the combine...human or ?



whats your opinion, personally i think there aliens...there heads seem to..mishapen to be human
SFLUAN is right

They are called Combine because they are a combine of both human and alien
*** Spoiler ***

The full name of the Combine soldiers is the "Combine Overwatch." It seems that the Combine themselves many be something bigger, like an oppressive federation of star systems or something like that...
the combines head's arent misshapen they just wear gasmasks. but they are half human half alien
I think they are made out of chocolate.

Valve is going to sell them in tiny boxes on xmas.
wait....isn't a combine some kind of thresher? they're FARMING EQUIPMENT! the machines have taken over!!!
RhapSidious said:
*** Spoiler ***

The full name of the Combine soldiers is the "Combine Overwatch." It seems that the Combine themselves many be something bigger, like an oppressive federation of star systems or something like that...
Possible spoiler:
The Combine Overwatch refers solely to the force in the train station, to my knowledge. They watch over things there, hence, Overwatch. That's what I got out of the reviews and such, anyway.
Could the Combine kind of be like the Borg from Star Trek? Think of it: They are using human technology (firearms) COMBINED with their technology (gunships and striders).
The actual Combine are aliens.


"Extraterrestrial invaders" - from the vivendi site

"For the survival of a conquered earth" -half life 2 plot overview

The combine are clearly from another dimension, however the Overwatch soldiers arnt.


Ckeck out the enemy section of, they mention for the heli that the combine have stolen earths designs, and they also mention that dr breen is insisting that people surrender to the alien combine.

From the PC ZONE review: (About dr breen)

"he has gained significant power in the new regime, but only at the expense of a faustian bargain (sell your soul to the devil for knowledge and power, in this case he has sold earth to the combine) which may destroy the human race, but he is not too bothered, because he thinks the human race is insufficient and dirty.

So yes, the combine are from another dimension, but it would appear only there technology has came to earth i.e the striders and such.
This is what makes the story so great, the fiirst hl laid the basic plot, now it's expanding exponentially.
I think something that supports the assimilation theory are the Combine soldiers wearing rather curious apparel. Specifically, I'm talking about the soldiers that may have had their Combine accessories grafted on to them. Take a close look at the thigh pads and armor on the soldiers in these pictures:

I almost want to say those dark stains on the jeans of those soldiers is blood, but it might not be the right tone. Also note the disturbing similarities between the clothes these guys are wearing under the armor and what the resistance people are wearing:

Now it could just be coincidence and the Combine simply favor denim or something, but it seems odd when compared with these other Combine soldiers who appear to don "normal" uniforms:

For some reason the guys above seem more "pristine," their uniforms lacking the grittier feeling of their other buddies. Either way, it almost seems as though the armor was forced upon some of these soldiers, perhaps against the person's will.

As a final bit, if the Combine are consuming Earth's resources, and one of those resources are the planet's oceans, this would have catastrophic effects on the hydrosphere and atmosphere. If significant portions of the oceans started to disappear for good the weather system would be disrupted on a global scale, possibly speeding up the process of turning the planet into something else. Not to mention forcing humanity to live in increasingly artificial environments.
ne0_shiny said:

There's a pic of it. He appears to be wearing a combine metrocop uniform without the helmet.
all wrong, guys!

You dont Get it, right? Ever read Spawn or Spiderman?

Either, the Ma of all combine thingys fell inte a BIG pool of Radioactive acid, or maybe every combine gets bitten by a supernatural spider at their birth (In some way)....... You get it?


Man, I'm excited... Who knows? Maybe we'll see a combine with his mask off.

I always suspected something dirty - combine was a giveaway. Also, in various videos. The Combine don't appear to be talking in English to each other. Instead, in some strange direlect.
I think the Combine are just humans with enhancements. You have to understand they don't always fight humans they fight aliens and other life forms. They have to use all kinds of gadgets and wear suits and masks to protect them selves from attack. They seem alien because of all the gear they have on. :borg:
I believe that the Combine force is an alien one, and that it acquires and assimilates organisms in order to expand. Much like the way the Citadel itself slowly "eats up" City 17 in its expansion.

If you ask me, the Combine soldiers you see were human at some point. Then they were captured and assimilated. There was a picture of a dead civilian in a chair with a mangled face. While most others believed it to be a grenade victim, I don't think it is. If that were the case, the rest of his body would have undoubtedly recieved more damage. Isntead, all damage is localized around the head area. Therefore, I believe what the pic showed was the beginning of some kind of surgery in order to turn the man into one of the Combine.

