the early birds got screwed

poseyjmac said:
alright bodhi i took you off ignore for now.
dude. i wasnt trying to get you to take me off ignore. it really makes no difference to me.

poseyjmac said:
but im only reading things from this page onward.
your just trying to sneak out of answering my question arent you. your a sly one. dodging those questions that you dont like. its an 'exciting wonder' that your not a politician, it really is...

poseyjmac said:
now lets get back on topic. bodhi, do you plan on upgrading before hl2 hits shelves or do you think your system is sufficient.

well im not even sure waht the topic was anymore, but answering that question takes me back awhile. to our last discussion about upgrading. my system is just sufficient to run doom3(640x480, no detail lol). but although i have the money to upgrade im just gona see how hl2 runs first. im really saving my money for a deposit on a flat/house, and if i dont need to upgrade, i wont. not into wasting my cash

im gona keep pressing for an answer. any reply to my earlier question?....on your 'exciting wonders', remember?
I brought a Radeon 9800, Athlon 2800 and a gig of ram. It's plenty to run hl2 and still runs sweet.
If longhorn was out it'll be a whole new story.
you are only wasting your cash if you think you are. ;)

i could have a nice car by now with all the money ive spent on upgrades, but to me that would be a waste ;)

edit: whats your question, i dont feel like going back a few pages to fish something out
poseyjmac said:
fine, if you want to be demolished by definition, here we go, smart guy:
1 : exciting wonder : MARVELOUS, ASTONISHING <a sight wonderful to behold>

wonderful can also mean astonishing. his post was astonishing and rude.

the only thing 'rude' there is you. although in your defense he was pushing you very hard for an answer!

bodhi said:
what exact aspect of his post was so astonishing? the fact that hes building a new pc? the fact that people upgraded to soon? if these things to you, are 'exciting wonders' then you need a hobby

since you wont go look for it theres what you wrote and my response to it (containing the question for you) :D
Luckily I have $1100 left after the upgrade(x800 xt pe) so I can afford next ATI card and P4 64 4.0 Ghz ;)
bodhi said:
since you wont go look for it theres what you wrote and my response to it (containing the question for you)

i found it astonishing that someone would make a topic that basically says: you guys are suckers for upgrading early and having crappy computers now, i on the otherhand am smart and didn't do that.

usually these kinds of topics are not as obviously arrogant. which is why i was instilled by wonder at this one.
wbcninjaofmist said:
HI all! I know many of you viewing this post have built a pc to be able to play half life 2. The problem Im starting to notice is that the early birds who were quick to build their systems before the (original) release date over a year ago have systems that at the time were top of the line while at this present day arent very powerful. Im seeing athlon 2200 and p 2. gig processors and radeon 9700/ 96oo etc etc Catch my point? Now that the system requirements have changed some of these early bird half life 1 fans are pretty much getting shafted. thats my view of it. Personally im just happy I waited until recently to build my system. I figured the game would be pushed back but never in my wildest dreams could i imagine that it would take this long.

in August (04) I built a athlon xp 3200 1 gig ram ati radeon 9800 pro so hopefully my system wont be shabby when the game finally releases.

btw: 2 good games to get while waiting for hl2 in my opinion are farcry , and more importantly battlefield vietnam. Sims 2 is also releasing in a day ill probably pick that up. -peace :E

welcome to the fourms.
poseyjmac said:
i found it astonishing that someone would make a topic that basically says: you guys are suckers for upgrading early and having crappy computers now, i on the otherhand am smart and didn't do that.

usually these kinds of topics are not as obviously arrogant. which is why i was instilled by wonder at this one.

right, ok. well i happen to agree with him that they are suckers for upgrading so early when it looked increasingly likely a delay was coming. but i dont agree with the way he has said it and tried to make them feel stupid, theres no need to rub it in. theyre bank balance is probably hurting enough without someone taking shots at them to hurt them emotionally. and all this just cos that little shits daddy bought him a new pc. makes you sick doesnt it. nice that thats all clear now.

right its been fun, but im going to get some sleep. night all
P4 2.8 GHz, ATI 9600XT overclocked, ASUS P4P800-e deluxe mother board. hope im able to run hl2!
DarkSonic said:
Well, you'll need some insane cooling. I don't have a thermal probe on my card, so I don't know how hot it is. All I know is that I don't get artifacting while playing Doom 3, or any of my games for that matter. The second I do see an artifact, I'm putting it back down to stock speeds...

You dont need insane cooling, i got a regular off the shelf HIS radeon 9800pro (the one with the arctic cooler) and i can run Doom3 @ 440/370 (core/mem) Most people that have problems with artifacts on D3 or whatever, can get rid of the problem with better case ventilation.
Nobody ever welcomed me to the forums....I've been here for....OK, only two months, but still.....Anyways, my computer will handle HL2, maybe not at 150% performance, but it'll look good and run good.

For the few people that took my first post in a bad way read it clearly. Im not being rude , im making an observation and stating my opinion "i think the early birds got shafted".like i said "hopefully my system wont be too shabby when the game finally releases". Ive noticed that now that ive built my system (xp 3200) there are much faster processors Especially 64 bit ones that are already beginning to leave my system in the dust so to speak. i guess all the valve / vivendi built up anger is gonna vent out somewere so no hard feelings.
thanks for the overclocking info
wbcninjaofmist said:
For the few people that took my first post in a bad way read it clearly. Im not being rude , im making an observation and stating my opinion "i think the early birds got shafted".like i said "hopefully my system wont be too shabby when the game finally releases". Ive noticed that now that ive built my system (xp 3200) there are much faster processors Especially 64 bit ones that are already beginning to leave my system in the dust so to speak. i guess all the valve / vivendi built up anger is gonna vent out somewere so no hard feelings.
thanks for the overclocking info

uhh, if you are referring to me, i wasn't angry at all. but when you put a smiley face with sunglasses next to 'the early birds got screwed', what do you think some people will think? why not a sad face? because you are happy that some people got shafted and that you didn't. thats all :thumbs:
I dont think anyone who has bought a system a year ago has anything to worry about anyway. The game is really not very taxing compared to other more advanced engines released recently, so it will run great on the cards it was originally marketed with, ie 9800Pro's etc...

If you have around a 9800pro (like me) then other engines will start to run like ass soon, but i dont think Source will be one of them.
poseyjmac said:
uhh, if you are referring to me, i wasn't angry at all. but when you put a smiley face with sunglasses next to 'the early birds got screwed', what do you think some people will think? why not a sad face? because you are happy that some people got shafted and that you didn't. thats all :thumbs:

you probably didnt notice that that is my first post on the forum (or any forum for that matter). I figured noone replys to these things unless theres a smiley or something to attract attention. You couldve just asked me what the smiley was about :thumbs:
NB. said:
I dont think anyone who has bought a system a year ago has anything to worry about anyway. The game is really not very taxing compared to other more advanced engines released recently, so it will run great on the cards it was originally marketed with, ie 9800Pro's etc...

early system builders would have to be more than a year ago. The offical release date is almost exactly a year away. I reffer to people who built a month to a year in advance of sept 03, not when hl2 was actually delayed in sept 03. maybe a year, year and half ,or 2 years ago. I do agree though about the game not being very taxing compared to other advanced engines. An example :Farcry in my opinion is one of those more advanced engines.
wbcninjaofmist said:
you probably didnt notice that that is my first post on the forum (or any forum for that matter). I figured noone replys to these things unless theres a smiley or something to attract attention. You couldve just asked me what the smiley was about :thumbs:

i noticed. but still you could have put a sad smiley