The CoD:MW2 MEGA Thread

I'm very impressed with the single player campaign, more so than I thought I'd be. My only complaint (and it's a small one) is the normal difficulty seems to be pretty tough; it seems like there are some points where avoiding fire is impossible...

but ya, DECENT GAME. I'm at the part where

you are downloading the files at the safehouse...i saw "downloading at .12 kb/s" and saved/quit...:)
Yes but how does your bottom feel after all of that, hmmm?

It was totally worth it.

I'm very impressed with the single player campaign, more so than I thought I'd be. My only complaint (and it's a small one) is the normal difficulty seems to be pretty tough; it seems like there are some points where avoiding fire is impossible...

I've never seen a game that could benefit from a lean function more than MW2. Yet it doesn't have it..
I never quite understood the fun of hacks. Is it the trolling of other players? Is it the illusion of being a pro player? Do elaborate, Gorgon.
I never quite understood the fun of hacks. Is it the trolling of other players? Is it the illusion of being a pro player? Do elaborate, Gorgon.

Dude, 2 days after release date and PB is doing nothing against those hackers.

Without D.S you will see more and more of those noobs ruining the game.
Dude, 2 days after release date and PB is doing nothing against those hackers.

Without D.S you will see more and more of those noobs ruining the game.

I'm pretty sure VAC is the anticheat and not PB. And since the game is technically the exact same as COD4, the hacks probably didn't take long to write.

I never quite understood the fun of hacks. Is it the trolling of other players? Is it the illusion of being a pro player? Do elaborate, Gorgon.

Some cheat out of frustration, they get owned so hard and so long that they feel like other people are cheating so they have to cheat in order to compete.

Some cheat because they're absolutely bored with everything. They've seen it all, done it all.

Others cheats because they like to get on people's nerves, "raging" began with *****.

edit: funny it would censor my got
I can't believe Infinity Wards paid whoever to write the dialogue/script, its so bad, just bad.
The 1.02 patch on the PS3 destroyed matchmaking so it isn't possible to play online atm.

the single player is a solid 9/10 for me, minus one point because untill the last 3rd of the game it all seems a little disjointed and unclear as so what youre doing in these different places, but then it all does come together. other than that it is OUTSTANDING, i havnt litterally had my jaw drop then into a smiling WOOOOOOOOOOOOOYEAAAAAAAAH before.

the bit near the end where you drive the jeep into the plane as its taking off with the dudes trying to ram you

i could go on and on about how good this game is. the multiplayer is fantastic too, but im an xbot so i would think that, wouldnt i.

Yeah, I loved the campaign. Just when you thought you were going this way, BOOM!, twist. I'm not a fan of cliffhangers though. hehe
To quote Activision:
"Cheat / Hack Free Games: The biggest benefit of using IWnet by far is the fact that you don't have to worry about joining a server full of aim-bots, wallhacks, or cheaters. Or relying on the server admin of the server to constantly be monitoring, banning, and policing it. Modern Warfare 2 on PC allows us to control the quality of? the game much more than ever before as well as utilizing the VAC (Valve-Anti-Cheat) system to keep games clean of hackers and cheaters."
I'm very close to the game but I threw 12 hrs into the game pretty much mostly yesterday and its awesome!! can't wait to play more tonight and tomorrow.
I never quite understood the fun of hacks. Is it the trolling of other players? Is it the illusion of being a pro player? Do elaborate, Gorgon.

I think he's laughing at the fact that IW said was to be hack/cheat free. And here we are the day after release with functional hacks. The maker of the hack said it took 5 hours to make.
I think he's laughing at the fact that IW said was to be hack/cheat free. And here we are the day after release with functional hacks. The maker of the hack said it took 5 hours to make.

Yeah, that is very lame. It doesn't really surprise me though.
just finished this on hardened in about 8 hours start to finish. really liked the sniper missions, and er, not a lot else tbh. i think cod4:mw1 was better

...its no uncharted 2, either. that game (bar the last 45mins) has absolutely spoiled me. anyway, roll L4D2 and Assassins Creed 2!
I think he's laughing at the fact that IW said was to be hack/cheat free. And here we are the day after release with functional hacks. The maker of the hack said it took 5 hours to make.

Don't forget that VAC works on a delay ban system. It may have already have flagged him already.
VGChartz estimates over 9 million copies of the game will be sold in the first week alone. That is for all platforms; the 360 accounts for more than half of sales, PS3 about one-third and the rest goes to the PC. More here. It is the biggest game of all time at the moment, for what it is worth of course.
Just beat it, loved it. Loved it more than the first MW and had a smile on my face at the end.

