The Emotional Side of Playing Half-Life 2


Nov 15, 2009
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I know this has been touched on quite a few times (especially in the Ep2 sub-forum), but thought I'd kick-off a new thread on emotions that you can go through from 'playing a game'.

I see some people balking at others who say they have cried / nearly been bought to tears etc. by certain events in HL. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with this. Why is it any different to a film or book that makes you filled with joy, sadness or indeed, brings you to tears? If anything, a game like this is probably more likely to bring out someones' emotions - as you have a more direct link to the characters within the game world, than say a film.

Basically, anyone who has ever watched a film or read a book and been left pondering the end of it for days / weeks / longer after they've finished watching / reading it, will understand perfectly. ;)

Apart from the key story events, there are some other things that bring about 'interesting' feelings. For me - a lot of the sound effects add superbly to the atmosphere, some examples:

1. The hovering noise of a nearby gunship. I struggled greatly with these on my first playthrough and that distinctive noise used to always fill be with dread! I come to learn, of course, that there'd always be an endless supply of rockets somewhere nearby. ;) In all honesty, it's just a 'wooooosh' noise, but you know what it is the minute you hear it.

2. The sound of a dying Strider. Probably my favourite sound in the whole series - especially the 'bassy' end part, which sounds like a synthesiser being powered down. Excellent. It's also a bit of a sorrowful sound as you have that knowledge in the back of your head that you've just blasted something that 'once' might have just been minding it's own business somewhere before the Combine got their hands on it...

3. Some very minor sounds that you originally heard in HL1 - that funny acidy warble sound every now and then (that I first heard just after the RC in HL1). Nice to see little tie-backs to the first game, not only in characters / locations, but these momentary sound nuggets. Loads others too, but well, I'm rambling now... ;)

Just to sum up - I know the game is a good few years old now, but nothing before / since has matched it for it's amtmosphere and emotional 'effect'.
This may sound a bit stupid, but the setting of Eli's death could of brought me to tears, but I can't cry any more for some reason... anyway back to topic. The music-less setting and just the crying of Alyx for her dad to be released , then Eli with his calming tone knowing what's going to happen, just accepts it, and tells Alyx to "close your eyes, honey!" and "I love you, sweet heart" You can't see Gordon's face, but for the first time I was imagining what his facial expressions would be at this point. Then the moment comes, straight through the eye... then the release. We just see Alyx sob over her late father. With the sound effects, compiled with the music and setting, put together... It'a a heart-warming scene, that I'll remember always.
When i first played hl1, I was a 10 year old kid, so the whole thing was an emotional roller coaster. I remember being gripped with fear in unforseen consequences, because i couldnt muster up the courage to go around a corner, because i heard a few houndeyes.

So ya the half life games can definitely bring out emotions.
Yep - funny how it affects you differently depending on age. I'm a shade away from 30 now and have read literally hundreds of books over those years - I took to playing HL2 the same way that I'd take to starting a new novel - it certainly seems like I picked a good book with HL2...

...Just wish the last few chapters would be published... ;)
HL2 Isn't just the everyday "first person shooter" it actually deals with peoples emotions. After playing enough you really feel like you're in Gordons shoes, when Eli dies, you think about how Gordon would of felt, since you don't actually know how Gordon is looking, or feeling, or thinking, so I think we fill in gaps for Gordon, which can bring out fear, and emotions in most chapters.
I think one of the creepiest sounds in HL2 is the dying throes of poison zombies ... the way it sort of chuckles like that? I've always found the HL2 zombies to be extremely tragic, because you kind of get the impression that there might be a little bit of consciousness left in the host -- at least with ordinary zombies and poison zombies, I can't imagine there's much left in the fast zombie. They are just clearly miserable and in a world of pain.
I read a spoiler and ruined Eli's Death for myself. Dodging spoilers when EP3 comes out will be hell.

I used to be terrified of Antlions. I didn't complete HL2 for about 6 months after I got it because I was too terrified of Antlions to continue.
I read a spoiler and ruined Eli's Death for myself. Dodging spoilers when EP3 comes out will be hell.

