The Completely Unofficial (But Danimal & Ennui Endorsed) NIN Thread

NiN will play songs from the next album on this tour.

You guys get to hear this album without having to wait for a leak :O

actually, the Hotline updated with a Portugese article of tonight's show and as promised, none of the new songs were played.
now that doesn't mean Trent won't play them at some point (he is known to change his mind on stuff) but as of right now, he is sticking to his words of not playing the new songs on this tour.

cool setlist for the show btw :)
The tour has started, and he played the song Last for the first time!
I am so going to see NiN this June. Get this: They're being backed up by Bauhaus (Lol goth) and TV on the Radio.
afaik june tour dates haven't even been announced yet and Bauhaus/TVOTR was last year's support. Is this a weird joke or something? Anyway, that show last summer was the first time I ever saw TV on the Radio, and they've been my favorite band ever since. They're coming hereabouts in April. Bauhaus was actually far better than I thought, the lead singer's voice is really something awesome. They didn't play Bela Lugosi's Dead, but that's the only studio-recorded song of theirs I care for.

I'm so psyched for the new NIN album and Beside You In Time... plus probably summer/fall US tour dates... = happy Ennui
They played "Last" for the first time ever live last night.
I'm an idiot for not knowing the difference between 2006 and 2007.

Regardless, he'll almost certainly come through Atlanta sooner or later.
Apparently, they played We're in This Together and Ruiner in tonight's show.

/explode in delight
Apparently, they played We're in This Together and Ruiner in tonight's show.

/explode in delight

I would have orgasmed right there.

Actually, I did at the last concert.
The actual song names are laughable.

Greater Good/Destroyer looks like an epic Frail/Wretched combo.
Since when arent they laughable? Kinda I Want To? Mr Self Destruct? All The Love In The World? Piggy? No, You Dont? etc lol

However I expect a quality album from Trent.

Oh yeah, if you guys want to hear a small clip of Last live, check this out

The 4 minutes you ahve to wait for it are totally worth it

So awesome live!
Holy shit. The Year Zero hype has started.

On the back of a new NIN tour shirt, some letters are highlighted. These highlighted letters all come together to form the clause "I AM TRYING TO BELIEVE." This directly leads to other things, as is an actual site. This website and many others popping up with the same theme depict a very tortured, dystopic world.
And suddenly the track titles for Year Zero becomes much less ridiculous.

Really good summary here, including transcripts, read this first, then the ETS thread

Has a brief clip of We're In This Together!


Phone call reveals a 30 second clip of Survivalism!
Read it here:
Download here:


A suspicious "leak" of My Violent Heart is out!
Read here:
Download here:

All I can say is INCREDIBLE


A fella over at ETS ran the last two noise sections through a spectrograph, and got this!****ingshitea8.png (replace the **** with the f word :p)

For anyone who doesn't understand the significance of this...

This is the greatest concept ever!
The Presence looks very ****ing cool.

The songs... not entirely what I was expecting, I'll acclimatize soon though.
The teaser for Survivalism was good, downloading Violent Heart now.
This is the coolest damn viral marketing thing ever. I'm so psyched about all this, so many cool things.


(I sound like a zealot, but maybe I am)

I can't wait for this damn album.

downloading violent heart atm
Violent Heart.

Yes. Yes. YES. ****ING YES.

This album will be so epic.
this song is good. it reminds me a lot more of older nin... a lot more industrial.
Violent Heart is great, but has anyone heard the phone message preview of "Survivalism" yet?
Is there a better version of that phone leak floating around or something? The one I heard was completely incomprehensible.
Damn it!

Violent Heart has been taken down from the link posted earlier!

i'll upload it and PM you the link, but don't give it out
My Violent Heart

You and I, we may look the same
But we are very far apart
There's bullet holes where my compassion used to be
And there is violence in my heart

Into fire you can send us
From the fire we'll return
You can label us a consequence
Of how much you have to learn

You can try but you'll never understand
This is something you will never understand
Can you hear it now?
Hear it coming now?
Can you hear it now?

On hands and knees, we crawl
You cannot stop us all
Our bones, our skin
We will not let you win

You have set something in motion
Much greater than you've ever known
Standing there, in all your grand naivet?
About to reap what you have sown

Time will feed upon your weaknesses
And soon you'll lose the will to care
When you return to the place that you call home
We will be there, we will be there

On hands and knees, we crawl
You cannot stop us all
Our blood will stay
We will not go away

On hands and knees, we crawl
You cannot stop us all
Our blood, our brains
Will never leave this place
The only line I'm not absolutely sure of is the third line in the last chorus, but otherwise it should be perfect.

[edited twice for typos D: ]