the early birds got screwed

Bah, I stole a 9800XT 256mb a month ago. I'll do just fine.

Now I'm going to buy the X800XT for the other comp. At least at the end of the month... I've been saving up.
wbcninjaofmist said:
HI all! I know many of you viewing this post have built a pc to be able to play half life 2. The problem Im starting to notice is that the early birds who were quick to build their systems before the (original) release date over a year ago have systems that at the time were top of the line while at this present day arent very powerful. Im seeing athlon 2200 and p 2. gig processors and radeon 9700/ 96oo etc etc Catch my point? Now that the system requirements have changed some of these early bird half life 1 fans are pretty much getting shafted. thats my view of it. Personally im just happy I waited until recently to build my system. I figured the game would be pushed back but never in my wildest dreams could i imagine that it would take this long.

in August (04) I built a athlon xp 3200 1 gig ram ati radeon 9800 pro so hopefully my system wont be shabby when the game finally releases.

btw: 2 good games to get while waiting for hl2 in my opinion are farcry , and more importantly battlefield vietnam. Sims 2 is also releasing in a day ill probably pick that up. -peace :E
I bought a similar system to yours, an XP2800+, 512Mb RAM and a Radeon 9800 Pro. A year ago.

So what your are saying is that you've bought the top of the line system from a year ago, this year. Not a very smart move IMO.
Yellonet said:
I bought a similar system to yours, an XP2800+, 512Mb RAM and a Radeon 9800 Pro. A year ago.

So what your are saying is that you've bought the top of the line system from a year ago, this year. Not a very smart move IMO.

Depends on how much cash you got. His system can run any game to date just fine.
Chris_D said:
The thing is, you have to think back about 6 years. Those top of the range OpenGL cards that were around back during the release of Half-Life. Do you reckon they had an fps of a constant 60 in OpenGL mode at 1024x768?

I very much doubt it, and I very much doubt that an x800 maxed out with give you a constant 60fps throughout Half-Life 2. But then there'll be x900s or DX10 cards that will and then some.

That is exactly correct. Although i suspect you may be wrong about the max settings thing with the x800/gf6 series cards. Or at least compared to what max settings was then and is now. When hl first hit 8x6 was common, now its 1024x768. 1280x1024 was the max for the common monitor sizes of the era, and now 1600x1200 are the common max settings. Noone ever ran games with AA/AF maxxed. As they were completly unplayable. Even slight AA/AF could make a game very unplayable even on a maxed top end system.

Now a days this is quite different a top end system can run almost every game well above 60 frames, with all the candy turned on(Including doom 3 cs:S and the VST). Also considering the times of DX being to bloated to run anything above the 60 frame mark are well over. As the games engines become more optimized and fined tuned and drivers tweaked i suspect we will see some nice improvements in HL2 perf, at least the recent patch made the VST run waaay smoother. I personally break 100 now at max details at 1280x1024 with aa/af set to the max default of the vst. On a 2800xp+ barton nforce 2 6800gt 512 megs dual ddr kingston ram.(with my drivers set to high quality no opts on)
Chris_D said:
poseyjmac, you're forever turning into a troll, pack it in please.
Well, in fairness it's a particularly rude post to start with: "I've got a better PC than you! Waaaa!"
Besides, this'll just degenerate, like all the threads similar to this invariably do, into "OMG!!1 vlave lied 2 us!!1 my pc is only a 3ghz and radeon 9800 it wont be able to play half life2! oh noes. i hate valve" etc. etc.
I hope within 1 month ( im still saving more money for it ) i will have my new system:

AMD Athlon64 3200+
1024 mb ram
Ati Radeon 9800 pro
160 GB HDD
19 inch monitor

All this for a reasonable price. But still, i need to work, work, work for this computer. But its really worth all that working. Because im upgrading from a AMD Athlon (Thunderbird) 900 mghz , 384 mb ram, geforce 4 mx440. And i cant even get close to low detail when i want to play new games. Now i even cant play new games, it refuses to run on this 5 year old pc o_O So like i said, well spend money ;)
NeLi said:
Depends on how much cash you got. His system can run any game to date just fine.
That depends on what you mean by "fine". There are some really demanding games out there. Besides, you shouldn't buy a computer just to play the games of today... Anyhow, his system should at least have been pretty easy on the wallet :)
On the contrary, I think playing the games of today is the best reason to buy a new computer. Games have been the #1 factor for hardware to advance so quickly basically since the dawn of computing. For the average person who surfs the web, uses ms word, chats on aim, etc., something like a pentium 2 works just fine.
What I meant with "you shouldn't buy a computer just to play the games of today..." was that you should buy a computer that can also handle the games of tomorrow.
el Chi said:
Well, in fairness it's a particularly rude post to start with: "I've got a better PC than you! Waaaa!"
Besides, this'll just degenerate, like all the threads similar to this invariably do, into "OMG!!1 vlave lied 2 us!!1 my pc is only a 3ghz and radeon 9800 it wont be able to play half life2! oh noes. i hate valve" etc. etc.

