The Crowbar.

Reginald said:
It wouldn't be a Half Life game without it. Here's looking at you Op4. :angry:
Impulse 101 always gave ME a crowbar :cheese:

And that guy..who was talking about barney... I think Barney was just saying it to be saying it. Like the beer comment.
SHIPPI said:
How do we know the G-Man didn't give Barney/Kliener/Vance his crowbar? I mean, they got his HEV suit somehow. Barney wouldn't know that Gordon used a crowbar if he wasn't told
Note the 2 lines
"Gordon please, Lamarr is very wary of your crowbar" Stay in Dr. Kleiners lab for a while in Anti-Citizen 1
"It's Dr. Freeman, watch out for his crowbar!" Sometimes said by Overwatch soldiers.
A True Canadian said:
That's true. There could very well be two crowbars from Black Mesa that Gordon used during the first game. In fact this is the only way things make sense, unless the other characters know the G-Man. Let's run with the two crowbar theory...

First Seen in HL: lying next to a door in one of the corridors to the Test Chamber.
Last Seen in HL: in Gordon's arsenal just before he is apprehended in a storage room. It is then taken by a squad of Marines.

First Seen in HL: lying on a outcropping of wall, just above the trash compactor.
Last Seen in HL: in Gordon's arsenal just before he is teleported from Nihilanth's chamber. It is then taken by the G-Man.

After the teleporter incident in Half-Life 2, Barney joins Gordon outside and gives him a crowbar. He remarks: "I think you dropped this back in Black Mesa", which suggests that Crowbar 2 is still within the G-Man's possesion. However, Barney doesn't sound too sure whether Gordon did or didn't drop it in Black Mesa, or whether it really is Gordon's crowbar.

In Blueshift, Barney does witness Gordon being hauled off to the trash compactor, but immediatly afterwards, he is teleported out of the facility. It's possible that Barney saw that Gordon didn't have any of his weapons on him, however their only interaction prior to that is during the tram ride. There's no way that Barney even knows that Gordon picked up a crowbar in Black Mesa. Eli only sees Gordon at the start of the game (before Gordon even picks up a crowbar), so Eli wouldn't have known that Gordon had lost it. We don't even know of Kleiner's where-a-bouts, so he's out too. The only way the Half-Life 2 gang could have found out about Crowbar 1 is through a random scientist/security guard.

Now is it possible that there is in fact a third crowbar? Yes. :LOL:

The belief now is that a random BM personel found a crowbar and then gave it to Kleiner/Eli/Barney/Whoever. But is it in fact the one that was confiscated by the marine squad? Considering the size of the facility, and the number of marines, and the number of surviving allies, the chances of them finding the exact same crowbar that Gordon was robbed of when he was captured are very slim. Therefore we must increase our theory to three crowbars...

First Seen in HL: never.
Last Seen in HL: never.


CROWBAR 1: This is the true crowbar. The original. This could be the one that Barney gives Gordon in Half-Life 2 if someone does indeed find it and give it to Barney. Otherwise it was destroyed in the nuke.

CROWBAR 2: This could be the one that Barney gives Gordon in Half-Life 2 if the G-Man manages to give it to Barney while Gordon is in stasis. Whether or not this is in fact Crowbar 1, depends on whether or not the marines dump it in the trash compactor along with Gordon.

CROWBAR 3: This could be the one that Barney gives Gordon in Half-Life 2 if (like Crowbar 1) someone finds it and gives it to Barney. Whether or not this is Crowbar 1 depends on if the person who finds it gets it from the same marines that captured Gordon.

In Half-Life 2, one of these crowbars is destroyed. Which one is up to interpretation.

Perhaps Barney gave the crowbar he used in BS to Gordon....
Barney Calhoun to Gordon: "I think you left this in Black Mesa".

That suggests he found it after Gordon had used it, and the crowbar in BS has no relation to Gordon
Barney_Calhoun said:
Barney Calhoun to Gordon: "I think you left this in Black Mesa".

That suggests he found it after Gordon had used it, and the crowbar in BS has no relation to Gordon

That does not mean it is that, it is merely a saying. He doesn't mean it literally, and if I am not mistaken I had my crowbar handy when I was in Xen.
can i just ask a simple question...

...why does it happen? Its a crowbar
The crowbar = The symbol for Half-Life :p

In Aftermath, you'll find another crowbar, or maybe the one the combine took away from you (don't think so anyway)

And of course you'll kill two guys and starting to use firearms instead, but i think it's impossible that the crowbar will be forgotten
shusshh shushhh, There will be your crowbar.