What would they turn him into? Well, let's run with the theme of the biomechanical. The striders themselves seem to be very organic, yet have mounted guns and mechanical attributes to them. The flying ship in the first coastline video, while sporting a machine gun and an engine, still manages to maintain a very fluid and organic quality. If you ask me, these seem like they were, at one time, actual creatures. But then the Combine invaded and assimilated them, attaching machinery to them, improving them, and giving them a more combat-oriented purpose. They're dead, but they are kept functional by the Combine technology, and now they have only the purpose to serve and expand their forces.

Think of the Zerg from StarCraft. Their method of expansion was also to find new races, infect them, and have them become a part of the Swarm.

A similar process goes on with the humans as well. They're captured/killed, altered/enhanced, and then pitted against their former allies. Think of a man that has been shelled out and stuffed with Combine technology. A corpse that is kept functioning through the means of machinery and is driven by a purpose.
I like your theory Absinthe.

Let me add this...

I can see it now, you get half way through the game and you finally get to see the face of a combine.. but guess what... there is no face!!!

And that's what they were doing to that dude in the chair.

I think once Gordon gets into that chair he is freed or escapes somehow i dont know. OR, maybe Gordon is turned into a Combine soldier but he just doesnt know it and that's what the text in the psyche vid was about. No no no, that's nonsense. or is it....

Also, reply to skull24...
The combine soldiers also have alien writing on their uniforms in some of the concept art. Though, i admit, it could just be a strange form of English ( Soldier.gif).
The entire alien race (as far as we know, the advisors are the head honchos of) have taken over many places like Earth and now they want Earth as well (hence the 7 hour war). The most plausible explination for the combine's appearances are this: On a planet like earth, the human (physical) form is probalby the most effiecient for doing what it does, but say on the advisors home planet/system, the environment in which they live could be much harsher which could explain THEIR appearance (big balloon with schycic powers) If they want to control earth, their going to have to use a fighting force with similar attributes to humans. They probably took some human DNA when they first got a glance at earth, went back to their place and manufactured an army of aliens with a human form (plus all the perks of machines and their huge swarm of alien larvae that turn into fighter ships). So, combine may APPEAR human and haveing human like cababilities while remaining 100% alien.

As for the vortigaunts, in hl1, they were the enemy, but i don't think it's possibl that they could be as wise and as knowledgable as they are without haveing a pretty damn good reason for killing humans on a dime. think, if a portal was ripped open to another planet (earth) and poeple started poking around (us), i'd get pretty defesive. plus, their leader (which gordon killed) could have had an "evil" effect on their mental status (could explain why they have so much respect for the "Freeman"?) which would have been lifted after gordon killed it. In hl2, i dont think humans have as much control over them as we think they do, but if gordan tells them to jump, they say "how high, Mr Freeman?" which makes me think that they are greatful for him killing the xen boss. They seem to me to be a kind of wise and neatralizing force among galaxies. in hl2, they seem to hate the combine as much as we do, so i think they see themselves as only trying to right the wrong, the wrong that the combine/advisors feel is their right to have control over every possible planet that is life-sustainable. Advisors/combine are trying to get control of the enitre universe, and have gotten pretty far already, so when they saw how plentiful earth's resources were, who the hell wouldn't want to take it over if they could?

in reply to Absinthe, the striders and airships are fully a creature, the grow and then they are fitted with the necessary technology to fight with. In the citadel in hl2, you see them growing, and in ep2, there are more mentions about how they "grow" and become the weapons of the combine. They appear to be of the same makeup of the advisors, skin colour/texture/body appearance

as for headcrabs, who the hell knows? probably just some DNA from xen mixed with the invading aliens who have mutated to need a living/semi living host (see ravenholm for more details -----> aka headcrab zombies) I like what you said about "Their method of expansion was also to find new races, infect them, and have them become a part of the Swarm". Infecting; yes, but i think the manufacturing of the combine soldier/metrocop race happens earlier than just going to earth and injecting a human with a combine virus. as for that dude in the chair, when i saw it, i just thought that a headcrab has sucked hum dry of sustance, and wasn't there another living headcrab-zombie right behind him? i thought the headcrab had just moved on and was working on his seccond helping.

thats my two cents.
Breens speech in Nova Prospekt explains them pretty well, he refers to them as the Trans-human arm of the overwatch, and that they are still a tentative experiment to prove humanities worth to the combine as a species rather than simply a source of some technology and knowledge.

They mention a few times that the combine dont really have a grasp of localized small scale teleportation, hence they still use choppers and dropships to transport troops, the fact humanity has created such tech explains their initial interest in the planet, Breen seems to use the Combine soldiers to try and convince the combine that humans as creatures have a use also, pehaps to prevent them simply melting the planet once they get what they want, in that way you can argue that breens intentions are based in good, though to extremist for the general population.
Four bloody years.

That's some necroing alright.
Shit, he must be a necro from the seventh layer of hell or something.
Oh my god, I'm really surprised!!!

People why do you start 4 years old thread?!?!