The CoD:MW2 MEGA Thread

Wow that Gulag mission was seriously intense. Nice to see 'that guy' at the end.

Btw does anyone feel they should have included way more of the SP levels in MP format? The gulag level inparticular, the yard would have been sweet. Also no MP Burgertown map!!? Fuuu
THis might be of relevant discussion:

I'm not looking for much storyline in games, but **** me this is dumb.

It's not made better by the fact that the
LEADER OF THE ULTRANATIONALIST PARTY himself participates in the massacre without wearing a hood or such, so he should be fully identifiable by surviving people and security cameras etc.. I think Infinity Ward should fire whoever came up with the basic idea for that level, why the **** would the leader himself participate? It just makes no f*cking sense.
anyone else having issues with the game crashing or freezing? i'm pissed off, i'm at one of the last levels and i can't ****ing finish the game. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
Seems like I'll be getting this one for PS3 after all. Although I would like to enjoy better graphics, oh well...

I found this amusing, especially that last part.
(taken from Steam forums

Lowlights from the BestBuy Dev chat with IW regarding MW2:

Dedicated server questions were greeted by being escorted out of the chat.
Max players for all versions is 9v9. Yes, I said 9v9.
No record feature in MW2 for PC.
No lean in the PC version (Mackey-IW: The game is not balanced for lean.)
PC Game is not yet finished*

*probably alludes to the fact that there will be future patches given reports that the PC SKU has already shipped.

Moriarte: Ignoring, is the PC version a direct port of the console version?
Mackey-IW: No, PC has custom stuff like mouse control, text chat in game, and graphics settings.
The first playthrough I had the game pausing or stuttering, and I had that attributed to the 'real-time file monitoring' function in my anti-virus; which I then disabled.

I also went into the nVidia Control Panel and disabled Ambient Occlusion and Multi-display/Mixed GPU acceleration set to single display performance mode.

I don't know if fiddling with the control panel actually did anything, but I started getting about 8fps more than I originally did and there is no stutter, which I'll blame on my anti virus constantly monitoring all files generated through various general processes.
so am i the only person who gets an error which makes me have to exit out of the game?

this is a ****ing pain in the one seems to have the same issue...and now i found that it happens sometimes when playing multiplayer...what the hell.
It's not made better by the fact that the
LEADER OF THE ULTRANATIONALIST PARTY himself participates in the massacre without wearing a hood or such, so he should be fully identifiable by surviving people and security cameras etc.. I think Infinity Ward should fire whoever came up with the basic idea for that level, why the **** would the leader himself participate? It just makes no f*cking sense.

I thought that Shepard said he didn't work for any government or ideals. I may have missed it but where did it say he was the leader of the Ultranationalists? It said he was part of a group calling itself the "shadow of Zakhaev".
It's really weird because Modern Warfare 1 had leaning.

The console versions didn't.

Also it's not balanced. Seriously, like, if someone used lean they can just dominate the game. Don't mind that other people can use it as well, it'll totally screw everything up.

disclaimer: before someone says something, that was sarcasm
So... i'm still debating on whether or not to buy this. Help me make my decision!

The console versions wouldn't be able to use lean as every button on the controller is used.
So... i'm still debating on whether or not to buy this. Help me make my decision!
I thought that Shepard said he didn't work for any government or ideals. I may have missed it but where did it say he was the leader of the Ultranationalists? It said he was part of a group calling itself the "shadow of Zakhaev".

Might wanna spoiler that.

Finished it earlier. Pfft what a terrible ending. Was basically ''fuk u, buy the sequel lolol''

also did anyone think Ramirez' story-arc ended kinda abruptly?
It's definitely not a bad game. The campaign doesn't last too long though, so you should think about whether or not you're going to be playing multiplayer. And like shaker said, renting is always an option.
If you can find a place to rent it at, considering how popular it is.