The original post was hardly rude, and certainly not an excuse to troll. He was making an observation.

And using the excuse that "this thread will just degenerate anyway" is exactly the sort of mentality that people need to shed around here, so perhaps this place might prove to be a bit more enjoyable for the rest of us.
KagePrototype said:
The original post was hardly rude, and certainly not an excuse to troll. He was making an observation.

And using the excuse that "this thread will just degenerate anyway" is exactly the sort of mentality that people need to shed around here, so perhaps this place might prove to be a bit more enjoyable for the rest of us.
Okay, I'll admit that "rude" was a bad choice of words - what I meant was that his entire post (and subsequently, new thread) was based on "I have a new computer that's better than yours because you got yours too quickly." It just seems like such a smug and pointless thing to say. On the other hand, you're right it wasn't a reason to troll.

Sorry if that mentality seems negative, but I'm just pointing out that there have been lots of similar threads and they do usually fall into that rut. I'm not a negative person, honest - I'm just making an observation that happens to be a sad one.
I probably shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least, sadly.

As an aside: What happened to your old blue avatar? I liked that one better ;(
el Chi said:
As an aside: What happened to your old blue avatar? I liked that one better ;(

I had to put it down, it was biting the neighbours. :p I just got bored of it after over a year of use, and I thought zombie-blues man looked cooler. He also goes hand in hand with my new sig, which is a lyric from the band this guy is from.
if oyur stupid enought to upgrade when you dont even know when the game is coming out then you deserve to 'lose your money'. although that said, i imagine a lot of people would have upgraded last time for the september 30th 2003 release only to be disapointed, basically thats just tough luck, there was plenty or speculation that they werent gona get it out on itme. when there that much speculation, you have to question the information you have about what was supposedly a definate release date
KagePrototype said:
I had to put it down, it was biting the neighbours. :p I just got bored of it after over a year of use, and I thought zombie-blues man looked cooler. He also goes hand in hand with my new sig, which is a lyric from the band this guy is from.
Aaawww, bless. Well, I shall light a candle and hold a vigil for the poor dear.

Well obviously I won't, but you get the idea.
You say 'potato', I say 'tomato'. You say 'early birds ' I say 'impatient fools.'
KagePrototype said:
The original post was hardly rude, and certainly not an excuse to troll. He was making an observation.

And using the excuse that "this thread will just degenerate anyway" is exactly the sort of mentality that people need to shed around here, so perhaps this place might prove to be a bit more enjoyable for the rest of us.

actually it was rude, + my post wasn't a trolling post. i just thanked him for his wonderful post.

"hello i noticed many of you upgraded your computers for halflife2, and now they suck. well i just wanted to let you know that i didn't and my computer will be great for hl2, so i rule and you suck."

i mean for christs sake, he put a 'cool smiley' in the topic saying 'the early birds got screwed' as if he enjoyed it.

anyway, im sure some people were offended. im waiting till the game goes gold before i buy a 6800gt. just thought id say that before some genius said i said all this because i felt bad.
poseyjmac said:
actually it was rude, + my post wasn't a trolling post. i just thanked him for his wonderful post.

That right there makes no sense. You say it was rude, and then you say you thanked him for "his wonderful post"? That looks you were using needless sarcasm, which is trolling (unless you were joking, in which case you should use smilies so we can avoid this sort of misunderstanding in the future). If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.
KagePrototype said:
That right there makes no sense. You say it was rude, and then you say you thanked him for "his wonderful post"? That looks you were using needless sarcasm, which is trolling (unless you were joking, in which case you should use smilies so we can avoid this sort of misunderstanding in the future). If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.

it was wonderful and rude. and in the future, if you can't rub your nipples properly, don't rub them at all.
poseyjmac said:
are you related to iamaelephant?

Why are you dancing around this? Can you just explain please? How can a post that you just ripped into a couple of posts before, also be "extremely good" (wonderful)?

And why must you drag iamanelephant into this? He has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
KagePrototype said:
Why are you dancing around this? Can you just explain please? How can a post that you just ripped into a couple of posts before, also be "extremely good" (wonderful)?

And why must you drag iamanelephant into this? He has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.

fine, if you want to be demolished by definition, here we go, smart guy:

One entry found for wonderful.

Main Entry: won·der·ful
Pronunciation: 'w&n-d&r-f&l
Function: adjective
1 : exciting wonder : MARVELOUS, ASTONISHING <a sight wonderful to behold>
2 : unusually good : ADMIRABLE
- won·der·ful·ly /-f(&-)lE/ adverb
- won·der·ful·ness /-f&l-n&s/ noun

hmm lets see, wonderful can also mean astonishing. his post was astonishing and rude. dont try and trap me buddy, you will fail, as you just did now.

i asked why you were related to iamaelephant, because you and him share the same robotic tendencies.
poseyjmac said:
fine, if you want to be demolished by definition, here we go, smart guy:

One entry found for wonderful.

