The "Do Not Laugh" Thread

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Emo country... that would be the worst genre of music ever :eek:
Ok I have not laughed. Now I will proceed to see this thread again and laugh my balls off.
Sorry for double posting but it would'nt let me edit. Anyways the girl is like, "My daddy needs to call tech support". The guy just comes up and goes NOOoooo!

Hahahaha I love this thread, this thread is gold. :P

Well anyways I have a question; Whats this "SWOOP WOOP" I've been seeing, with the large open mouth wierd eyes. I've been seeing that alot around; such as in PHW forums, Garry's mod forums, & here at forums.
It's a meme from 4chan. Somebody took a picture from DBZ, put that face on it, and added the caption "IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER!". They then redid the "habeeb it" comic with that face, and used the line "SHOOP DA WHOOP!" in it.

Btw, that 4chan City thing owns :D
How the **** do you pronounce "meme"?

Is it meem? Me-me? Maim?
Noes! I have been thwarted by some anti-hyperlinking wizardry. It was a photograph of an asian man about to put a very small and scared looking dog in his mouth.
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