And I'd rather get it for PC if I can so renting isn't an option(but I won't consider it until they put dedicated servers back in).
Enjoyed the singleplayer a lot! it was over the top and the plot was a bit silly, but it was great disposable fun. I must say I am very impressed by the visuals they manage to squeeze out of fairly standard system requirements, some of the forced camera shots on character models made them look really awsome.

I never really played the multiplayer in previous CoD games for very long, But the new system doesnt seem 'that' bad. I mean I can stay in servers with my friends, and it always seemed to choose ones with good pings. Plus there is a lot of content to unlock in that respect, so for a casual online shooter I think its fine. (But I appreciate the clan and custom community will be pretty pissed).
Might wanna spoiler that.

Finished it earlier. Pfft what a terrible ending. Was basically ''fuk u, buy the sequel lolol''

also did anyone think Ramirez' story-arc ended kinda abruptly?

Shit, thought I did. Fixed :).

Apart from the rather abrupt end, the events leading up to it were brilliant. I was surprised by the events of the Ramirez story, but I shouldn't have been given Infinity Wards tendancy to
kill of it's characters. Hell they were going to kill off price before they realised he's become a very strong character in the games and asked Billy Murray to return. It really turned out to be quite unfair after everything Ghost and Ramirez went through to get to that chopper.
Shit, thought I did. Fixed :).

Apart from the rather abrupt end, the events leading up to it were brilliant. I was surprised by the events of the Ramirez story, but I shouldn't have been given Infinity Wards tendancy to
kill of it's characters. Hell they were going to kill off price before they realised he's become a very strong character in the games and asked Billy Murray to return. It really turned out to be quite unfair after everything Ghost and Ramirez went through to get to that chopper.

Erm you weren't playing as Ramirez during that mission, you were plying as Roach. Ramirez' story ended in Washington. I just that his story was over really quick and didn't seem to have any connection to events elsewhere. I guess IW just wanted to include both a 'grunt on the ground' campaign and the spec ops campaign like they did with MW1
They're getting a little too trigger happy with killing off characters. "Oh man that scene with Al Fulani and Paul Jackson in the first game were SO AWESOME and SHOCKING I mean THE PLAYER GETS TO EXPERIENCE AN EXECUTION AND THE FALLOUT OF A NUKE DAMN. Oh hey I know let's make 2 completely new characters in MW2 that you play with for a few missions and KILL THEM. Just to make the bad guy seem like a total unlikeable f*ck we'll have them BURN TO DEATH."
Personally, I find it retarded. Same thing with Gears of War 2.
So much raeg in one cutscene.

I raged when Ghost died. The whole time, I thought he was Gaz in disguise, but then that dream was crushed, because he died before he could reveal himself. (if he was Gaz)
Yes I woke up today like it was Christmas, de-crypted the files, and played. I played for no bathroom break but did eat a sandwich for lunch. I played from 9-2PM EST. Yup, it's a 5 hour game on normal! :P The game was incredibly great though. I have no clue what happened but stuff happened. The enemy AI is a lot more smarter, and the graphics are amazing. I have to play the game again because it was all just a blur and ended really quickly. Great game! *A typical scene has you hurt on the ground, then you just run around with jam all over your screen, ground shaking, stuff flying everywhere, explosions. Then next second you driving a snowmobile or something. All this while Hans Zimmer does the music and your squad leader tells you what's going on over the radio. Just a huge adrenaline rush of a game.
Just finished the singleplayer in a single 8 hour play through.

8/10, pretty much as I expected. Not much story to chew on, pretty much the same as MW, but a lot of beautiful scenes and cinematic stuff all the time. I loved the snowmobile and boat missions, and the Special Ops mini-missions stuff is fun too.
I got it today, gonna go over to my friends flat tomorrow or the weekend and play it as my 360 is at home and not at uni. Should be good - if it's as fun as everyone says it is online then it's going to make the 4 week wait for the Christmas holidays even more harder, what with L4D coming out soon too.