Now if they could get the matchmaking working I could get rolling on the second half.
BTW, why do you drop dollar bills when killed in multiplayer? It's not like money plays any role in any part of the game.
I'm gonna go ahead and be optimistic here. I found a way to buy a brand new copy of the game for 40 bucks and it's secondhand so IW doesn't get any of my money. The optimistic part of me hopes that IW has a soul and will listen to the feedback that is impossible to not notice.
The hack video:

This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Activision Games Inc.

Copyright claim my ass. Why not copyright claim the ten thousand other COD4/MW2 videos out there.
The hack video:

Copyright claim my ass. Why not copyright claim the ten thousand other COD4/MW2 videos out there.

Something do do with the video offering a way to obtain the hack maybe?
I have a dilemma. I simply cannot decide what platform to get this game on. Originally, I was never going to even consider a console purchase (PS3 to be precise, for the free online), due to the obvious graphical and control advantages PC offers. But this was before I found out about the split screen multiplayer.

The situation with Modern Warfare on PC was I would play, or my girlfriend would play, and the other would simply watch. The entertainment from this, while present, was limited. When I found out about the local play in spec ops mode it totally changed my opinion on picking up the PS3 version. Playing co-op with my girlfriend is some of the best fun I have in my life, we've spent countless hours on both Gears of War games trying to smash each difficulty.

So can anyone advise on this decision? Mouse control and graphical enhancements change the game very, very significantly for me, but without the local co-op play I wonder whether I would have as much fun, and thus as much value, with the game on PC. Has anyone sunk enough time into local multiplayer to shed some light on whether it is worth abandoning the PC version for? Because I simply cannot decide.
I'm very impressed with the single player campaign, more so than I thought I'd be. My only complaint (and it's a small one) is the normal difficulty seems to be pretty tough; it seems like there are some points where avoiding fire is impossible...

but ya, DECENT GAME. I'm at the part where

you are downloading the files at the safehouse...i saw "downloading at .12 kb/s" and saved/quit...:)

Yeah, I also noticed the increase in difficulty for normal. On the other hand, my friend completed it on veteran in 6 hours or so. Maybe it was only for normal/easy. Who knows.
I have a dilemma. I simply cannot decide what platform to get this game on. Originally, I was never going to even consider a console purchase (PS3 to be precise, for the free online), due to the obvious graphical and control advantages PC offers. But this was before I found out about the split screen multiplayer.

The situation with Modern Warfare on PC was I would play, or my girlfriend would play, and the other would simply watch. The entertainment from this, while present, was limited. When I found out about the local play in spec ops mode it totally changed my opinion on picking up the PS3 version. Playing co-op with my girlfriend is some of the best fun I have in my life, we've spent countless hours on both Gears of War games trying to smash each difficulty.

So can anyone advise on this decision? Mouse control and graphical enhancements change the game very, very significantly for me, but without the local co-op play I wonder whether I would have as much fun, and thus as much value, with the game on PC. Has anyone sunk enough time into local multiplayer to shed some light on whether it is worth abandoning the PC version for? Because I simply cannot decide. already has a splitscreen fix for PC I think.
anyone have any idea how to bypass this error? I get it on the level where you are chasing "a certain somebody" and you go over the goes to a black screen and shows a loading bar...but then nothing happens except for the windows 7 error sound.

Try yahoo answers. They're pretty helpful when it comes to randomness such as that.
Anybody else find this game to be incredibly dumb?

The first game had a simple enough storyline that worked. 8 levels in so far and this just seems to have ramped up the stupidity and added a whole bunch of Michael Bay factor to it that the series didn't need.

I mean
a C.I.A. operative gets framed for the mass murder of hundreds of civilians at an airport, so Russia starts World War 3?. Seriously?
. I'm not looking for much storyline in games, but **** me this is dumb.

Also, whoever at IW thought it was a great idea to include infinitely respawning bad guys in the first favella level... congratulations. You turned an otherwise fun level into the worst level I've played in an fps since... I can't remember. Nice.
played a lot online tonight. getting better guns and upgrading them is useful. i was getting top spot on most of the matches but against some of my friends. i do even better when i'm on their team but the xbl party system kept splitting us up because i was last to join. anyway can't wait to try more of the multiplayer and maybe some of the special ops
Don't forget that VAC works on a delay ban system. It may have already have flagged him already.

Not a chance. VAC/PB are very easy to avoid.

was adamant that I wouldn't get it, but I caved and went and grabbed a copy for $79.

