The Crowbar.

kupoartist said:
Would be cool if Kliener created you an upgraded uber crowbar, (like the DTS in Deus Ex - it has nano bots continually tuning it to make it ultra deadly) but I'm sure the plain old version will be there. The crowbar IS half-life.

yea, like a crowbar that shoots crowbar shooting crowbars!!! :bounce:
Like doh... I'm I the only one that notices this the crowbars from hl1 is different from hl2.

See, the olde one doesn't have the 'teeth'. I mean desn't have that litle triangle hole infront. And the shape is totally different.

And bt the way what's that 'blasted pit'?
Regressor said:
Like doh... I'm I the only one that notices this the crowbars from hl1 is different from hl2.

See, the olde one doesn't have the 'teeth'. I mean desn't have that litle triangle hole infront. And the shape is totally different.
The limitations of modeling in the 1990s
Regressor said:
And bt the way what's that 'blasted pit'?

that's "Blast Pit" Regressor, "Blast Pit".

Regressor said:
Am I the only one that notices this?, the crowbars from hl1 is different from hl2.

i've always liked to be a teacher...
Just a thought here, but maybe the crowbar has become a symbol of Freeman and the resistance like the lambda sign?

That and Barney thought it might come in handy.
With High definition pack it looks more similarly...
And btw Barney is old joker :)
The crowbar gets reconstructed by the combine weapons facility! So in effect, it never was destroyed...
jerkasaur said:
that's "Blast Pit" Regressor, "Blast Pit".

I intendedly wrote it that way. So what was that. Is it by chance where you fight the tentacle? And where do you find a crowbar there? And why would you take that croebarif you already have one.

And btw the old crowbar's shape is toatally different than that in HL2. It's not just the graphics. The old is 'L' shaped whilst the new has a 'U' curve.

By the time of HL2 the same crowbar would be old and rusty, while the one we see is all shiny.
In addition, anything you could do with the crowbar you could do with any other weapon: smashing ventilation grates breaking stuff could all be done with other weapons. Even gibbing bodies could be done with explosives.
IAmAI said:
In addition, anything you could do with the crowbar you could do with any other weapon: smashing ventilation grates breaking stuff could all be done with other weapons. Even gibbing bodies could be done with explosives.
But with the crowbar you can get the satisfaction of bludgening people, zombies, and headcrabs to death. Will you not allow me that right?
IAmAI said:
In addition, anything you could do with the crowbar you could do with any other weapon: smashing ventilation grates breaking stuff could all be done with other weapons. Even gibbing bodies could be done with explosives.
Did you actualy waste ammo shooting crates and vents?
ríomhaire said:
It can't be 7 because we see Gina dead in OP4 so the others are probably also dead so that leaves out 6 aswell. And it's not 4.


I played op4 since it came out but i NEVER saw this!!!
Could you post a screenie or something?
Or a least, could ypu tell me where can i happen to see this?
chimpmunk said:

I played op4 since it came out but i NEVER saw this!!!
Could you post a screenie or something?
Or a least, could ypu tell me where can i happen to see this?
Probably different woman...
She have different hair, different suit and its not in Decay...
chimpmunk said:

I played op4 since it came out but i NEVER saw this!!!
Could you post a screenie or something?
Or a least, could ypu tell me where can i happen to see this?
She's in the bottom of a pool in Xen.
all this crowbar thing makes me feel we are getting a bit too adictive to half-life... maybe?
jerkasaur said:
all this crowbar thing makes me feel we are getting a bit too adictive to half-life... maybe?
Being on this forum makes me feel we are getting a bit too adicted to HL.
Being addicted to HL makes me feel addicted to HL...
Anyway, the crowbar, is just that: a crowbar. No significant meaning other than it's HL's signature weapon. And yes, Gordon has used several. And no, the one Barney gives him is not ANY of the ones he used in HL1, what he says is just his attempt at being clever. Like the beer reference. Alright?
parallels are cool

I don't think it really matters whether it's the EXACT SAME crowbar. The point is symbolism, which is the main theme of HL2 (or one of them, at least). For instance, Revolver Ocelot ALWAYS uses his Colt Single Action Army's. Now, we could ask whether the ones he uses in MGS2 are the same he uses in MGS1, or even MGS3, but that's a pretty pointless thing to debate about too.