Main Entry: won·der·ful
Pronunciation: 'w&n-d&r-f&l
Function: adjective
1 : exciting wonder : MARVELOUS, ASTONISHING <a sight wonderful to behold>
2 : unusually good : ADMIRABLE
- won·der·ful·ly /-f(&-)lE/ adverb
- won·der·ful·ness /-f&l-n&s/ noun

hmm lets see, wonderful can also mean astonishing. his post was astonishing and rude. dont try and trap me buddy, you will fail, as you just did now.

Well, excuse me for wanting clarification on something that confused me. I'm not trying to "trap" you or anything, or win an argument and beat you or something, I just wanted to be clear on things. I always assumed "wonderful" meant "extremely good", and if you just told me there was another meaning you asociate the word with before, that would have been fine. You didn't need to be sarcastic about it at all.

i asked why you were related to iamaelephant, because you and him share the same robotic tendencies.

What robotic tendencies?
poseyjmac said:
1 : exciting wonder : MARVELOUS, ASTONISHING <a sight wonderful to behold>

wonderful can also mean astonishing. his post was astonishing and rude.

what exact aspect of his post was so astonishing? the fact that hes building a new pc? the fact that people upgraded to soon? if these things to you, are 'exciting wonders' then you need a hobby
PS2 mouse
15' monitor
2Gig HardDrive.
pfft. you didn't want clarification, you wanted me to go, 'uhhh i dont know kage, you're right and im wrong! i screwed up!'

look up some of iamaelephants posts, i just find you two very similiar.
poseyjmac said:
pfft. you didn't want clarification, you wanted me to go, 'uhhh i dont know kage, you're right and im wrong! i screwed up!'

Why must you be so bitter about this? So because I'm challenging your views on the situation, you assume I'm trying to win an argument and feel produ bvecause of it? I don't derive self-esteem from getting the last laugh in a discussion with a total stranger. How did you come to this conclusion?

look up some of iamaelephants posts, i just find you two very similiar.

Can't you explain it? I don't see the similarities personally.
bodhi, your post has no body, im sure you're trying to contribute something useful, but i put you on ignore a long time ago because of your ignorance, and i don't intend to get you off of it. sorry!
KagePrototype said:
Why must you be so bitter about this? So because I'm challenging your views on the situation, you assume I'm trying to win something? How did you come to this conclusion?

Can't you explain it? I don't see the similarities personally.

lol, im not bitter at all! im doing all this with a smile on my face and eating shredded wheat. if you knew the definition of the word, you wouldn't have to challenge my views.

when someone starts putting words in my mouth, thats when i view it as a non-friendly trap, not a quest for knowledge. you said that i said his post was 'extremely good' (wonderful). this was false. i didn't say that. words in my mouth = not good.
it really is kind of silly to upgrade your system just for the release of one game. i usually just upgrade every 2-2.5 years, if the need arises. when HL2 was scheduled for last year, i bought a new gfx card, the radeon 9800 pro AIW because my last card, the geforce 4 ti 4200 was getting a little outdated, and i needed to run many newer games, as well as be able to upload info from my video camera. i didnt get it simply because HL2 was supposed to come out. if you wanted to do that, you would buy a system once you had the game in your hands, or when it offically goes gold at the very least. im going into game developement now and im going to need a better compter to run 3d programs. instead of upgrading now to play hl2 at the best qual, im waiting until athlon 64s are at a reasonable price and more in the market.
poseyjmac said:
bodhi, your post has no body, im sure you're trying to contribute something useful, but i put you on ignore a long time ago because of your ignorance, and i don't intend to get you off of it. sorry!

its not supposed to have body. it was a simple question, im not writing a novel, its just a simple question. one that you still havn't answered. you put my on ignore because you didnt want to finish our discussion. perhaps you were distracted by all those flashing lights outside, because, after all, they are indeed... 'exciting wonders'
poseyjmac said:
words in my mouth = not good.

if not words, then what exactly do you like other people to put in your mouth :angel: just playing with you. dry those tears babe :(
bodhi, im tempted to take you off ignore to read your posts, but ehh, ive never heard you say anything relevant, so it wouldn't do me much good
poseyjmac said:
bodhi, im tempted to take you off ignore to read your posts

still searching for a way to discreetly get me back into your life. you miss me dont you.

poseyjmac said:
ive never heard you say anything relevant, so it wouldn't do me much good

if you want something relevant...just look a few posts back mate. theres a question of mine you keep missing.
ComradeBadger said:
Cool off. The pair of you :)

like i said. im just playing. :E

btw posey, still waiting for that reply to my question. eagerly awaiting the 'exciting wonder' that is... your post

(edit: signing off with 'hugs and kisses' - comes across a little bit gay to those who dont get it...and gay is just not me, lol)
alright bodhi i took you off ignore for now. but im only reading things from this page onward.

now lets get back on topic. bodhi, do you plan on upgrading before hl2 hits shelves or do you think your system is sufficient.