The game itself is actually nice, albeit imo its cod4 with new skins but still seems nice and fresh. But it really is only half the game it could be.

Matchmaking is painful, it took 4 of us in a party 30 mins of retrying servers to get a green ping yesterday and its very restricted in what you can do. Once we did get into a decent pinging game, I found the game is a lot more spammy than cod4, the netcode makes the whole thing even more spongy than cod4 resulting in less picks and snap shots and ending up in spamming a clip in someones direction to make sure you kill them. The games are way too short. SND is over in 4 rounds (wtf?) and it just turns into a rush going for kills instead of playing the gamemode properly. The lack of consol for adjustments is also painful. Stuck in FOV65 may not mean a lot to some people, but to people who have their pc's setup to their liking it can mean everything. Even not being able to /quit is annoying. If you want to leave the game it takes about 30 seconds of going back through screens to find the quit button.

I equate it to Driving the latest ferrari down the highway, but there is a 60km speed limiter, the radio is stuck on 1 station and theres no ac.

This could have easily been one of the best pc games ever, but sadly at this stage it is just a dumbed down console port.

I hope they would consider patching the game to make it what it could be, but for some reason the console jockeys that have taken over IW probably think the game is perfect as it is and I dont like our chances.
I really want to try a tactical nuke in the game....but only chance will help me get it because i'll never get the 25 kill streak. anyway i also beat the game tonight on Hardened and it took me around 8 hrs but thats me leaving it on pause when i watched the latest V episode and eating lunches/dinner sometimes. so it was probably more like 6 hrs
Anybody else find this game to be incredibly dumb?

The first game had a simple enough storyline that worked. 8 levels in so far and this just seems to have ramped up the stupidity and added a whole bunch of Michael Bay factor to it that the series didn't need.

I mean
a C.I.A. operative gets framed for the mass murder of hundreds of civilians at an airport, so Russia starts World War 3?. Seriously?
. I'm not looking for much storyline in games, but **** me this is dumb.

Also, whoever at IW thought it was a great idea to include infinitely respawning bad guys in the first favella level... congratulations. You turned an otherwise fun level into the worst level I've played in an fps since... I can't remember. Nice.

Its because theyve made it as a mindless, dumb shooter with lots of explosions.

The game isnt a revolution, its an evolution of the previous one. Take the first, and just add new weapons and bigger explosions. Theyve focused more on the multiplayer.

You just dont have to think about the storyline to get through it, you dont really care about it nor do you have any clue about how the stories link to each other...just like Modern Warfare.
Its because theyve made it as a mindless, dumb shooter with lots of explosions.

The game isnt a revolution, its an evolution of the previous one. Take the first, and just add new weapons and bigger explosions. Theyve focused more on the multiplayer.

You just dont have to think about the storyline to get through it, you dont really care about it nor do you have any clue about how the stories link to each other...just like Modern Warfare.

i agree with this statement! its mindless yet its ultimately fun. hell they throw all these damn names at you too but who the hell cares. this is fiction, its not like the old COD WW2 games where it had....awwww shit that that also had huge Michael Bay explosions (even before Michael Bay was born, there were Michael Bay Explosions aka MBEs!) but yeah if you can realize what type of game this is before you buy it then you'll have fun but people who nitpic the plot and act like its a movie then you'll go down as "the dude who didn't enjoy MW2' :P

anyway i played most of the game while tired and it was an eye opener to say the least. as for everyone else i think we feel we got our moneys worth. and i know i'll probably play through this game twice just for the hell of it. Also i love the fact that i have all the CODs on one console. (minus COD3 because it was shit) and because i have COD1 on PC as well now too
Its because theyve made it as a mindless, dumb shooter with lots of explosions.

The game isnt a revolution, its an evolution of the previous one. Take the first, and just add new weapons and bigger explosions. They've focused more on the multiplayer.

You just don't have to think about the storyline to get through it, you don't really care about it nor do you have any clue about how the stories link to each other...just like Modern Warfare.

The first was one was a dumb mindless shooter that never had me question the intelligence of it's storyline. That means it never broke my suspension of disbelief, even at times when I didn't know what was going on. It was so simple, it worked.

If I, or anyone, finds themselves questioning the intelligence of the storyline a few levels into a game, like this, that's generally considered a bad sign. I'm not even trying to be nit-picky here. This is the video-game equivalent of "ebay" from the Transformers film, which is saying something because most games aren't considered to have good storylines at all.

Also, I wouldn't call this an evolution of the previous game when it's taken out the ability to lean.