Remember how after the end of HL1 the g-man teleported you out of the nihilanth's chamber as it died? Taking u out of the explosion and saving your life, he also "relieved you of your weapons" , saying in addition that " most of them were government property, after all".

How did this crowbar come back to you? think about tit.

I bet this will be teh case again, after taking u out the citadel. That lucky crowbar back in your grasp in the beggining of HL3, i hope so anyway.
little.rebel said:
How did this crowbar come back to you? think about tit.
It didn't. There is more than one crowbar in the world. Barney was punning on the fact that you always had a crowbar in HL1 (which wasn't even the same Crowbar throughout the game). The idea that Barney found Gordon's Crowbar in Black Mesa and brought it with him all the way is pretty ridiculous.

Also, I'd prefer not to "think about tit" if at all possible. :p
I sense that all the good questions have already been asked and that's why we end up with topics like this...
Frank said:
I sense that all the good questions have already been asked and that's why we end up with topics like this...

I've said this billions of times.


*cough biter cough*
ive seen a couple of crowbars in the game, not including gordon's :) im sure of it
The G-man did after all, put your Hazard suit back in your possesion.

He also put a rocket launcher into your hands. So why not your original crowbar?

I know it was like a punn from Barney when he gave it to u, but this could be it, the actual one, for all we know. It would be cool wouldnt it.!!

Gordons lucky charm, his crowbar.
little.rebel said:
He also put a rocket launcher into your hands.

You think so do you? As it is, we don't have the faintest idea what Gman and Cubbage were talking about.

little.rebel said:
So why not your original crowbar?

Which original? The one he found shortly after the test chamber which he was later deprived of by the military? Or the found he found in the trash compactor?
I sense that all the good questions have already been asked and that's why we end up with topics like this...

Actually, we haven't yet worked out why you teleport all over the place at the beginning of the game. And no I don't think Lamarr was to blame. You clearly hear Kleiner talking about something 'pulling you away'. I thinks it is deliberate.

Actually, we haven't yet worked out why you teleport all over the place at the beginning of the game.
She same reason he did in HL1
He was trapped in a "Infinite Harmonic Reflux"
Go Dr. Rosenburg!
List of crowbars:
1) Crowbar from Anomalous materials lab (Unforeseen consequences)
2) Crowbar from trash in Apprehension - mayby same like Crowbar 1
3) Crowbar of Barney Calhoun from Blue Shift
4) Crowbar in HL2 provided by Barney (mayby same like Crowbar 1,2 or its joke)
5) Crowbar of sciencist Walter at the end of Blue Shift
6) Crowbar of Colette Green (Decay)
7) Crowbar of Gina Cross (Decay)

Remember, my child: Without intellect the crowbar is only iron,
time is only an illusion & Gordon Freeman no one but a name...

Gordon has a crowbar, not the crowbar (whatever the hell that is). The idea of anybody, let alone the G-Man, carrying one specific crowbar with them because "IT IS TEH FREEMAN'S WEAPON OF RIGHTEOUSNESS" sounds ridiculous. It's more likely that Barney tossed him a crowbar because, y'know, that's Freeman's thang.

It's not like one crowbar in particular is going to have any advantage over the rest.
Absinthe said:
The idea of anybody, let alone the G-Man, carrying one specific crowbar with them because "IT IS TEH FREEMAN'S WEAPON OF RIGHTEOUSNESS" sounds ridiculous.

Gordon has a crowbar, not the crowbar (whatever the hell that is). The idea of anybody, let alone the G-Man, carrying one specific crowbar with them because "IT IS TEH FREEMAN'S WEAPON OF RIGHTEOUSNESS" sounds ridiculous. It's more likely that Barney tossed him a crowbar because, y'know, that's Freeman's thang.

It's not like one crowbar in particular is going to have any advantage over the rest.

Well, the way I always thought it happened was this...

Gordon got the crowbar in unforseen consequences, lost when it aprehended, Gord had it tightly in his hand or on his hev suit, and the soldiers, being soldiers, just kinda threw him into the trash compactor where it fell out nearby.

If they were to see it, they would just walk away from it. It's a crowbar, in a giant facility that's going to be nuked, why bother?

Freeman gets out, get's it just outside where ever, and it is later taken by the G-Man.