Goddamn I wish I brought my 360 with me.
I read aboutt he storyline and honestly I didnt like it

and honestly it have some metal gear solid vibe to it, monologue about how war changes at the begining,previous characters thought to be dead are back,blowing a nuke over a city to zap its electronic stuff, sudenly a close character turns to be the enemy and talks about how it wants to write history,a last fist fight

honestly that was so metalgearish that should be considered a rip off,and sure people will praise it while bashing metal gear
So much raeg in one cutscene.

I raged when Ghost died. The whole time, I thought he was Gaz in disguise, but then that dream was crushed, because he died before he could reveal himself. (if he was Gaz)

Ya same voice-actor.
Erm you weren't playing as Ramirez during that mission, you were plying as Roach. Ramirez' story ended in Washington. I just that his story was over really quick and didn't seem to have any connection to events elsewhere. I guess IW just wanted to include both a 'grunt on the ground' campaign and the spec ops campaign like they did with MW1

Yes, your right, I was confusing the names. My thoughts still stand though :)
I put about 3 hrs into multiplayer today and I'm lvl 21 now. some maps i did well on, like the Afghan one and others I hate, which is the skyscraper level. Also i would pay for DLC for this i still need to do Special Ops
I read aboutt he storyline and honestly I didnt like it

and honestly it have some metal gear solid vibe to it, monologue about how war changes at the begining,previous characters thought to be dead are back,blowing a nuke over a city to zap its electronic stuff, sudenly a close character turns to be the enemy and talks about how it wants to write history,a last fist fight

honestly that was so metalgearish that should be considered a rip off,and sure people will praise it while bashing metal gear

The difference being that there is no massive GIANT ROBOTZ!!!!! For that matter, neither is their magically possessed hands, vampires or men using cardboard boxes as disguises. Yeah, I can see how much CoD has ripped off Metal Gear :p
I couldn't put a finger on it but yes, it is like MGS. Anyways I found this on the Steam forums:


I can also confirm the multi-player is really fun and the whole "IWnet is bad" thing is really nothing. I have not had, well 1 time when the host left, hiccup with the multi-player. It finds you a lobby in 1 sec, and gets you playing in 15sec. The pings I assume are very good as well.
first impressions:

single player is pretty enjoyable so far but it's definitely not what drew me to the game

VERY impressed by spec ops. lots of variety to the missions and it's just plain fun with a friend.

multiplayer is as expected; an improved version of the original with lots of nice little tweaks
IWnet is lame, too few players for some maps, been in a number of laggy games but the party and matchmaking system itself seems pretty reliable
IWnet is lame, too few players for some maps, been in a number of laggy games but the party and matchmaking system itself seems pretty reliable

I've been watching a stream of someone playing the game and IWnet looks like a steaming turd. He's been matched into 1v4 games, matched into a laggy shit full red bar game with a full green bar host (the bars are ****ing stupid btw), matched into a game where he was the only person once the game has started, crashed while getting matched, matched into a game only for the game to literally say that the server is unavailable, and played a few games with hackers where he could do nothing but continue playing or leave and forfeit his match bonuses.

People are saying "yea, this works good enough, sometimes I get into a laggy game. but it's not that bad." They're essentially saying this whole system is hit or miss.


How anyone could settle for this is a shame. And the servers aren't the only issue.
I've been watching a stream of someone playing the game and IWnet looks like a steaming turd. He's been matched into 1v4 games, matched into a laggy shit full red bar game with a full green bar host (the bars are ****ing stupid btw), matched into a game where he was the only person once the game has started, crashed while getting matched, matched into a game only for the game to literally say that the server is unavailable, and played a few games with hackers where he could do nothing but continue playing or leave and forfeit his match bonuses.

People are saying "yea, this works good enough, sometimes I get into a laggy game. but it's not that bad." They're essentially saying this whole system is hit or miss.


How anyone could settle for this is a shame.

I'm getting better performance from this than I am many L4D dedi servers. That's how I can settle for it.