I used to be terrified of Antlions. I didn't complete HL2 for about 6 months after I got it because I was too terrified of Antlions to continue.

I played it the second it came out so there were no spoilers! PACHOW!

I dunno about emotions in an FPS... sure fear and maybe one with a legitimate story like HL could make you sad with Eli's death, but I'm not constantly feeling things related to the game. Some sounds that ellicit a response though, the sound of a Strider's main cannon. That's a great sound. The effect is great too.
I'm going to have to try EXTREMELY hard to not see any spoilers when EP3 does finally come out - that is gonna be difficult!

Striders are my 'all-time' fave 'characters' in HL2 and when you hear that cannon charging, you know you're in trouble! Also the 'thwack-thwack-thwack-thwack' of their normal weapon is pretty original. :sniper:
I remember a long time ago when playing the first Half-Life and getting stuck in the water with the two ichthyosaurs. I was so terrified by those damn fish that I couldn't play that game for about two weeks, and when I did finally get back to it, I had to get my friend to get me past that part first. I'm so glad theres no ichthyosaurs in the HL2 series (except that one at the beginning of Half Life 2 but that doesn't count because you can't really do anything at that point.)

Also, in the Citadel in HL2 EP1 when you go in the elevator to slow the reactor and you're saying bye to Alyx. It's also cool that you can see her through the window when you're getting mobbed by manhacks.
Ya know, the concept of manhacks are kind of scary despite being only a minor annoyance in the game. Automated flying bladed helictopers that go for your face? That would suck.
Manhacks - although a minor annoyance are a very clever invention - and who's to say that they might not appear in real life in the future as some sort of defence mechanism for the police / army? Stranger things have happened! ;)
After you get the gravity gun, they become only an annoyance, but before that, they're pretty stressful! Remember the room with the water and the barrels in Route Kanal, when there's like six of them flying around? Ugh.

Also, I always feel bad for Manhack Matt, the NPC you're with the first time you see a Manhack. He has such funny dialogue ... but I read on Combine Overwiki that if you go back to his little sewer later in the game (with noclip I guess?) it turns out he got killed, probably by the hacks.

RIP Matt.
Hmm.. this thread sure is for me. Concerning Half-Life 1, I had such a great time. When I first ran the game, I was amazed in the opening chapter, I almost felt I was there, no kidding. From this game came my impression for missile silos and top-secret government facilities. I was so horified in the chapter Blast Pit - the groaning of the tentacles really put me on my toes and when I first tried to sneak past them I was so shaking and afraid, that I couldn't help it and ran to the ladder... therefore being killed. It took me a good series of tries to past the chapter, probably around 3 or 4.

There are numerous memories and impressions I'd like to share about Half-Life 2, but as we know, time is short so I'll cut it straight.
One of my most dreadful enemies were the Civil Protection. When I looked at their faces, I felt fear, unrest and... the need to obey and bow to them.
Another feiling I might share is from the chapter We Don't go to Ravenholm, which I might compare to Blast Pit from the first game.

So, answering to the question - yes, the Half-Life series can really trigger emotions in a pearson, as you compared it to a movie or a novel.
During Point Insertion, if you play with the stuff in the playground in the Apartment block, you can hear a flashback type sound in the background of children playing and having fun.

It really made me feel sad :(

After playing through 10+ times, I never find it boring. I don't know why, any other game of this type would be long dead to me by now. But not HL2.
When i first played hl1, I was a 10 year old kid, so the whole thing was an emotional roller coaster. I remember being gripped with fear in unforseen consequences, because i couldnt muster up the courage to go around a corner, because i heard a few houndeyes.

So ya the half life games can definitely bring out emotions.

I was six. I had trouble going on after the Resonance Cascade.

Episode Two instigated profound emotions that I had not experienced in a game before; perhaps, even, in any story - film, written or otherwise. By the time the credits rolled, I was absolutely exhausted emotionally.
Yes, the ambient sounds in the waterboat level scare me a bit.