We've seen the G-man interacting with Cubbage talking to him, most likely telling Cubbage that someone we all know is going to show up in a bit, you know, wink wink... Well whatever, my point, is that when G-man talked to whomever (may it be kliener, eli, even breen, etc. etc.) he gave the crowbar and suit (if you remember the g-man said he could keep it but he was put in stasis or what have you so he could have easily just taken it) to them and barney got a hold of it somehow (just around).
This is nuts. Gordon had it held tightly in his hands? Don't you think that a couple of trained US soldiers would come up with the bright idea of removing it? I know that seems pretty dumb, but I wouldn't blame them if they wanted to avoid the possible situation of having our beloved Gordon regain consciousness and beat the ever-living shit out of them with a weapon that conveniently remained in his hand. And if the events of OpFor are to be taken into account, then the grunts were unaware of any nuke in Black Mesa.

The theory that G-Man held onto it for safekeeping is tenuous as well. It relies on too many assumptions. There's nothing indicating that the G-Man just walked into Eli's lab and said "Yo, give this to the Freemeister", so why do people insist on pursuing this?

But let's just ignore all that and get down to the crowbar itself. Exactly what significance does this weapon have? How is it any different from any other crowbar? It's a standard iron prying device and a relatively common tool. Surely Gordon didn't have the only crowbar in Black Mesa, and surely it's not the only one in the entire span of City 17. I could understand G-Man or any other character holding onto it if it was perhaps unique and imbued with special alien-killing powers.

But it isn't. So what's the point of retaining it when you can just as well get a replacement elsewhere.

(And here I am arguing over the history and nature of a melee weapon in a game. Somebody shoot me.)
true, however it brings up the issue of "why would kliener hold on to an hev suit?"

g-man coming in and saying "yo this be gordon's don't give it to anyone else for 15 years" doesn't seem likely, however masterminding the events so that it would happen to fall into kleiner's hands in a certain way seems more feasible.

it might be the same thing with the crowbar.
Except HEV suits are probably a rarity in City 17. You can't find one simply hanging about in any closet.

The HEV suit serves far more purpose than some dinky generic crowbar.
OK ok lol. maybe i was pulling your leg abit in that last post of mine. Reading it myself i knew i was just jokin wit ya!

But anyway , like a couple of others have said, it could be, and even crowbars are an endangered species in Breens prison style world. I am sure they would be confiscated, and although its just 'a' crowbar kliener had in his lab, it maybe that one, we will never know. Unless Gabe comes and tells us.

But also, I must say, in order to defend some of my conclusions, however ridiculous they may seem. The HEV suit is Gordons, I dont know specifically how they got it in klieners lab, wether the G-man stripped Gordy naked while he was in hyper sleep or whatever and dressed him in a c17 uniform, but it must be, because of the following:

Samon, Your earlier fact that; the G-man gave rocket to cubbage is correct and that is actually what i was saying in earlier post in a manner of speaking:), because after all he gives it to cubbage, to be given to u. The g-man I think is not just aquainting or visiting old friends, he Is Widely known by the resistance, and Kliener must know him too, (whoever the g-man is, personnally i think hes an alien from another universe sent by his race to help bring Down the Combine on Earth, using Gordon's skill's and as the saviour of humanity and witness to everything and knowlegable person to deal with it. And that he is like a Dr who figure, but anyway thats another issue, i will clear that another day :p).
Because wen we consider the facts, yes he gives rocket to Cubbage, that means he know cubbage and cubbage knows him, (because a g-man turning up in a suit out of the blue, and if they had never seen him before would be abit much) we see him on the pirate broadcasts on televisions to the resistance accross c17 as we journey throught the game and towards BME. Resistance must therefore know him as a figure somehow. This can be an explanation of how , precisely that, the HEV suit was given to kliener , or found its way there. And mybe the lucky crowbar with it!!.

Anyway also on your earlier point SKullDodds; that Gordons teleport from Kliener's lab was meeting interference and that it was due to something other than Lammar's intrusion, i think you have got it right. I think it was the g-man who intereupted this teleport, deliberately to make u take the long way to the resistance HQ, and these may be the reasons: because turning up straight away at HQ and not havce seen much of the world and the state it is in would make gordon like "What is going off then" and he really wouldnt have got a picture of the situation, to realise what has happend since black mesa. And so the g-man makes him travel the long way, allowing gordon to see who is the enemy and what has happened.:imu: :cheers: :farmer:
List of crowbars:
1) Crowbar from Anomalous materials lab (Unforeseen consequences)
2) Crowbar from trash in Apprehension - mayby same like Crowbar 1
3) Crowbar of Barney Calhoun from Blue Shift
4) Crowbar in HL2 provided by Barney (mayby same like Crowbar 1,2 or its joke)
5) Crowbar of sciencist Walter at the end of Blue Shift
6) Crowbar of Colette Green (Decay)
7) Crowbar of Gina Cross (Decay)