What we should be debating is whether the crowbar in HL2 is merely Gordon's personal preference or pure symbolism. Namely, does Gordon carry the crowbar in HL2 because it's become a symbol, or because he actually likes crowbars? Symbolism could be argued here, because when you kill your first two Overwatch, he could easily grab the stun baton, which would probably make a more effective weapon. So which is it?
maybe a crowbar will be near a combine metro cop and gordon picks it up and beats the hell at of the combine
I'm guess you'll use something a bit more cooler than a crowbar in aftermath.

-Oh and btw Gordon doesn't use the same HEV suit.
Who says he will get his crowbar at the beginning of Aftermath?

He will most likely get it again on his adventure through Combine and City 17.
safetyswami said:
What could possibly be cooler than the crowbar?

A polar bear wearing shades in a fridge listening to Velvet Underground.
special-ed said:
I'm guess you'll use something a bit more cooler than a crowbar in aftermath.

-Oh and btw Gordon doesn't use the same HEV suit.
  • rolling pin
  • stalkers leg
  • 12 inch dilly (san andreos style)
  • budweiser

imo what would be cooler is a melee option for all wepons, like a quick attack pistol whip... but perhaps that would be moving to far from the feeling of hl.

also i wouldnt care if it wasnt the original crowbar, im not a sentimenal person i guess. i think its the fact that u can destroy swarms of manhacks, squadrons of marines/combines with just a crowbar (if your skilled enough) or just causing chaos and destruction etc. with just a crowbar if you wish, what makes this weapon seem like the next best thing since sliced bread. Perhaps Valve will make up some story to include this weapon in aftermath, or more likely, perhaps not, leaving us to debate on whether it was the original or not. just valve's way of keeping us on our toes, leaving some questions unanswered.
Barney_Calhoun said:
Will Gordon's crowbar be making a return in Aftermath? I can't see how Valve could implement this, seeing as it got destroyed in HL2, but it just wouldn't be HL without it :(

Hl2 isnt half-life anyway. so i would say it doesnt matter. anyways i want to be a combinesoldier and slaugher up vortiaunts.
yea maybe he picks up a modified combinecrowbar with dark energy that can shoot beams of cum :D
You are on your last warning Eber. You'll post sensibly, or you won't post at all.
wow you are a moderator now , bad times for me to come :cheese:
eber said:
wow you are a moderator now , bad times for me to come :cheese:

It won't be that bad. You'll just be perma banned to save trouble. Just post sensibly and productively and you won't be. Simple.
god i love samon,
anyway, about the topic,
It's part of the HL series though... and every game in the HL series (OP4, bah) has a crowbar in.
where do you get it actually?, i could only get it with impulse 101. ( and no i'm not a l33t, i finished op4 and then started to have some fun with the cheats )
inCo said:
  • rolling pin
  • stalkers leg
  • 12 inch dilly (san andreos style)
  • budweiser

imo what would be cooler is a melee option for all wepons, like a quick attack pistol whip... but perhaps that would be moving to far from the feeling of hl.

also i wouldnt care if it wasnt the original crowbar, im not a sentimenal person i guess. i think its the fact that u can destroy swarms of manhacks, squadrons of marines/combines with just a crowbar (if your skilled enough) or just causing chaos and destruction etc. with just a crowbar if you wish, what makes this weapon seem like the next best thing since sliced bread. Perhaps Valve will make up some story to include this weapon in aftermath, or more likely, perhaps not, leaving us to debate on whether it was the original or not. just valve's way of keeping us on our toes, leaving some questions unanswered.
Extending from your weapon list:

Ravenholm Spears


A Headcrab ( reminds me of "nunchucks" from Kung Pow!: Enter the fist!)

Actually VALVe should have one episode revolve around more interacting with the environment, and weaponizing objects, like in Condemned....... Ah *picks up Lamarr by arms and in nunchuck fashion swings it*.:cheers: