POW camp?

Oh, yes its quite clear. For the entire first minute of that video, hes just shooting grenades in the same exact spot, over and over again (because thats where they spawn, OMG SO GOD DAMN EXCITING I CAN NADE SPAM A SPAWNPOINT GOOD GAMEPLAY LAWLS). Oh, and guess what? You can't really move anywhere during that sequence either, not until the bridge is laid out. But DoD does the same damn thing for the same f*cking amount of time and HOLY F*CK ITS SO SHITTY. Oh, and look, an On-Rails segment where you go at a constant speed through the city just shooting a turret. HOLY GOD DAMN F*CKTITS BATMAN, THAT GAMEPLAY IS LEAGUES AHEAD OF GAMES FROM 1997!

You have a whole area to move in, a building to take cover behind and rocks to duck to, far bigger than the area in DoD in which you have to stand and shoot because you cannot move. You cannot move and the enemy still fails to hit a stationary target. So yes, the fact I can move around in MW2 and I cannot in DoD does give MW2 the advantage.
Also, I'd rather take 2 mins of a vehicular on rails section where I can actually still shoot and have some input, rather than one where the protagonist is on foot, but the player is forced to watch as the game takes control of him completely. There is no reason why we should not have been able to walk through that field ourselves. So yes, a game that puts me in a moving vehicle using a turret to cover our escape in a convoy certainly is better than a game that decides that any kind of input from the player should be taken away when the player could have done this just fine.

I understand you didn't like MW2. That's fine, many didn't, it has it's share of problems. I know that. But all the criticism you level at it is in a much worse game you defended when it was released. DoD is in no way even close to MW2.

Go go multiquote battles.

I'd just like to say a few things about that video you posted:

a) It's a rehash of what's been done before in Call of Duty (every single part)
. 1) Beginning sequence has been done since CoD2 (and much better I'd add)
. 2) Humvee dying -> foot has been done in CoD2
. 3) Defending while stuff happens has been done since CoD1
. 4) Dialogue quips have been done since CoD1 (and much better)

b) I want that humvee (look at the great turning radius!(2:00))

c) The grenade launcher reload anims are terrible, and the blood effects are poor at best

d) Krynnbutt is right when he says the on rails vehicle is the same as the DoD forced movement. In DoD, you're in lines so you really can't go anywhere if you wanted to.
d) Krynnbutt is right when he says the on rails vehicle is the same as the DoD forced movement. In DoD, you're in lines so you really can't go anywhere if you wanted to.

All other stuff aside which I have no disagreement with, the DoD section should not have been on-rails. The player could have walked through that field, the MW2 on-rails was something that was designed that way and was deliberate to the gameplay. The walking in DoD was neither needed nor warranted. The player should be left to be able to walk in formation or run out and get his arse blown away if he wants. The same goes for the same situation in the POW camp.

Do you agree with Krynn that DoD is a better game than MW2?
Perhaps I was taking a liberty by calling DoD a better game. Heres how I see it, DoD is a simple chocolate cake where the baker ran out of frosting a third of the way through. MW2 is a fully decked out masterpiece of a carrot cake. Sure, the masterpiece carrot cake is the better cake, but its still nasty ass carrot cake. I'd rather have the half finished chocolate one.

I'm going to end this argument with that analogy. I think its stupid that we've gotten into multiquote battles over this.

Also, nobody better come in here and say that carrot cake is better than chocolate cake. I will rip your god damn face off if you do.
Well I just finished the SP.

Absolute trash.


Thats the game in one capitalized line. Probably the stupidest and most unrewarding singleplayer experience I have played in awhile. Can't speak as to the multiplayer though, as I dont give a shit about it because I only played a few minutes of it before I was reminded of the terrible fanbase with everyone being a racist ****wad and a complete piece of shit in every way.

God ****ing damn that game pissed me off. I hate mainstream gamers for allowing filth like this to be seen as a pinnacle of the industry. F*CK EVERYONE WHO LIKES THIS GAME I HATE YOU ALL.

Dear Krynn72,

You're a smart guy and I respect you. If I recall, you like A Song of Ice and Fire, which automatically puts you in my good book. I will not presume to tell you how to live your life, but I must ask how you played the game. Did you at any point, especially during the American missions:

--Scream "WOLVERINES!"

--Exclaim "this is like f***in Red Dawn!"

--Inform your AI opponents that they should "Eat lead, you dirty communist!"

--Spontaneously burst into "America the Beautiful", "Stars and Stripes Forever", or "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the end of Whiskey Hotel?

If you answered 'no' to the above questions, it pains me to say it, but you were playing the game wrong.

P.S.: I love carrot-cake, and am gravely offended by your insulting it.
Am I the only person who bought COD4 and MW2 and didn't care what the single-player was like? I didn't even start the campaign until like a week after I bought it, I still haven't opened the spec-ops menu, and I really hope nobody here thinks IW designed this game with SP being their main priority. So if you want to compare the 2 games, I think the most fair way would be multiplayer experience to multiplayer experience.
--Spontaneously burst into "America the Beautiful", "Stars and Stripes Forever", or "The Star-Spangled Banner" at the end of Whiskey Hotel?

Makes more sense to sing
"God Save the Queen" or "Rule Britannia" seeing how a squad made up mostly of former SAS troopers are the only reason Ramirez's body didn't end up with extra ventilation, and the rest of DC wasn't flattened. :P
Dear Krynn72,

You're a smart guy and I respect you. If I recall, you like A Song of Ice and Fire, which automatically puts you in my good book. I will not presume to tell you how to live your life, but I must ask how you played the game. Did you at any point, especially during the American missions:

--Scream "WOLVERINES!"

--Exclaim "this is like f***in Red Dawn!"

--Inform your AI opponents that they should "Eat lead, you dirty communist!"

If he awnsered "yes" to any of those questions he should have been playing World in Conflict. :p

Well, given Soap's ancestry, I prefer "Scotland the Brave". Your point is still valid.


Isn't WiC an RTS? There's your problem. Sure, watching blue ants blow up red ants is fun, but I want to be there on the ground level, savin' Merka with my own two hands. I want to gun down Russian paratroopers myself in the suburbs of Virginia while I alternate between screaming "Wolverines!" and snatches of "America, F*ck Yeah".

It could only be better if my melee weapon was an American flag to strangle my enemies, or possibly a warm apple pie snatched from a windowsill to smother them to death.
You know, after watching 'All's Quiet on the Western Front', playing this game seems like a horrible mockery and glamorization of war.