Everyone always, ALWAYS forgets the crowbar in Blast Pit. Look in the little room to the right at the start of the level. It's on a table with some grenades, IIRC.
Barney_Calhoun said:
Everyone always, ALWAYS forgets the crowbar in Blast Pit. Look in the little room to the right at the start of the level. It's on a table with some grenades, IIRC.
I thought crowbars of some characters...
Prbly already mentioned, but maybe the citadel device didn't disintegrate your weapons. Instead, they were "digitized" or stored somehow inside the citadel's computer systems.
1) Crowbar from Anomalous materials lab (Unforeseen consequences)
2) Crowbar from trash in Apprehension - mayby Crowbar 1
3) Crowbar of Barney Calhoun from Blue Shift
4) Crowbar in Blast Pit
5) Crowbar of sciencist Walter at the end of Blue Shift
6) Crowbar of Colette Green (Decay)
7) Crowbar of Gina Cross (Decay)

The HL2 crowbar cannot be crowbar 1 unless one and 2 are the same. It can't be 7 because we see Gina dead in OP4 so the others are probably also dead so that leaves out 6 aswell. And it's not 4.

Which means its either 2, 3 or 5 (asuming that 3 and 5 arn't the same one)

Edit: Or just a new one of course.
Don't know if this has been mentioned, frankly i can't be bother to read 5 pages discussing the finer points THE crowbar, but i reckon alyx'll kill a stalker and Gordon will steal one of their legs. Eh, Eh, no? ok.
They don't seem to be the same... Or is it just the angle?


Polaris said:
List of crowbars:
1) Crowbar from Anomalous materials lab (Unforeseen consequences)
2) Crowbar from trash in Apprehension - mayby same like Crowbar 1
3) Crowbar of Barney Calhoun from Blue Shift
4) Crowbar in HL2 provided by Barney (mayby same like Crowbar 1,2 or its joke)
5) Crowbar of sciencist Walter at the end of Blue Shift
6) Crowbar of Colette Green (Decay)
7) Crowbar of Gina Cross (Decay)

Remember, my child: Without intellect the crowbar is only iron,
time is only an illusion & Gordon Freeman no one but a name...

Sorry, I forgot crowbar in Hazard course. :(
Just wondering why no hazard course in hl2? Not everybody has played hl before playing hl2.
A Hazard Course wouldn't fit in with the setting of HL2. You're running away for pretty much the whole game. Anyway, it does explain the controls at the beginning. And everyone, EVERYONE should play HL1 >.<
Barney_Calhoun said:
A Hazard Course wouldn't fit in with the setting of HL2. You're running away for pretty much the whole game. Anyway, it does explain the controls at the beginning. And everyone, EVERYONE should play HL1 >.<

How does it explain the controls at the beginning? You mean after putting on the suit in kleiner's lab?

I'm just suggesting a short training course in hl2 for the benefit of those who havent played hl, like the functions of the hev suit esp the new zoom function, how to sprint, firing range exercises, grenade practice, etc. I would also love to see the long jump reappear in lost coast or aftermath. Should be great for jumping over bridges or enemies.
latterbuoy said:
How does it explain the controls at the beginning? You mean after putting on the suit in kleiner's lab?

I'm just suggesting a short training course in hl2 for the benefit of those who havent played hl, like the functions of the hev suit esp the new zoom function, how to sprint, firing range exercises, grenade practice, etc. I would also love to see the long jump reappear in lost coast or aftermath. Should be great for jumping over bridges or enemies.
Because HL is about story. A training room wouldn't make any sence story-wise. Plus it gives you the controls as you go.
Plus, the long jump module was designed for travel in Xen (IIRC) and I doubt any got out of Black Mesa before it was nuked.
Darkside55 said:
It's also possible that the crowbar Barney gives to Gordon in HL2 is the crowbar that Barney himself used in Blue Shift. After playing BS I thought that made the most sense; it's not Gordon's ACTUAL crowbar, but rather a nod to the fact that Gordon used a crowbar during Black Mesa, and Barney just happened to have one as well.

strong possibility, i agree.

ríomhaire said:
we see Gina dead in OP4.

we do? i remember something but where do we see her actually?

personally, i think the crowbar represents gordon's power in a symbolitic way, his power in smashin' up things... so it doesn't have to be the same crowbar, although it would be cool if it was, but really, who would keep a crowbar for like 10 years just to give it back to someone? the guy is either very sad or very romantic.